Relay Node Documentation

  • Where would I find the documentation for setting up relay nodes? I've searched but haven't yet been able to find anything that outlines the steps. Specifically, I'm wanting to know the sequence of steps in order to connect the child nodes to the relay node. For example, do I set the parent ID of the children to the ID of the relay node manually?, when do I use the fetch function?, etc.



  • Admin


    You can read more on how it works here:

    And how to create them here:

    You cannot set a static "parent". Parent node is auto detected.

  • Is there a way to determine if the sensor nodes are attaching to a relay node rather than to the gateway directly?

    If a child node is attaching to a relay node, is the child's parent ID the relay node ID, rather than the gateway ID?

    Should I see attached child nodes listed on the relay node?

    What is the fetch function on the relay node used for? My relay node seems to always say "fetching..." and does not list any child nodes. Does this indicate a problem?

    Sorry for all of the questions, but I'm trying to resolve an issue with what appears to be intermittent connectivity to some sensor nodes connecting directly to the gateway. I've used the antenna version of the radio on both ends along with the decoupling capacitors. When I move the sensor nodes closer to the gateway they work reliably. I've now installed a relay node in the middle (with antenna and capacitor) and would like to make sure the sensor nodes are using it. I've seen no indication that they are, but I'm making assumptions that the parent ID on the sensors would be the relay ID and/or the relay node would list the child sensors.

    Thanks for the assistance. I'm continually impressed with how comprehensive the plug-in is. I'm looking forward to getting past this hurdle and on to making some very cool stuff!

  • Admin

    @MisterE said:

    Is there a way to determine if the sensor nodes are attaching to a relay node rather than to the gateway directly?

    If a child node is attaching to a relay node, is the child's parent ID the relay node ID, rather than the gateway ID?


    What is the fetch function on the relay node used for? My relay node seems to always say "fetching..." and does not list any child nodes. Does this indicate a problem?

    Fetch-button (was supposed to) tell the relay to send in the routing table to gateway. But currently the relay only dumps table to serial. So if you have your relay attach to a computer you will see routing information when pressing the button. You should not worry about the "fethcing".

    But there isn't many using the relaying feature. I got another report of relay-problem which makes me wonder if there might be something not working as when I last verified the functionality. I'm currently setting up a more permanent relay node here @home to watch the behavior more closely.

  • Contest Winner

    I haven't tried it yet, but am getting ready. I want to extend the network in the house to rooms I cannot reach well on the 2nd floor.

    I've been sort of standing by whilst others get theirs working 🙂

  • Mod

    I can not do much until I have my new boards coming in but I have enough to test the relay node (and I need it as well).

    What should I look for when I test this or does one of you have a 'test sketch'?

  • Admin

    I will trick one of the nodes to always relay its messages through the realy-node in my test setup.
    This is done by hardcoding relay-id and disable the relay lookup (need to edit library code) for one of my sensor nodes.

    This way I can have all my sensors on the bench while testing (our house is not big enough for real distance testing 😄

  • Mod

    @HEK so I don't have to test?

  • Admin


    Please do. I will be doing my tests on the development branch, not 1.3.

  • Mod

    OK. I will...

  • It appears my issues may be related to radio interference or something else. I moved the Ethernet gateway next to my formerly distant sensors and I'm still getting flaky behavior. This weekend I'll shut down all nearby wireless devices (WiFi bridge, AP, and other sensors) and/or start swapping out hardware and see if the situation improves.

    I'm happy to assist in relay node testing as well. I'll put an internal antenna radio on my gateway to reduce its strength, fire up my "Mobile MySensors Testing Mule (tm)", pack a lunch, and head off into the distance to strongly encourage it to use the relay node. If there's anything else you'd like me to check let me know.

  • Admin

  • I've tried everything I can think of to get the sensor nodes to talk to the relay node with no luck.

    Since this thread has become more about relay node troubleshooting and less about documentation I'll move to the following thread:

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