requesting info from other node

  • Hi again. So many questions.

    I have build a node that transmit the status of my alarmsystem to my domoticz controller. Armed or disarmed.
    Is it possible for a different node to request the same info from the previous node? I would like to build a battery powered node that requests info from the first node once every minute, and then blink a led if the alarm is armed. These nodes would be placed at all exits from the house so I can see if the alarmsystem is armed. Kind of a warning that the doors are armed.

  • I guess you can use this sensor_api_20#requesting-data to do what you want

  • I understand that. But is it possible to request data from another random node without doing any programming in the node thats being requested? And is it enough to keep the requesting node awake just the time to get the response?

  • I understand that. But is it possible to request data from another random node without doing any programming in the node thats being requested?

    No, the node must have some code to catch incoming request and respond properly

    And is it enough to keep the requesting node awake just the time to get the response?

    Yes, it should be enough

  • I Think I got it working. Does a node need to have a presentation section even if it's not going to communicate with the gateway? These nodes I'm trying to build only needs info from other nodes.

  • @kk02067 it will work fine without presentation

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