Help with Windows Installation - Server and Serial Activation

  • Re: Help with Windows Installation
    I have read and reread the installation instructions and still cannot figure out how to get the Mycontroller server to activate and launch. I have unpacked Release 0.0.3 alpha 1 here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MyController.
    When I go to the MyController properties file there are no parameters for the serial connection.
    When I double click the "start" batch file, a terminal window opens for a split second, then closes.
    Any help with the set up would be very appreciated. Thank you

  • Plugin Developer

    @landpatterson Recently starts to support multiple gateways. Hence we removed gateway settings from, Which is currently available at in UI (Resources-->Gateways).
    In your system you should have java 1.8 or later version.

    To know your java version run on cmd line -> java -version, if you don't have version >1.8, download and install from here from downloads location is bit outdated. Currently I am working for 0.0.3.Alpha2 version, which is available here.

    You can check log files for errors(mycontroller/logs/). If you do not find any error there, run the command (mycontroller/bin.start.bat) on command line.

  • Thanks for the quick response!
    I have upgraded to Java 1.8. The command start.bat file ran and then left the terminal window open. I did not see any errors in the log file. It appears the server was running. But no web page launched. Do I need to select a file to launch the web page, or should it launch automatically?

    One other note is sometimes the temp file does not want to be created, the log file says "cannot create at this location". Where do you suggest creating the temp file? Is it OK to create it in the MySensor folder?

    I went ahead and downloaded and installed 0.0.3.Alpha2 as you suggested. It appears to be a step backwards as the terminal window does not open any more and the log file has stopped being created.

    Sorry for all the questions, I am quite new to this and trying to get up to speed as quickly as I can. I am running Win10 on this PC. Will that impact any of the operation?

    Thanks for your help! Les

  • Plugin Developer

    @landpatterson terminal window left open looks like started successfully. is a web application server. You have to launch it on browser. If you do not touch on default settings (mycontroller/conf/ url will be https://localhost:8443 and default username is admin and default password is admin. You have to add new gateway to control your MySensors.

    I didn't test the latest version on windows (I do not have windows machine ;)) Only one instance is allowed in a operating system. When you try latest version, STOP the old version of MyController. For temp file issue just leave it as is. I will check it in Windows machine. For now it will not disturb you.

    To know more about MyController click here-readme-file file(it is not fully completed, but have some information)

  • Thank you @jkandasa . I am now able to get the webserver running and access the web page.

    Can you provide some guidance on how to set up the serial gateway? I have checked the support document and it doesn't answer the following questions:
    How do I choose which one of the four drivers?
    What are the criteria around setting the port name? I know the USB device has set up as COM 5. I am not sure what the example "/dev/ttyUSB0" indicates.
    Baud rate and frequency should be OK at the suggested default values, I think


  • Plugin Developer

    @landpatterson Great! /dev/ttyUSBx is Linux machine id for serial port. In windows it would be like COMx. So you can enter as follows,


    Driver: For windows you can select either jssc or jSerialComm. I would recommend you to leave it as Auto. It will select best driver for your OS. We no need to specify a driver until there is a situation.

    I guess in windows port name should be without space COM5.

    Retry frequency: When there is a loss in serial port connection between MyController and your gateway, MyController will try to reconnect after this x seconds. here I have mentioned 120 seconds.

    After successful connection, you can see debug logs on Status >> Resources logs

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