Multiple sensors

  • I am new to Arduino .... I would like to connect my multiple hall effect sensor to one digital I/O it possible.. if it so how??..please help me....

  • @reshma-oueseph

    Hi Reshma,

    I googled your question ("connect multiple hall sensor to digital") and guess what happened...

    this was the first hit I got from google

    It may not be exactly what you're looking at, but what I try to explain here is that using google for this may be more helpful than posting it in this forum as I think your question is more related to using arduino in general.



  • Thanks for your kind reply Boozz ... ..
    I searched a lot but i couldn't able to find exact solution for it ..
    I found one wire lib for temperature sensors does it works for hall effect sensor???

  • @reshma-oueseph 1wire and hall sensors are not the same.
    A hall sensor ist just something like a switch, so it's hard to identify which one has been opened (or closed) as all of them just give back some kind of power (or no power) signal.

    To get out of this, there seem to exist (at least) two ways: Either put different resistors in the output lines and try to distinguish by the analogue voltage you get back or
    put some active component with identification option to be switched on on the output. Here's a proposal to use DS2401 to be switched on by NO-reed contacts. But to identify which one has been switched on or off on an arduino base may be hard work to do, especially if you'r new to all that stuff.

    EDIT: the latter seems not so tricky as expected - at least in case this lib and sketch works:

  • Thanks @rejoe2
    Another doubt rises , while i am surfing related to this
    Does it possible with I2C bus protocol ?? or using relay ??

  • @reshma-oueseph said in Multiple sensors:

    Thanks @rejoe2
    Another doubt rises , while i am surfing related to this
    Does it possible with I2C bus protocol ?? or using relay ??

    Sorry, but I most likely don't understand the question.
    I2C is designed for short wires, so most likely this will not work over longer distances usually to be covered in a buidling. But you may use one or more I2C multiplexer devices to add more PINs to the arduino - but then you will need one signal line to each of the hall sensors.

    A relay is actively switched - so this is an output topic. According to your fist post, you where looking for an option to get info from several input devices on just one PIN.

    As a personal remark: as your seem just to begin to build up knowledge on all these topics you may try to find someone willing to explain all these things face to face - speaking the same language and using also some basic equipment to demonstrate how things work. Doing all by yourself you might get frustrated very fast.

  • @rejoe2
    Actually i am having a spinning industry ,where each individual machine consist of thousands of spindles. In that yarn breakage is major issue occurs , so we decided to place sensor for detecting yarn breakage .
    Here hall effect sensor is used for detecting, So we use arduino uno for the testing process .Testing get succeeded but the problem is that it requires many arduino board for thousands of spindle it seems to be much costly.. for that reason we came across this idea
    Actually what we needed is.... Is there any possible way to connect particular number of sensor input to one digital I/O pin of arduino board and identify the each sensor
    Or for the above problem is there any alternative solution

  • Interesting project. As I'm just a hobbyist, there might be be better solutions and thoughts, but that's what I know:

    First: I assume, in case of yarn breakage you will have to stop the machine and some human will have to fix the problem - so some kind of lokalization of the breakage would be sufficient? => Put an array of hall sensors to be easily checked with one view in parallel and use hall sensors that will be switched on in case of breakage. This reduces the amount of PINs or other detectors needed.

    As I'm not familiar with the mentioned D2401: Just order some of them for testing... Don't know how fast they are, but wrt. to 1-wire Temp sensors I know 1-wire is at least capable for some dozents of them on one bus. Several buses in parallel are posible, bt then memory might become an issue.

    You may also have a look at port extenders like the MCP23017: this gives you more PINs over a simple I2C connection, several of them may be used on one arduino (no experience with that). They offer interrupts also afaik - if speed in reaction is needed. Most likely you might need a more powerfull mcu - then have a look at the STM32's (but avoid blue pill in favour of maple mini-compatible solutions).

  • @reshma-oueseph
    Something like this?

    Parallel in - serial out shift register.
    Many of them in cascade.

    And I can imagine using pulley for quick general error indication.
    If yarn in tension - pulley up, when breakage - pulley fall down.
    It can be detected by one laser beam and one logical input for many yarns in row and stop machine.
    Pulley which indicate breakage can for example connect contacts and then use shift register for detection which yarn is bad.

  • @rejoe2
    """Put an array of hall sensors to be easily checked with one view in parallel and use hall sensors that will be switched on in case of breakage. This reduces the amount of PINs or other detectors needed."""""
    Nice idea☺ ........Thank you @rejoe2
    sure will intimate you after testing it

  • @kimot
    Exactly @kimot
    First thanks for your response

    But we are supposed to use hall effect sensor only
    Because there is a ring traveler present in the each spindle frame, if there is no breakage occurs it rotate equal to the spindle speed or if breakage occurs , the rotating speed of traveler becomes slow but it wont be getting stopped. Traveler can act as a magnetic substance where the sensor could be easily detected

  • It means for each yarn check 2 frequencies of rotation.
    If different - make error signal and than read it by processor.
    Frequency difference to digital output circuit - maybe some NE555 application.
    If spindle rotation for every spindle is the same, we can use one reference signal for each spindle and read only ring trveller frequency.

  • You really need to learn about this problem, and what you think you need, by setting up a test on ONE machine. You will learn a lot more that way than asking others. Don't buy in quantity until one works the way you want.

    Not knowing any better, I would consider a single small uC for each machine. HE sensors are pennies, and an esp8266 could handle 10 digital inputs(?) with analog switches/extenders for more sensors being dirt cheap.

    The esp8266 would just email your cell phone, hit a page, etc. to let you know the machine, or even the spindle.

    This avoids wires all over the place, and as you only need 5v, you can somehow power each from each machine. How about one of those bicycle generators that uses the wheel?

    Trying to do this on the cheap won't work. You can't run a circuit to a HE an infinite distance, not is a "circuit" design pattern even best.

    So before you decide on a design, then going out to see if it will work, start small, with one machine, one sensor. In one hour you will learn more that way than 100 posts.

    And if this is your first exploration into uCs, be mindful arduino platform is one of several, and their are systems made in your industry to do exactly what you want-without you learning how they do it. The need to detect broken threads is not a new problem. Seek the solutions others have found first.

    And finally, as others have told you, this is not a mysensors issue. Are you even running mysensors software?

    Arduino is discussed here.

    You will need to Google for forums dealing with your industry to find out how others have solved your problem. I think you will do better among your professional peers.

  • I surfed about pro relay CAN bus there is no proper explanation ..does it work for this??

  • @reshma-oueseph
    This is probably a module that uses CAN-bus as a bus interface. CAN-bus is used in automotive te reduce the number of wires in order to minimise cost. Other busses, used in industry are MODBUS, profibus, etc.

    In a way you could see mySensors as a bus system as well as it is wireless ☺ Could be very beneficial for your challenge: each machine one or more sensor-node(s) - depends on the number of wires you'd like to monitor and the level of multiplexing you'd allow - and a gateway that is connected to a dedicated controller. This controller (I think not one of the controllers as used in the mySensors community) is used to translate the messages to instructions where to repair the yarns.

    First thing to do for you is understand your real problem (yarns are breaking) and how you'd like to interact on this.
    I think it's good to re-read the remarks @Bogus-Exception made! I strongly suggest you to read that again!



  • @bogus-exception
    What do you mean by a HE? Human Engineering? Heavy equipment? High End (system)? Happy Ending 😂 ?



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