RPi 3 with Domoticz and RF-link (RFXcom) 'TSP-fail'

  • After playing some time with sensors and Arduinos I read about MySensors I wanted to expand my home automation system with it.

    Raspberry pi 3 with Domoticz with RF antenna and Z-wave running for about 3 years.

    Connect sensors in the bee hives in my garden to a new topic in the MQTT database of Domoticz. I have a long range RFXcom antenna working on 433 mhz. MySensors is supported


    ./configure --my-gateway=mqtt --my-controller-ip-address= --my-mqtt-publish-topic-prefix=mysensors-out --my-mqtt-subscribe-topic-prefix=mysensors-in --my-mqtt-client-id=mygateway1 --my-port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --my-rfm69-frequency=433


    Dec 28 23:55:49 INFO  Starting gateway...
    Dec 28 23:55:49 INFO  Protocol version - 2.3.2
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG Serial port /dev/ttyUSB20 (115200 baud) creat
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG MCO:BGN:INIT GW,CP=RNNGL---,FQ=NA,REL=255,VER
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSF:LRT:OK
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSM:INIT
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSF:WUR:MS=0
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG !TSM:INIT:TSP FAIL
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSM:FAIL:CNT=1
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSM:FAIL:DIS
    Dec 28 23:55:50 DEBUG TSF:TDI:TSL
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG TSM:FAIL:RE-INIT
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG TSM:INIT
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG !TSM:INIT:TSP FAIL
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG TSM:FAIL:CNT=2
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG TSM:FAIL:DIS
    Dec 28 23:56:00 DEBUG TSF:TDI:TSL

    Who can help me here please?

  • Mod

    @esfnl mySensors support for rfxcom is unofficial and receive only, so I wouldn't try to use it to setup a MySensors network.

    The !TSM:INIT:TSP FAIL message indicates a communication error to the radio module. Triple check wiring and pin configuration.

  • Thank you for your suggestions.

    I don't have any wires nor pin connections as the RF-link is an USB module (RFXcom.

    I understand having a controller and gateway separately is recommended. But I'd like to use the long-range antenna currently operational. Am I correct I can configure the MySensors in the same frequency of 433 MHz?

    Could my error lie within the ./configure command?

  • Mod

    @esfnl I think you're mixing things up. Are you trying to use the RFXcom connected to a serial port as a mysensors gateway?

  • @yveaux Yes, actually that was the plan having Domoticz and MySensors integrated. But what is my beginner mistake?

    I have installed the Raspberry version of MySensors on the same Pi as Domoticz is running. In this Pi the RF-link antenna is plugged in the USB port, see this picture of my fuse box.

    Actually I'm not primary interested of controlling MySensors, my main goal is using Domoticz for collecting sensor data and sending messages. So just 'sniffing' the RF signals.

    Edit: RFlink

  • @esfnl
    You are completely wrong and mix different things together.
    Firstly - you wrote RFXcom (with long range antena ) and then mention link to RFLink.
    Both devices have got separete device in Domoticz:

    Secondly - RFLink and RFXCom are for intergration most commercial sensors and transducers to 433MHz.
    You do not need install MySensors gateway on RPI for use them.
    Simply connect them and select in Domoticz devices with appropriate interface.
    Then you will see all sensors in your surroundings.
    Mostly your neighbors meteostantions, heatpumps etc.
    Here is my RFLink sensors list after couple of hours - none from me, all neighbors.
    And I live on village ....
    No block of flats.
    ( It is twice as long as you see )

    I do not know RFXCom, but RFLink can receive data from MySensors nodes.
    According your link, I do not test it.
    ONLY receive - so no AUTO ID for nodes, no answer for presentation etc.
    If you want use MySensors, I suggest build separate USB gateway and connect it to Domoticz and select
    "MySensors Gateway USB" in device list.
    That all.
    No "./configure" and all this.

  • Thank you all for your advice.

    Sorry for mixing up RF terms. On my hardware and in Domoticz it is called RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver.

    For me as a beginner it's hard to understand you recommend an extra micro controller and an extra long range antenna instead of fixing it by software. But if that is the case, I have to deal with that 😕.

    Thanks again!

  • Hardware Contributor

    @esfnl said in RPi 3 with Domoticz and RF-link (RFXcom) 'TSP-fail':

    MySensors is supported

    MySensors is supported if you connect an NRF24 to the RFXCom as instructed in the link, did you ?
    As explained, it can only receive information, so as you seem to have no gateway to assign node ID you will need to define your nodes as passive nodes and hard code node id :

    #define MY_PASSIVE_NODE
    #define MY_NODE_ID 2
    #define MY_PARENT_NODE_ID 0

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