Gateway stops working

  • i have a lot of mysensor nodes, a serial gateway on a raspberry and a FHEM controller. Everything works well.
    Now i introduced a new battery powered mysensor node to my system. No Problems at all, but after some time
    all my sensor nodes get stucked. I found out, it has something to do with the battery powered node. The battery
    went low after some time.
    I stopped the gateway and startet it again in in debug mode "/usr/local/bin/mysgw -d"

    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: Starting gateway...
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: Protocol version - 2.2.0-beta
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm CRON[1208]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discar                                                                                                                               ding output)
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: MCO:BGN:INIT GW,CP=RNNG---,VER=2.2.0-beta
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:LRT:OK
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSM:INIT
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:WUR:MS=0
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSM:INIT:TSP OK
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSM:INIT:GW MODE
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSM:READY:ID=0,PAR=0,DIS=0
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: Listening for connections on
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: MCO:BGN:STP
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: MCO:BGN:INIT OK,TSP=1
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:READ,56-56-255,s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=1,                                                                                                                               l=0,sg=0:0
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:BC
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:FPAR REQ,ID=56
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:CKU:OK,FCTRL
    Jul 27 09:03:01 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:GWL OK
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: !TSF:MSG:SEND,0-0-56-56,s=255,c=3,t=8,pt=1                                                                                                                               ,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=NACK:0
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:READ,56-56-255,s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=1,                                                                                                                               l=0,sg=0:0
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:BC
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:FPAR REQ,ID=56
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:CKU:OK,FCTRL
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:GWL OK
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: !TSF:MSG:SEND,0-0-56-56,s=255,c=3,t=8,pt=1                                                                                                                               ,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=NACK:0
    Jul 27 09:03:02 raspi151-alarm mysgw: TSF:MSG:READ,56-56-255,s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=1,             

    when i now remove the quite low battery of the new node then my whole system is running well again
    Any ideas why everything gets stucked if a battery node doesn't work correct?

  • Mod

    @mysensorfh welcome to the MySensors community. Interesting problem you've run into.

    What mcu is the node using? How low is the battery? What are the BOD settings of the mcu? If you're using a Pro Mini, does the pin 13 led glow/blink when the node is acting up? Which radio are you using?

    Can you activate debug and radio debug on the node and collect that while the node is acting up?

    A more complex, but probably very useful way to troubleshoot could be to build a sniffer (if you're using the nrf radio).

    My guess is that the radio node get stuck in transmit mode, drowning out all traffic.

  • thanks for the quick response.
    Here some quick answers:
    I'm using a 3.3V Pro mini with nRF24L01+
    The Pro mini has the bootloader MYSBootloader/MYSBL13pre_atmega328_8Mhz.hex
    I use OTA for all mysensor nodes
    The start voltage of the battery node is 3,8Volt and the node fails at 1,9Volt
    Pin 13 led is glowing while the node is working

  • Mod

    @mysensorfh then the explanation is simple, at least if you're not using a step-up booster. The nrf24l01+ only works down to 1.9V. Below that it's behavior is unspecified. In your case, unspecified seems to mean "stuck in transmit mode, drowning out everything else".

    It could also be the mcu. At 8MHz the lower voltage limit from the specification is about 2.4V so you are far below the specified limit.

  • for me it's ok that the battery node stops working if the voltage gets low. But i don't like that all my other nodes stop working.
    What can I do. Is there any parameter to set

    • on the battery node
    • on the gateway
    • or on my fix powered nodes
      to prevent from this global stuck

  • Mod

    @mysensorfh using the BOD settings on the battery node should take you a long way. You can also read the supply voltage in the node and shut it down if it approaches the limits.

    There is nothing simple you can do on the gateway or the fix-powered nodes.

  • the BOD setting were 1.8V . I have changed them to 2.7V. Now the battery node stops when the voltage is too low, but the GW keeps running. Thank you very much

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