Messages drop, messed topology?

  • I'm trying to improve my nrf24 network range, that currently is worse than shit (in good manners) and I'm having really strange issues that I think could not be related to radio power.
    For testing I have an esp8266 gateway (pa+lna,isolated+dedicated power), a custom power meter on steroids (regular nrf, good dedicated power) that has been connected for months and then one board that I wanted to use for a met station (regular nrf & phone batt powered, design from
    I'm using the 108 channel to avoid interference from some time ago and before I could not make work anything.
    The power node is at clear sight at, say 7 meters. Gw at the ceiling of a "balcony" second floor, PwMeter in a wall at the lower floor. was working with no problems.
    The met station I can't separate to a meter from the gw that it doesn't sync. I tried swapping radios, isolation and antenna mods without success. Other nodes seemed to have similar problems. Even my garage door controller that runs a good power source and pa+lna It can't communicate only through a floor.
    That's one problem.

    So I thought of using a mysRGBW node as a repeater for the met station and I put it on the next room. Then the met.station linked, but the power meter not. So I powered all down and removed the new aggregations and left gw+power.meter. Now it seems like pm tries to register to the network, but the gw it's loosing messages. Looses half of the presentation and then the node halts. When it succeeds, it regularly misses some SET messages. I realized that it survives the presentation when domoticz is not started and those hearbeat messages are not around.
    What those things can be caused?

  • Mod

    @sergio-rius said in Messages drop, messed topology?:

    I'm using the 108 channel

    I personally have bad experience with channels above say 100, on some clones.
    I would advise you to stay below 100.

    A bad performing radio is worse than some WiFi interference.

  • @yveaux Thanks! Good point. I'll first give another go to the scanner and try with a lower channel.

  • If anyone is interested, that was my channel scan when I decided to migrate to 108

    Starting Poor Man's Wireless 2.4GHz Scanner ...
    Channel Layout
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |   +RRWRRWRWRWRWWWWWW+.                                                      ....                                             | 27
    |   WWWWRWWWWRWRWWRWWW                                           ..      .........                                             | 26
    |  .RWWWRWWWWWWRWRWWRW*                           .                      .......                                               | 26
    |   +RRWWWRWWWWWWRWWWW*.                                                 .......                                               | 27
    | ...RWRWRaRRWRWRRWRRRR..                                                      ...                                             | 29
    |   aWWRWRWRRWRWRWWWWR-                                                 .....                                                  | 26
    |   =WWWWWWRWWWWRWRWRWR                                                  ......                                                | 26
    |   RWRWRWWWWRWRWWWWRW.                                                   . ......                                             | 27
    |   *aRRRWRWRWRRWRWRWW-.                                                     ....                                              | 28
    |...RWWRWRWRRWRWRWRRWRW..  .                                                 .....                                             | 29
    |   WWRWRWWWWRWRWWRWRWW                                                 .........                                              | 26
    |   WRWWWWRWRWWRWRWRRRa  .                                                   .....                                             | 27
    |   RWRRWRWRWWWWRWWWWRW     .                                                .....                                             | 27
    |   RWRWRWRRWRWRWRRWRWR.. .                                                      .                                             | 27
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |...WRWWRWRWRWWRWRWRWRR...                                               .........                                             | 29
    |   RWRRRRWRWRRWRWRWRWW                                                  ...                                                   | 27
    |   WRWWRWRWRRRRWRWRRWR                                                  .......                                               | 28
    |   RWWRWRWRRWRWRWRRWRW                                                  ..   ....                                             | 27
    |   RRRWRWRRWRWRWRRWRWR                                                  .........                                             | 28
    |...*aWaWRWWRWaWRWWRWaa.. .                                              ....                                                  | 31
    |   aWRWRRRRWRWRRWRWRWa    ..                                           ..........                                             | 27
    |   WRWRWWRWRWRRWRWRWRR                                                 ..........                                             | 27
    |   RWRRRRWaWRRRaWaWRRR                                                   ...... .                                             | 28
    |   WRWWRWRWWWWRWRWWRWR.                                                 ..   ....                                             | 27
    |...RWRRWaWRWRRWRWWWWRW... ..                                           ....    ..                                             | 30
    |   WRRRRWRWRRWRWRWWRWR                                                  .........                                             | 27
    |   RWWRWRWRRWaWRWRRWRW                                                 .. ....                                                | 27
    |   WWRWRWRRWRWRWRRRaWa                                                  .........                                             | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    | ..RRWRWRRWRRaRaaWRRRR  .               .  .. .. .. ... ...   .  .  .. ... .. ...                                             | 29
    | ..RRaRRWRRRaWRWRaRaWa..                  .  ..  .     . .      .  ..  ......... .                                            | 33
    |   aRRRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRW   .                                              ..... ..                                              | 28
    |  .RRaRaWaRRaWRWRRWRWR                                                        ...                                             | 28
    |   RRWRWRWRaWRWRWWRWRW                                                     .....                                              | 27
    |   WWRWRWRRRRWRWRRWRWR                                                 ...                                                    | 27
    |   RRWRWRWRRWRWRRRaWRW                                                     ......                                             | 28
    |   WRRWRWRWRRWRWRWWRWR                                                     ......                                             | 27
    | . RRRaWaWRRRaWRWRRWRW                                                                                                        | 28
    |   WWRWRWRWRRWRWRWWRW* ..                                                .......                                              | 27
    |   RWRRWRWRRRRWRWRRRR- .                                                ..    ...                                             | 28
    |   WRRWRWRWRRWRWRRRaR                                                      ......                                             | 28
    |   +RRRWaWRRRRWRWRRRa- .     .                                          ........                                              | 28
    |   +RWRRWRWRRWRWRWWaa.                                                  ..                                                    | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |   aaRaWRWRaWRWRWRRWRW.                                                 .... ....                                             | 28
    |   aRRWaWRWRRWaWRWWRWa ..                                              .       ..                                             | 29
    |  .RWRRWRWRWRRWRWRWWRW  ..                                             .......                                                | 26
    |  .WRWRRWRWRWRRWRWRRWaa  .                                                 ...                                                | 28
    |   aWRWRRWRWRWRRWaWRRRa                                                .     ....                                             | 28
    |   RRWaWRRRRWRWRRWRWRRW                                                     .....                                             | 28
    |   RRaWRWRaRaWRWRRWRWRW   .                                                ......                                             | 28
    |   RWWRWRWRRWRWRWRRWRWR.                                                       ..                                             | 27
    |  .WRWRRWRWRRWRWRWaaWaW...   ..                                            .. ...                                             | 28
    | ..RWRWRRWRWRWRRWRWRRWR   .  .                                         .....                                                  | 28
    |   RaWaWRaWRWRWRRWaWRR*.                                                     .....                                            | 29
    |   RRRWRWaaRaWRWRRWRWRa      .  .                                       .........                                             | 28
    |   RRWRWRWRRRaWRRRaWRW.                                                    ......                                             | 27
    |.. WRRWRWRWRaWaWRRRaWa.                                                                                                       | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |   RRWRWRWWRWRWRRWRWR .                                                     ....                                              | 27
    |   RWRWRWRRRaWRRRaRaW.                                                 .......                                                | 28
    |   aRRRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRa..                                                .......                                               | 28
    |   aaaRaWRRRRWRWWWWaW=.                    ..                          ......  ..                                             | 29
    |   aWWRWRWRRRaWRWRRWa=.                         .                      ..                                                     | 30
    |   WRWWRWRWRRRaWRWRRWR    .                                            ... .. ...                                             | 27
    |   RWWRWRWRWRaRaWRRRaR .                .      . .                     ....                                                   | 28
    |   WRWRRWRWRWWRWRWRRRa                     .                           ......                                                 | 29
    |   aWaRRaRRWRRRRWRWRRW  .                                               ..                                                    | 28
    |   WRWRRRaRaWRRWRWRWRR                                                 .........                                              | 28
    |   RWRWRRRRWaWRRWRWRWR    .                                              . .....                                              | 27
    |   WRWRWRRWRWRRRaWRWRR .                                                .........                                             | 28
    |   RWRWRWWRWRWRRRRWaWR     .                                                ....                                              | 28
    |   RRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRWR+                                                     ......                                             | 27
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |   *WRWRRWaWRWRRWRRRR+.   .                                                .......                                            | 29
    |  .aaRaRaRRRWaWWaWWWaW. .               . ...  .  .  .. .. ..  . .  ..  ..  . ...                                             | 31
    | . WRRRaWaRaaWRWaWRaWR  .                 .   .  .  .. .. .  .. ..  .  ..  . ....                                             | 30
    |   RWRRWRWRWRRWRWRRWRW  ..                                                    ...                                             | 26
    |   WRRWRWRWRRRaWRRRaWa.                                                     .....                                             | 29
    |  .aWRRWRWRWRRWRWRWWRW+                 .. .                                 ..                                               | 27
    |  .*aa*a*a**a*a*aaaaaaa      . ...........::-++WWWWRaa=:.               .. ....   ...... ... .......                          | 37
    |. .*a*aa*a*aaaaaRaaa*Ra    ..............:-*RWWR*=:..                           ..    .........:-:::..                        | 33
    |  .RWRWWRWRRRRRRWRWWRWR .  ..............::-+aRWW*+--::.                    ... .        ...........                          | 27
    |  .WRWRWRaRaWRRaaRaRaRR                                                                                                       | 29
    |  -RWRWRWWRWRWRRWRWRWRR                                                  . ...                                                | 27
    |  -RWWWWRWRWWWWWWRWWRWW.......:.::........-++a+=-:....                     ......   ..... ..::=*+-.                           | 27
    |  :****a*a*a*aa*aaaa*Ra   ..............::=+aRWWa*=:...                     ..    .... .......                                | 35
    |  :RWRWWRWRWRWWRWRWRRWR..... .......:....::--:=----::...     .  ...........::::-..:....::.                                    | 27
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    | .-WaWRWRaWRWRWWaWRWRRW     .                                              ....                                               | 28
    |  -WWRWRWRRWRWRRWRWRWRR                                                                                                       | 27
    |   RRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRWRR.                                                    .....                                              | 27
    | ..RRaWRWRRWRWWWWRWRWR-.                                                   ...                                                | 30
    |  .aaWaWRRRRWRWWWWRWRW-...                                                                                                    | 30
    |   RRaRaRaRRaWaRRRRRWRa                                                  ......                                               | 29
    | ..*WWRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRW.                                                        .                                              | 27
    |  .=RRWaWRRRaWaRRRRRWa                                                       ..                                               | 28
    |   -RWRWRWRRWRWRRRaWRR                                                    ....                                                | 28
    |   aRaRaWaaRaWRWRaWRWR.. .............    .                              . ....                                               | 29
    |   RaRaWRRRaWRWRRWRWRW:            .             ..                          ..                                               | 28
    |   aWRWRWRRRRWRWRRWRWW+..     .                                          .....                                                | 27
    | . aWWRWRWWRWRWRRRRWRW-                                  .                ......                                              | 27
    |   RRRWRWRWWRWRWRRRaWa=                                                   .    .                                              | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |   =RWRWRWWRWRWRRRRWRR:...                                               . ...                                                | 28
    |   RRRWRWWRWRWRWRRWaWR-                      .                           ......                                               | 28
    |   aRRRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRW   .                 .                             . .                                                  | 27
    |   aRaRaWRRRaWRWRRWRWR.                                                    .....                                              | 28
    |   *WWRWRWRRWRWRWWRWRW.       .                                                                                               | 26
    |  .*RRWRWWRRRWRWRRWaWR*.        .                                          .                                                  | 28
    |   =WWRWRWRWWRWRWRRWRW.       ..                                                                                              | 27
    |  .*aaRaWaRRaRaWRRRRWR..                                                 .....                                                | 29
    |  .aWRRRaWRWRRWRWRWWRWR      .                                                                                                | 28
    |  .aRWWRWRWRWRRWRWRRWa=                                                  . ....                                               | 27
    |  .-RRWWRWRWWWWRWRWR==:                                                                                                       | 27
    |  .RaWRRRaWRWRaRaWRRR*-                                                  ....                                                 | 29
    |   RWRWRRWRWWWWRWRWWWW:                                                    ....                                               | 27
    |  :RaRaWRaWaWRRRaWRWRRa                                                    .....                                              | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |..RaWRWRRRaWRRRaWaWRRRa                                                   ....                                                | 29
    | .aRRWaWRWRRWaWRRRRWRWa..      .                                               .                                              | 27
    | ..WRRRaWRWRaRaRaRRaRaW .  .            .  .  .. .. ..  . .  ..  .  .  ..  .....  .                                           | 29
    | .:aWRWRaRRWRWaaWRRRRRR.  .               .  .. .. .. .. .. ..  :  .. .. ..  ..  .                                            | 30
    |  +RaWRWRWRRWRWRRWRWRWR                          ..                      ......                                               | 28
    | ..WRRWaWRWRRWRWRWWRWRW                                                    .....                                              | 28
    |  .RWRRRRWRWRRWRWRWWRWa         .                                              .                                              | 27
    |  .WRWRWRRWRWRRWRWWWRR+        .   .             ..                     .. .                                                  | 27
    |  -aWRWRWRaWRWRRRRWRRa+                                                  .....                                                | 28
    |  -RRWRWRWWRWRWRWRRWaWR                                                 ..                                                    | 28
    |..-WRWWRWRWRRRRWRWRRWRR                                                  ....                                                 | 28
    |  -RWRWRaWRWRWRRWRWRWWR                                                  .     .                                              | 27
    |  =RRWRWRRRRWRWRRRRWRWR                                                  ....                                                 | 27
    |  -WRRWRWRRRRWRWRaWaWRR                              .                  ... .....                                             | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |  :RRWRWRWRaRaWRWRRWRWR                                                 ........                                              | 28
    |. .WRRWRWRWRRWRWRWRaWaW                                                 ......                                                | 28
    |  -RWRWWRWRWRWWRWRWRaWa.                                                ........                                              | 28
    |  .RaWaWRaRaWRWRRWRWRRR.                                              .........                                               | 28
    | .:WRaWaWRRRaWRWRRWRWRW   ..                                        .                                                         | 28
    |  -RWRRWRWRRRRWRWRRWRWR                                          .     . .......                                              | 27
    |...WRWRRWRWRWaaWaRaRRaR..                                               ..                                                    | 31
    |  :aWRWRWRRWRWRRRRWRWRa                               .                       ..                                              | 28
    |  :aaRaWaWRaWRWRWRRWRWR. .                     . .                       . ..... .                                            | 29
    | .:WaWRaRaRaWRRWRWRRWRW   ..                                                   ...                                            | 28
    | ..RWRWRRWRWRWRaWRWRWR=   ..                                                   ..                                             | 27
    |...WRWRWRWRaWaRaaRaRaR    ..   ...                                            ....                                            | 30
    |  :WRRWRWRWRRWaWRRRaWa:  ...                                              ........                                            | 28
    | .:RWRRRRWRWRRWRWRWRRWa. ..                                                ......                                             | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    | ..WRWRRRRWRWRRWaWRRRa*  ...                   ..  .                       .......                                            | 28
    |   RWRWRRRRWRWWRWRWRWW:  .               ..      ...                       ......                                             | 27
    |  -RaWaWWRRRWRWRRWRWRWR  ...                                             ......                                               | 30
    |  =WWRWRWRWRRWaWRRRRWRW  ...                                                   ...                                            | 27
    |   -*RRWRWRWWRWRWRRRa=.                                                    .......                                            | 27
    |  .RRWRRWRWRWWRWRWRRWa-  ...                                               ...                                                | 28
    |  .aRaWRaWaWRRRRWRWRRR*  ...                                             .  ....                                              | 29
    |..*RRWRWaaRRWRWRaWRWRWR  ...                                            ..       .                                            | 28
    |  aWRRWRWRWRaWRWRRWRWRW   ..                                             .      ..                                            | 27
    |..=aWWRaaRRWWWWRWRWWRWa......                                .....  ..  . ............. .                                     | 32
    |   aaWRWRWRaWRWRRRaWaR.  ...                                             .........                                            | 29
    |  .aRaRaWRRRRWRWRRWRWR-  ...                                               .... ..                                            | 28
    |...RWaRRRWRWRRWRWRWRaW=  .. .                                            . ... ...                                            | 30
    |   WaWRRRaWaWRRRaWRWRR=  ...                                             ..     ..                                            | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |
    |  :aWRWRaWaRRWRRWRWRWW*   .                                    ..    .. ..                                                    | 28
    |  :WRWRWWRRaWRWRRWRWRWW                                                       ..                                              | 27
    |  *WRRWRWRWRRWRWRRWRWRR                                                                                                       | 28
    | .+aWaRRRWRWaaWaWRWRaR*.  .            .  .   .  .  .     .  .  .. .. .. ...  .                                               | 31
    |. -*a**R*Ra*RRWRWRaWaR*....... ....       .  .  .  .. .. .. .. .. .. ..........  .                                            | 36
    |  -*RaWRRaaWRWRRRaWRWWR....:...:::.:::-::::::.:::...::::::.::::::...............   ......  .......... ........ ...... .    . .| 30
    |. =aWRRRRWRWRRWRWRRRWWR... .::..:.............            . ......        .........                                           | 30
    |..-aRWRWaWRRWRWRRRRWaWW..  .                                                 ...                                              | 33
    |..:aRWWWWWRRWWWRRWRWRRa.....:.::....:::...::::..::::::...:::..............                                                    | 34
    | ..RWWWWRWRWRRWRWWWWRWa.......................                .. ... ..     ...         .....                                 | 29
    |...RaWRWWWRRWRWRRWaWRW+... ............  ... ..    ....            ..      ...                                                | 31
    |.. WRWRaWRWRRWRWRWRRWR.                                                     ....                                              | 28
    | ..RRRWWWWWWWWRWRWWWWR....::::...:----:...::::................ ....... ........                                               | 30
    | ..RWRWRRRaWaWRRRaWaRR.  .                                               ......                                               | 28
    |0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12    |

    And that's the worse I get today:

    |                             .  aRaRRRWRWaa ..                                                                                | 28
    |                               .RRaRWWWWRRR                                                                                   | 26
    |                                WRWWWWWRWWW   .                                                                               | 25
    |                                RRWWWWRRRWR                                                                                   | 24
    |                                :WWWWRRRWWW                                                                                   | 25
    |                             ....WWWRWRRWWa .                                                                                 | 25
    |                                :WWWWRWWWW-                                                                                   | 27
    |                                +WWWRWWWWWR                                                                                   | 25
    |                                WWRRRWWWWRR  .                                                           ..                   | 25
    |                            ....aWRWRWRRRRR....                                                                               | 26
    |                            ..:.RWRRWWWWRRW.:..                                                                               | 30
    |   ...     . ...   .....    :...+WRRRRaRWWW....     ...     ..   ..   ..   ..                                                 | 29
    |                            :...WWWWRaaRRaW-:..     ..                                                                        | 32
    |                                RWWRRRRRWWR                                                                                   | 27

    I'm using a new device so still I may have something to adjust in the scanner as I don't get the band being so clean. I've changed the old wifi AP for an ubiquity thou.

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