My Gateway Project Box

  • Here is my gateway enclosure. I know the solders are terrible but it works awesome.

    0_1457759621441_gateway 1.jpg
    0_1457759629299_gateway 2.jpg
    0_1457759637191_gateway 3.jpg

  • Mod

    Great work! Really nice touch with the MySensors logo. Are you willing to share the design for the box? (On Thingiverse or similar site perhaps?)

  • Thank you.

    Here is the enclosure on thingiverse:

    I have another version for non-shielded radios as well. I have not uploaded it to thingiverse yet though.

    The logo is for open-source hardware. I didn't want to violate any copyrights by putting on the MySensors logo and uploading to thingiverse. Plus, the MySensors logo is hard to 3d print. 😉

  • @Oitzu

    It is the shielded nrf24l01+lna/pa. I do not have any scientific test for how well they work.

    My real world test is that I was having trouble transmitting directly from my gateway to two out buildings near my house (~150m). In theory, the non-shielded should have worked but it is through several brick walls and they would only communicate about every fifth transmit. After switching the gateway and outbuildings to shielded radios, they receive every transmission.

    I had to change the transmit power to low because they do indeed interfere with themselves.

    Per our previous discussion, I believe you are correct and they are not completely shielded correctly. At some point this year, I want to be able to transmit from my home to my well house (~150m - brick structure) and then to my front gate (~800m). It is not LOS because of hills and trees.

    Part of the design of this enclosure was the idea that you could wrap the interior of it with aluminum foil to shield the radio. Then you mentioned the shielded radios so I thought I would give them a try. Overall, I think the results between the two would be similar.

    To most it would seem unimportant for radios to communicate directly with the gateway due to the mash network. The problem I have is, there are mission critical items in my network I want to work. For example, if power goes out: My gateway is running on battery backup as well as my router, modem, etc. If I have a battery operated sensor monitoring the temperature of my baby chicks, it will continue to monitor them. If I rely on a mesh network, and one of the relay sensors goes out, I could loose the sensor monitoring the chicks.

  • @Ironbar ahh... now i remember you. 😄
    Interesting findings. Your problems on higher PA levels could also be problems with the used power source.

    Part of the design of this enclosure was the idea that you could wrap the interior of it with aluminum foil to shield the radio. Overall, I think the results between the two would be similar.

    Maybe, maybe not, depends on how much is actually inside the box next to the nrf24l01+.

  • Hero Member

    Looks Good!

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