Power/ Usage sensor - multi channel - local display
It is a power meter device which displays: current power, daily usage and total usage of upto 12 S0 meters and sends all the information through the MySensors network. The current sketch displays power used and generated from the different channels and uses a rotary encoder to browse the displays and adjust the (total values).
(also added message communication to the display from the controller (V_TEXT).
With reference to my earlier project I reworked the whole thing to be more reliable and added functionality. The basic concept is the same:1 Arduino doing the time critical measurement and counting of the pulses and time, sending the measurements via a one-wire serial in JSON
including "patch panel" for connection to the S0 meters.
Another arduino reading the JSON string and performing the tasks like display and sending the values over the MySensors network.
The grey and white wire connect to the "measurement" Arduino.
the code for the measurement device::
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Arduino Pulse Counting Sketch for counting pulses from up to 12 pulse output meters. // uses direct port manipulation to read from each register of 6 digital inputs simultaneously // // Licence: GNU GPL // part of the openenergymonitor.org project // // Author: Trystan Lea // AWI: adapted to produce JSON and error checking at client side. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pulse Counting Class - could be placed in seperate library... //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PulseOutput { public: //AWI: access to all boolean pulse(int,int,unsigned long); //Detects pulses, in pulseLib.ino unsigned long rate( unsigned long ); //Calculates rate unsigned long count; //pulse count accumulator unsigned long countAccum; //pulse count total accumulator for extended error checking (only resets at startup) unsigned long prate; //pulse width in time unsigned long prateAccum; //pulse rate accumulator for calculating mean. private: boolean ld,d; //used to determine pulse edge unsigned long lastTime,time; //used to calculate rate }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variable declaration //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //CHANGE THIS TO VARY RATE AT WHICH PULSE COUNTING ARDUINO SPITS OUT PULSE COUNT+RATE DATA //time in seconds; const unsigned long printTime = 1000000; // delay between serial outputs in us (one meter at a time) const int lastMeter = 7 ; // is number of meters + 1 byte curMeter = 2 ; // current meter for serial output, wraps from 2 to lastMeter //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PulseOutput p[14]; //Pulse output objects int a,b,la,lb; //Input register variables unsigned long ltime, time; //time variables void setup() { // take care: pull-up inverses state! line 155 //setup input pins here with pull_up, else (default) float pinMode( 2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( 9, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.begin(115200); //standard serial DDRD = DDRD | B00000000; DDRB = DDRD | B00000000; } void loop() { la = a; //last register a used to detect input change lb = b; //last register b used to detect input change //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read from input registers //-------------------------------------------------------------------- a = PIND >> 2; //read digital inputs 2 to 7 really fast b = PINB; //read digital inputs 8 to 13 really fast time = micros(); if (la!=a || lb!=b) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detect pulses from register A //-------------------------------------------------------------------- p[2].pulse(0,a,time); //digital input 2 p[3].pulse(1,a,time); // '' 3 p[4].pulse(2,a,time); // '' etc p[5].pulse(3,a,time); p[6].pulse(4,a,time); p[7].pulse(5,a,time); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detect pulses from register B //-------------------------------------------------------------------- p[8].pulse(0,b,time); //digital input 8 p[9].pulse(1,b,time); //etc p[10].pulse(2,b,time); p[11].pulse(3,b,time); p[12].pulse(4,b,time); p[13].pulse(5,b,time); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spit out data every printTime sec (time here is in microseconds) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // build JSON: for all counters print Count (W), Count Accum(W), Average ms // Format {"m":meter,"c":count,"r":rate, "cA":countAccum} if ((time-ltime)>(printTime)) { ltime = time; //Print timer { Serial.print("{\"m\":"); Serial.print(curMeter-1); //Print meter number Serial.print(",\"c\":"); Serial.print(p[curMeter].count); //Print pulse count Serial.print(",\"r\":"); Serial.print(p[curMeter].rate(time)); //Print pulse rate p[curMeter].countAccum += p[curMeter].count; //Increment and print count accumulator to allow for error checking at client side; Serial.print(",\"cA\":"); Serial.print(p[curMeter].countAccum); Serial.println("}"); p[curMeter].count = 0; //Reset count (we just send count increment) p[curMeter].prateAccum = 0; //Reset accum so that we can calculate a new average } curMeter++ ; if (curMeter > lastMeter){ // wrap a around if passed last meter curMeter = 2;} } } // library for pulse, originally in separate file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Gets a particular input state from the register binary value // A typical register binary may look like this: // B00100100 // in this case if the right most bit is digital pin 0 // digital 2 and 5 are high // The method below extracts this from the binary value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BIT_TST(REG, bit, val)( ( (REG & (1UL << (bit) ) ) == ( (val) << (bit) ) ) ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method detects a pulse, counts it, finds its rate, Class: PulseOutput //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean PulseOutput::pulse(int pin, int a, unsigned long timeIn) { ld = d; //last digital state = digital state if (BIT_TST(a,pin,1)) d = 1; else d = 0; //Get current digital state from pin number // if (ld==0 && d==1) // no internal pull_up if state changed from 0 to 1: internal pull-up inverts state if (ld==1 && d==0) //pull_up f state changed from 0 to 1: internal pull-up inverts state { count++; //count the pulse // Rate calculation lastTime = time; time = timeIn ; // correction to allow for processing prate = (time-lastTime);// - 400; //rate based on last 2 pulses //-190 is an offset that may not be needed...?? prateAccum += prate - 2000; //accumulate rate for average calculation return 1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method calculates the average rate based on multiple pulses (if there are 2 or more pulses) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long PulseOutput::rate(unsigned long timeIn) { if (count > 1) { prate = prateAccum / count; //Calculate average } else { if ((timeIn - lastTime)>(prate*2)) prate = 0;} //Decrease rate if no pulses are received //in the expected time based on the last //pulse width. return prate; }
And an little code for the master, heavily commented. I used the "click encoder" library in combination with a "State machine" to get to a comprehensible user interface.
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * MySensors interface to AWI 12 input usage/ power Meter * * measures Power/ Usage/ Cumm. usage for upto 12 independent channels. * * 20x4 (I2C) Display shows consumption * * Update: * * 20150821 - removed dependency on controller, added local history * * - New rotary encoder library with acceleration and click * * - Changed to simple State machine * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* // // Licence: GNU GPL // // Author: AWI 2015 // Updates: AWI 20150815, new RotaryEncoder & ArduinoJson libraries // 20150821 - removed dependency on controller, added local history and update // - Changed rotary encoder library // - Changed to simple "state machine" // // // Functionality: // continuously: // 1. read JSON strings from Pulse12Counter slave , format {"m":meter,"c":count,"r":rate, "cA":countAccum} // 2. calculate real time Power from "pulse rate" // 3. daily counters // 4. send to controller // // Changed // 1. Total Wh values are now stored local and are only sent to controller // // Other: // 1. display on LCD, time & energy values, usage can be shown as Daily & Total // 2. rotary encoder to browse the different displays // 3. rotary encoder used to change the local values, stored in EEPROM every day and after update // 4. depending on display encoder has "short/ long/ click/ double clik" functionality // 5. Uses new (201509) V_TEXT to display text from controller. // Caution: pulse meter is connected to std serial (pin D0), Serial.print can still be used // Disconnect pulse meter when programming via FTDI! (else sync error) */ #include <MySensor.h> // MySensors network #include <SPI.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // display I2C #include <Time.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <ClickEncoder.h> // Lib includes click functionality: https://github.com/0xPIT/encoder/tree/arduino #include <TimerOne.h> // for ClickEncoder interrupt calls #include <ArduinoJson.h> // used to parse the simple JSON output of the pulse meter https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson // Constants & globals const int NO_METERS = 6 ; // actual meters used (max 12) const int NODE_ID = 24 ; // fixed MySensors node ID const int LCD1_CHILD = 20 ; // custom text message child, Controller can display message const int JSON_LENGHT = 80 ; // Maximum json string length // new V_TEXT variable type (development 20150905) //const int V_TEXT = 47 ; // new S_INFO sensor type (development 20150905) //const int S_INFO = 36 ; char lastLCD1[21] = "-- "; // LCD message line typedef enum meterTypes: int8_t {meterIn, meterOut, meterNeutral} ; // metertype for addition in totals: in, out, neutral const char METER_NAMES[NO_METERS][4] = {"Gr1", "Gr2","EA ","Pv1","Pv2", "Tst"} ; // meter names const meterTypes METER_TYPES[NO_METERS] = {meterOut, meterOut, meterOut, meterIn, meterIn, meterOut}; const unsigned long idleTime = 10000 ; // Delay time for any of the states to return to idle unsigned long idleTimer ; // Delay timer for idleTime // RotaryEncoder const int8_t encPinA = A1; // Encoder pins const int8_t encPinB = A0; const int8_t encPinButton = A2; const int8_t encStepsNotch = 2; // tune for best stepsize (1..4, 1=default) const bool encButton = LOW ; // active low pushbutton ClickEncoder encoder(encPinA, encPinB, encPinButton, encStepsNotch, encButton); // instantiate the encoder union { // used to convert long to bytes for EEPROM storage long kWhLongInt; uint8_t kWhLongByte[4]; } kWhLong ; // Possible states for the state machine. // Idle: default state, show totals for in/out nett // Browse: dive into meter details // Update: update meter value (Wh total) // Reset: reset day values enum States: int8_t {IDLE, BROWSE, UPDATE, RST} ; uint8_t State = IDLE; // current state machine state // meter class, store all relevant meter data (equivalent to struct) class pulseMeter { public: long UsageWh; // last (current) usage (in W) from pulse counter long UsageAccumWh; // usage accumulator (to keep in sync) from pulse counter long PowerW; // actual power, calculated from pulse "rate" long DayUsageWh; // daily usage for display meterTypes Type; // metertype for addition in totals: in, out, neutral char Name[4] ; // meter name for display }; pulseMeter pulseMeters[NO_METERS] ; // define power meters pulseMeter totalMeterIn, totalMeterOut, totalMeter; // accumulated unsigned long tempUsageWh ; // temporary store while manually updating (state UPDATE) // Json parser: define parse object: <10> = number of tokens in JSON: ~10 per m (4 * [key, value] + key_total, value_total)) // example: "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}" char json[JSON_LENGHT] ; // Storage for serial JSON string (init for example) // flags & counters bool timeReceived = false; // controller time bool newDay = false; // reset at 00:00:00 unsigned long lastUpdate=0, lastRequest=0, lastDisplay=0, lastSyncKWH=0; // loop timers for once in while events int updateMeter = 0; // current meter for update bool updateDisplayFlag = true ; // indicate that display needs to be updated int currentMeter = 0; // active meter for update & check, cycles through meters (0..NO_METERS-1) int lastRotary = 0; // last rotary encoder position int updateIncrement = 1000 ; // Interval multiplier for Update int errCount = 0 ; // error counter // *** Definition and initialisation // define the MySensor network MySensor gw; // pins used RFX24(default 9,10) // Initialize messages for sensor network MyMessage powerMsg(0,V_WATT); // message to send power in W MyMessage usageMsg(0,V_KWH); // message to send usage in kWH MyMessage textMsg(0,V_TEXT); // message to send/receive text // Set the pins on the I2C chip used for LCD connections: // addr, en,rw,rs,d4,d5,d6,d7,bl,blpol LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); // Set the LCD I2C address // OPTIONAL: Custom characters for display - Units) byte degCelcius[8] = { B01000, B10100, B01000, B00111, B00100, B00100, B00111, B00000}; //byte Pascal[8] = { B00000, B11100, B10100, B11100, B10010, B10111, B10101, B00000}; //byte hecto[8] = { B00000, B00000, B00000, B00100, B00110, B00101, B00101, B00000}; //byte Lux[8] = { B00000, B10000, B10101, B10010, B10010, B10101, B11100, B00000}; byte hr[8] = { B00000, B00000, B10000, B10000, B11000, B10100, B10100, B00000}; // small hour symbol byte perDay[8] = { B00000, B00000, B00001, B00001, B00011, B00101, B00011, B00000}; void timerIsr() { // RotaryEncoder timer interrupt routinge encoder.service(); } // function to reset the Arduino (jump to 0 address) void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;//declare reset function at address 0 void setup(void) { gw.begin(incomingMessage, NODE_ID, false); // this node is fixed, no repeat //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway gw.sendSketchInfo("AWI-12ChannelPulse", "2.0"); // Initialize the meter names // Register all Pulse counters to gw (they will be created as child devices from 0 to MAX-1) for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ gw.present(x, S_POWER, METER_NAMES[x]); // present power meters to gateway delay(10); // give it some time to process } gw.present(LCD1_CHILD, S_INFO); // present the child for custom text line (20150906) delay(100); gw.send(textMsg.setSensor(LCD1_CHILD).set("-")); // initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz) for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ // initialize previous kWh values from EEPROM and init for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ // convert from bytes kWhLong.kWhLongByte[y]= gw.loadState(x *4 + y) ;// EEPROM position = meter number * 4 bytes } // controller is updated later automatically pulseMeters[x].UsageWh = kWhLong.kWhLongInt; strcpy(pulseMeters[x].Name, METER_NAMES[x] ); // copy string for meter names pulseMeters[x].Type = METER_TYPES[x]; // Set type } // Initializations Wire.begin(); // I2C for display Timer1.initialize(1000); // interrupt calls for RotaryEncoder Timer1.attachInterrupt(timerIsr); encoder.setAccelerationEnabled(true); gw.requestTime(receiveTime); // Request latest time from controller at startup // ** LCD display ** lcd.begin(20, 4); // LCD 2 lines * 16 char. lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // send custom characters to display lcd.createChar(1, degCelcius); lcd.createChar(4, hr); lcd.createChar(7, perDay); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Reset cursor position } void loop(void) { // Before specific states, perform generic tasks unsigned long now = millis(); // Timer in loop for "once in a while" events gw.process() ; // process incoming messages // If no time has been received yet, request it every 10 second from controller if ((!timeReceived && (now-lastRequest > 10*1000)) || (now-lastRequest > 3600000UL)){ // request update every hour to keep in sync Serial.println(F("requesting time")); // Request time from controller. timeReceived = false; gw.requestTime(receiveTime); lastRequest = now; } // Check if new day has started (hour == 0) and reset day usage counters of meters if (hour()==0 && !newDay){ newDay = true; for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ pulseMeters[x].DayUsageWh = 0 ; // reset daily counters saveMeters(x); // save meter values to EEPROM } } else if(hour() != 0 && newDay) // reset newday flag if hour != 0 { newDay = false;} // State machine depends on RotaryEncoder and time actions ClickEncoder::Button rotaryButton = encoder.getButton();// Get the button state switch (State) { // Idle state, browse through displays, watches for key presses // and changes state accordingly, while taking care of next state init case IDLE: if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Clicked) { idleTimer = now ; // set delay timer for return to idle State = BROWSE ; updateDisplayFlag = true ;} // only change state else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Held) { idleTimer = now ; updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = RST;} // Enter Reset state with Long press. //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Released) {} // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Pressed) {} // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::DoubleClicked) {} // do nothing else {}// perform Idle actions: browse display) break ; case BROWSE: if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Clicked) {State = IDLE ; // return to IDLE on click updateDisplayFlag = true ;} else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Held) { // update the current displayed value. tempUsageWh = pulseMeters[currentMeter].UsageWh ; // use temp variable for update (background changes) idleTimer = now ; // set delay timer for return to idle updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = UPDATE ; } //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Released) {break;} // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Pressed) {break;} // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::DoubleClicked) {break;} // do nothing else if (now > idleTimer + idleTime){State = IDLE ;} // return to idle after expiration of delay else {// perform Idle actions: browse display) int enc = encoder.getValue(); // get the value from the encoder if (enc != 0)idleTimer = now ; // set delay timer for return to idle if( enc > 0) { // cycle through displays depending on up/ down (actual value not used) if (currentMeter++ >= NO_METERS - 1 ) currentMeter = 0; lastRotary = enc ; updateDisplayFlag = true ; } else if (enc < 0) { if (currentMeter-- <= 0) currentMeter = NO_METERS - 1; lastRotary = enc ; updateDisplayFlag = true ; } } break ; case UPDATE: // Double state for large (start) & small increments if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Clicked) { if (updateIncrement == 1) { // Save values and return to idle updateIncrement = 1000 ; // increment in kWh (x1000) pulseMeters[currentMeter].UsageWh = tempUsageWh; // save temp to actual saveMeters(currentMeter); // !!Save the current value to EEPROM (controller will be updated automatically) updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = BROWSE; // return to browse after update } else{ // increment in Wh (x1) updateIncrement = 1 ; } } //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Held) break; // (use as cancel function?) //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Released) break; // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Pressed) break; // do nothing //else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::DoubleClicked) break; // do nothing else if (now > idleTimer + idleTime){ updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = IDLE ;} // return to idle after expiration of delay else { // perform Update actions: change current value int16_t enco = encoder.getValue(); // get the value from the encoder if (enco != 0) { updateDisplayFlag = true ; tempUsageWh += enco * updateIncrement ; // update the temp value from the encoder} idleTimer = now ;} // set delay timer for return to idle } break ; case RST: // reset (jump to reset if Held again) if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::DoubleClicked) { State = IDLE ; //reset for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ pulseMeters[x].DayUsageWh = 0 ; // reset daily counters saveMeters(x); // save meter values to EEPROM } errCount = 0 ; // reset Json err counter updateDisplayFlag = true ; } else if (rotaryButton == ClickEncoder::Clicked) { updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = IDLE ;} // click = return to Idle else if (now > idleTimer + idleTime){ updateDisplayFlag = true ; State = IDLE ;} // return to idle after expiration of delay break ; } // Update display every 1 second (IDLE) every loop (Other states) //if (((State == IDLE) && (now-lastUpdate > 100)) || State != IDLE ){ if (now-lastDisplay > 1000){ updateDisplayFlag = true ; lastDisplay = now; //Serial.print("State: "); //Serial.println(State); } if (updateDisplayFlag) { LCD_local_display(); updateDisplayFlag = false ; } // Every 10 seconds update one meter to controller to avoid traffic jams if (now-lastSyncKWH > 10000){ //printPulsemeter(updateMeter); sendPowerUpdate(updateMeter); // update the values for currentMeter updateMeter++ ; if (updateMeter >= NO_METERS){ // increment and wrap current meter updateMeter = 0 ;} lastSyncKWH = now ; } // Update sensors every 10 secs if (now-lastUpdate > 10000) { // get values to be displayed from controller gw.request(LCD1_CHILD, V_TEXT); // LCD text message lastUpdate = now; } // get readings from serial (sent every 10s) // format {"m":meter,"c":count,"r":rate, "cA":countAccum} // use JSON parser to process (could be replaced by simple split routine, but this works just fine) if(readLineJSON(Serial.read(), json, JSON_LENGHT) > 0 ){ //dummySerial(), Serial.read() // if(readLineJSON(dummySerial(), json, 80) > 0 ){ //dummySerial(), Serial.read() Serial.println(json); storeMeterJSON(json); //store the meter reading calcMeterTotals(); // update totals } } // This is called when a new time value was received void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) { // Ok, set incoming time Serial.print(F("Time value received: ")); Serial.println(controllerTime); setTime(controllerTime); // set the clock to the time from controller timeReceived = true ; } // This is called when a message is received void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) { // Expect few types of messages from controller, V_VAR1 for messages if (message.type==V_TEXT) { // if message comes in, update the kWH reading for meter with value since last update // Write some debug info //Serial.print("Last reading for sensor: "); //Serial.print(message.sensor); //Serial.print(", Message: "); //Serial.println(message.getString()); if (message.sensor == LCD1_CHILD ) { strcpy(lastLCD1, message.getString()); // read payload in LCD string } } } // save Meter to EEPROM when needed void saveMeters(int8_t meterNo){ kWhLong.kWhLongInt = pulseMeters[meterNo].UsageWh ; // convert to separate bytes via struct for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ gw.saveState(meterNo * 4 + y, kWhLong.kWhLongByte[y]) ; // EEPROM position = meter number * 4 bytes } } void sendPowerUpdate(int meterNo) // Sends update to controller for current meter { gw.send(powerMsg.setSensor(meterNo).set((long)pulseMeters[meterNo].PowerW)); // meterNo * 100 )); gw.send(usageMsg.setSensor(meterNo).set((float)pulseMeters[meterNo].UsageWh/1000L ,3)); // send in kWh! } // calculate the total values for from the meters // Total in and out void calcMeterTotals(void) { totalMeterIn.UsageWh = 0 ; totalMeterIn.PowerW = 0 ; totalMeterIn.DayUsageWh = 0 ; totalMeterOut.UsageWh = 0 ; totalMeterOut.PowerW = 0 ; totalMeterOut.DayUsageWh = 0 ; for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ // add In and Out meters to totals if (pulseMeters[x].Type == meterIn){ totalMeterIn.UsageWh += pulseMeters[x].UsageWh; totalMeterIn.PowerW += pulseMeters[x].PowerW ; totalMeterIn.DayUsageWh += pulseMeters[x].DayUsageWh ; } else if (pulseMeters[x].Type == meterOut){ totalMeterOut.UsageWh += pulseMeters[x].UsageWh; totalMeterOut.PowerW += pulseMeters[x].PowerW ; totalMeterOut.DayUsageWh += pulseMeters[x].DayUsageWh ; } } // else = neutral, do nothing totalMeter.UsageWh = totalMeterOut.UsageWh - totalMeterIn.UsageWh ; // calculate nett values totalMeter.PowerW = totalMeterOut.PowerW - totalMeterIn.PowerW ; totalMeter.DayUsageWh = totalMeterOut.DayUsageWh - totalMeterIn.DayUsageWh ; } void LCD_local_display(void) // prints variables on LCD display with units, depending on current State // IDLE = totals // BROWSE = individual meters // SET = individual meter & value { //long loopDelay = millis(); // Test loop time char buf[21]; // buffer for display char tempBuf[11]; // Temporary storage for float -> char conversion // always, time on first line snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d-%02d %5s", hour(), minute(), second(), day(), month(), lastLCD1); lcd.setCursor(0,0); // LCD line 1 lcd.print(buf); // State specific (line 2, 3, 4) switch (State) { case IDLE: // display In meter total on line 2 dtostrf((float)totalMeterOut.DayUsageWh /1000.0, 6, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Use: %6skW\x04%5dW ", tempBuf, (int)totalMeterOut.PowerW ); lcd.setCursor(0,1); // LCD line 2 lcd.print(buf); // display Out meter total on line 3 dtostrf(totalMeterIn.DayUsageWh /1000.0, 6, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Gen: %6skW\x04%5dW ", tempBuf, (int)totalMeterIn.PowerW ); lcd.setCursor(0,2); // LCD line 3 lcd.print(buf); // display Net meter total on line 4 dtostrf(totalMeter.DayUsageWh /1000.0, 6, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Net: %6skW\x04%5dW ", tempBuf, (int)totalMeter.PowerW ); lcd.setCursor(0,3); // LCD line 4 lcd.print(buf); break; case BROWSE: // meter indicated by "currentMeter" dtostrf((float)pulseMeters[currentMeter].DayUsageWh /1000.0, 6, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%4s%6skW\x04\x07%5dW ", pulseMeters[currentMeter].Name, tempBuf, (int)pulseMeters[currentMeter].PowerW ); lcd.setCursor(0,1); // LCD line 2 lcd.print(buf); // display total for meter line 3, dtostrf((float)pulseMeters[currentMeter].UsageWh /1000.0, 10, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "tot:%10skW\x04 ",tempBuf); lcd.setCursor(0,2); // LCD line 3 lcd.print(buf); // TEST: display full message on line 4 lcd.setCursor(0,3); // LCD line 4 snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%20s", lastLCD1); lcd.print(buf); break; case UPDATE: // meter indicated by "currentMeter" dtostrf((float)pulseMeters[currentMeter].DayUsageWh /1000.0, 6, 2, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%4s%6skW\x04\x07%5dW ", pulseMeters[currentMeter].Name, tempBuf, (int)pulseMeters[currentMeter].PowerW ); lcd.setCursor(0,1); // LCD line 2 lcd.print(buf); // display current value on line 3 lcd.setCursor(0,2); // LCD line 3 dtostrf((float)pulseMeters[currentMeter].UsageWh /1000.0, 10, 3, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "tot:%10skW\x04 \x7E ",tempBuf); lcd.print(buf); // display update value on line 4 lcd.setCursor(0,3); // LCD line 4 dtostrf((float)tempUsageWh /1000.0, 10, 3, tempBuf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "tot:%10skW\x04 ",tempBuf); lcd.print(buf); break; case RST: //snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Use: %6skW\x04%5dW ", tempBuf, (int)totalMeterOut.PowerW ); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); // LCD line 2 lcd.print("Doubleclick to reset"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "JSON err count: %d",errCount); lcd.print(buf); default: // default display break; } } int storeMeterJSON(char *json) /* convert JSON to values and store in corresponding meter (if used) input: JSON string (can be wrong formatted), with length output: changed meter record number or -1 if error use JsonParser */ { StaticJsonBuffer<50> jsonBuffer; // 4 object -> 4 + 4*10 = 44 // char njson[] = "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}"; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json); if (!root.success()) { Serial.println(F("JsonParser.parse() failed")); errCount++ ; return -1; } int m = (long)root["m"]; if (m > NO_METERS){ // meter value out of range for used meters (m starts at 1) return -1 ; } else { // update meter values, Power is momentary, Usage is cumulative long newAccumWh = (long)root["cA"] ; long newWh = (long)root["c"] ; long diffAccumWh = newAccumWh - pulseMeters[m-1].UsageAccumWh; // check for missed pulses by comparing cA with last stored value if (diffAccumWh >= newWh){ // no difference or missed pulses -> correct: add difference pulseMeters[m-1].UsageWh += diffAccumWh; pulseMeters[m-1].DayUsageWh += diffAccumWh; } else { // negative diff, out of sync -> add pulses only (can be out of range or restart) pulseMeters[m-1].UsageWh += newWh; pulseMeters[m-1].DayUsageWh += newWh; } pulseMeters[m-1].UsageAccumWh = newAccumWh; // always update sync counter (only for sync and error correction(serial)) if ((long)root["r"] == 0){ // calculate power from pulse rate (ms) and truncate to whole Watts pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = 0; // if overflow assume no Usage } else { pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = long( 3600000000L / (long)root["r"]); // rate in microseconds } return m ; } } int readLineJSON(int readch, char *buffer, int len) /* checks for JSON and when started append char tot buffer and checks for line completion usage: static char buffer[80]; if (readline(Serial.read(), buffer, 80) > 0) { // line complete} returns simple JSON */ { static int pos = 0; int rpos; if (readch > 0) { switch (readch) { case '\n': // Ignore new-lines break; case '\r': // Return on CR rpos = pos; pos = 0; // Reset position index ready for next time return rpos; default: if (pos < len-1) { buffer[pos++] = readch; buffer[pos] = 0; } } } // No end of line has been found, so return -1. return -1; } /* int dummySerial() // Acts as a dummy JSON serial character generator for debugging // input: none // output: preset JSON string { static int pos = 0; char json[] = "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}\r{\"m\":2,\"c\":212,\"r\":2120000,\"cA\":212345}\r{\"m\":3,\"c\":212,\"r\":2120000,\"cA\":212345}\n\r"; if (pos++ >= strlen(json)){ pos = 0; } return json[pos] ; } */ /* void printPulsemeter(int meter) // prints the Pulsemeter record to serial out { Serial.print("m:"); Serial.print(meter); Serial.print(", power: "); Serial.print(pulseMeters[meter].PowerW); Serial.print(", usage: "); Serial.print(pulseMeters[meter].UsageWh); Serial.print(", day usage: "); Serial.println(pulseMeters[meter].DayUsageWh ); // Serial.print(", Ca: "); // Serial.println(pulseMeters[meter].UsageAccumWh); } */
Hi, great work
as my S0 meter uses 2000imp/kwh and my reading seem to be twice as high as they should be i guess your meters do 1000imp/kwh?
As i am still working on my programming skills i could not figure out where to change this
can you give me a hint which 1000 to change out with my 2000?thanks!
AWI I got it up and running with your new sketches!!
Great work!!!!! Domoticz recognizes that there are sensors in the network.But something is still wrong, the usage isn't going up..
Whats wrong?Didn't connect a display and rotaryswitch and also didn't commented things out..
Why does it show every sensor twice? One with subtype unknown and one with electric??
I also seen that with the humidity temp sensor..The serial on the master arduino says:
There's not more than a tiny plaster wall between the two arduinos, a total distance of one meter...
@MarkV A few thing from what I read from the serial out:
The slave does not sense any pulses, all the values are at 0
The master gets a "fail" when sending data to the Gateway. Looks like a communication issue
Are you using an USB or LAN gateway. The Domoticz output show both.... I don't know if Domoticz can handle that.
You can try to delete the "old"/previous nodes and start the thing again. Domoticz should use a combined Usage/ Power sensor
@jeti You are right, I never thought about other meters than the 1 pulse = 1 Whr ones..sorry. There are a few ways of getting it changed:
You can keep leave most as it is and when you send/ or display the values divide the pulses by two and double the Watt values in the routines "LCD_local_display" and "sendPowerUpdate"
or: make the necessary calculations when the data comes in. This is a little more complicated in routine "storeMeterJSON" but if you understand the logic (including error corrrection) should be not too hard.
I´m using a LAN GW, i disconnected the serial and made the LAN one of it.
Mmm, the comms error is strange, they're at max one meter apart, with a tiny plaster wall in between, both also got a cap between vcc and gnd.
Next weekend i´m going to have a look at the slave input, rather strange that it doesn´t receives pulses.
I connected the 5volt line to all the 6 pulse meters and connected their output to D2 - D8, through a cord of network cable.
Thanks for all your help so far!!!!!
thanks! as i do not have display (yet) i just did the calculations in the "sendPowerUpdate" -> now it works perfect
I just double check with a powermeter to see if everything is ok.
@MarkV just one tip for today... You should connect the common ground to the pulse meters. The inputs use a pull-up to vcc..
Dawm maybe thats the problem..
I connected the 5v as commen to the pulse + and the - to the digital inputs.So to be sure i need to connect the pulse + to the digitale inputs and the pulse - to gnd????
@MarkV I would depend on your S0 meters, but normal is "open collector" so you can connect '-' to ground and '+' to the input (= pull-up to Vcc).
(another way to connect is + to vcc and - to input, but then you need external "pull down" resistors and change the sketch)
Then thats the problem with the slave arduino getting no data. I connected the pulse output like you mentioned second and didn't changed the sketch.
Maybe i'm home tomorrow then i will give it a try.
Or is it hard to chsnge the sketch? And what should i change?
@MarkV it is indicated in the sketch but you also need external resistors for pull-down. If you disable the internal pull-up resistors the levels are inverted. So you also need to'invert' the measurements or you are measuring the pulse width instead of the time between pulses.
Tonight i checked the wires and changed them and i believe your wright, the output is:
But it keeps giving a error, so i hangt them near each other with approx. 10cm space in between, why does it stil say fail after a good startup with ok and after 10a20sec it starts saying fail..
Is the readout correct?
And what more could cause the fail error?
@MarkV In most of the cases "fail" is related to the power supply of the radio. Did you follow the instructions for connection of the radio?
Your measurement sketch is really nice. There is one line I do not understand.prateAccum += prate - 2000;
Is this prateAccum needed or couldn't it be left away? What is the meaning of 2000 in this context?
@FotoFieber To be honest .. a left over from some experiments. Just leave it out... you won't notice the difference.
@AWI thanks again!
I am using your sketches with only one S0 Meter (the 2000pulse/kwh one).
*One thing i just found out, that as long as the master arduino is connected to the serial port of my pc it is running fine but when its not, it does not send.I have checked the voltage at the radio and it is the same... I also do not have any display or rotary encoder, as I do the visualisation with FHEM.
Do you know why this is the case? * -> Voltage was to low... but the secon question remains:Any idea to use differen pulses/kwh S0 meters? for example one 2000pulse/kwh and one 800 pulse/kwh.
thanks in advance!
Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 7), Board:"Arduino Nano, ATmega328"
sketch_oct03e:128: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
sketch_oct03e.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_oct03e:162: error: 'S_INFO' was not declared in this scope
sketch_oct03e.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_oct03e:337: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
sketch_oct03e.ino: In function 'void incomingMessage(const MyMessage&)':
sketch_oct03e:364: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scopeDit rapport zou meer informatie hebben met
"Tijdens de compilatie uitgebreide uitvoer weergeven"
ingeschakeld in Bestand > Voorkeuren.
this is what i'll get when trying to upload the master sketch
@marten You need to use the "Development" branch of MySensors until the production version gets updated -or- you can uncomment the lines with "const int ..."
// new V_TEXT variable type (development 20150905) //const int V_TEXT = 47 ; // new S_INFO sensor type (development 20150905) //const int S_INFO = 36 ;
This post is deleted!
@jeti as mentioned in a previous post..
There are a few ways of getting it changed:
You can keep/ leave most as it is and when you send/ or display the values divide the pulses by two and double the Watt values in the routines "LCD_local_display" and "sendPowerUpdate"
or: make the necessary calculations when the data comes in. This is a little more complicated in routine "storeMeterJSON" but if you understand the logic (including error corrrection) should be not too hard.
I don't have the time at this moment to do it for you...
nevermind I will start workin on it
Thanks again for the great work!
was not that much work
this is the modified master-sketch from AWI i am starting to use. The changes i made:
-deletion of LCD and rotray part
-deletion of accumulation part
-modified meterType to meter800, meter1000 and meter2000 this reflects meters with 800imp/khw;1000imp/kwh;2000imp/kwhI am using this with only one meter (2000imp/kwh) for now and works pretty nicly second different meter type is on the way.
As I am a beginner please be gentle with comments
#include <MySensor.h> // MySensors network #include <SPI.h> #include <Time.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> // used to parse the simple JSON output of the pulse meter https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson // Constants & globals const int NO_METERS = 1 ; // actual meters used (max 12) const int NODE_ID = 152 ; // fixed MySensors node ID const int JSON_LENGHT = 80 ; // Maximum json string length // new V_TEXT variable type (development 20150905) const int V_TEXT = 47 ; // new S_INFO sensor type (development 20150905) const int S_INFO = 36 ; char lastLCD1[21] = "-- "; // LCD message line typedef enum meterTypes: int8_t {meter800, meter1000, meter2000} ; // metertype meter800, meter1000, meter2000; const char METER_NAMES[NO_METERS][4] = {"PC"} ; // meter names const meterTypes METER_TYPES[NO_METERS] = {meter2000}; const unsigned long idleTime = 10000 ; // Delay time for any of the states to return to idle unsigned long idleTimer ; // Delay timer for idleTime union { // used to convert long to bytes for EEPROM storage long kWhLongInt; uint8_t kWhLongByte[4]; } kWhLong ; // Possible states for the state machine. // Idle: default state, show totals for in/out nett // Browse: dive into meter details // Update: update meter value (Wh total) // Reset: reset day values enum States: int8_t {IDLE, BROWSE, UPDATE, RST} ; uint8_t State = IDLE; // current state machine state // meter class, store all relevant meter data (equivalent to struct) class pulseMeter { public: long UsageWh; // last (current) usage (in W) from pulse counter long UsageAccumWh; // usage accumulator (to keep in sync) from pulse counter long PowerW; // actual power, calculated from pulse "rate" long DayUsageWh; // daily usage for display meterTypes Type; // metertype for addition in totals: meter800, meter1000, meter2000; char Name[4] ; // meter name for display }; pulseMeter pulseMeters[NO_METERS] ; // define power meters //pulseMeter meter800, meter1000, meter2000; // pulse/kWh unsigned long tempUsageWh ; // temporary store while manually updating (state UPDATE) // Json parser: define parse object: <10> = number of tokens in JSON: ~10 per m (4 * [key, value] + key_total, value_total)) // example: "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}" char json[JSON_LENGHT] ; // Storage for serial JSON string (init for example) // flags & counters bool timeReceived = false; // controller time bool newDay = false; // reset at 00:00:00 unsigned long lastUpdate=0, lastRequest=0, lastDisplay=0, lastSyncKWH=0; // loop timers for once in while events int updateMeter = 0; // current meter for update bool updateDisplayFlag = true ; // indicate that display needs to be updated int currentMeter = 0; // active meter for update & check, cycles through meters (0..NO_METERS-1) int lastRotary = 0; // last rotary encoder position int updateIncrement = 1000 ; // Interval multiplier for Update int errCount = 0 ; // error counter // *** Definition and initialisation // define the MySensor network MySensor gw; // pins used RFX24(default 9,10) // Initialize messages for sensor network MyMessage powerMsg(0,V_WATT); // message to send power in W MyMessage usageMsg(0,V_KWH); // message to send usage in kWH MyMessage textMsg(0,V_TEXT); // message to send/receive text // function to reset the Arduino (jump to 0 address) void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;//declare reset function at address 0 void setup(void) { gw.begin(incomingMessage, NODE_ID, false); // this node is fixed, no repeat //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway gw.sendSketchInfo("AWI-12ChannelPulse", "2.0"); // Initialize the meter names // Register all Pulse counters to gw (they will be created as child devices from 0 to MAX-1) for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ gw.present(x, S_POWER, METER_NAMES[x]); // present power meters to gateway delay(10); // give it some time to process } delay(100); for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ // initialize previous kWh values from EEPROM and init for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ // convert from bytes kWhLong.kWhLongByte[y]= gw.loadState(x *4 + y) ;// EEPROM position = meter number * 4 bytes } // controller is updated later automatically pulseMeters[x].UsageWh = kWhLong.kWhLongInt; strcpy(pulseMeters[x].Name, METER_NAMES[x] ); // copy string for meter names pulseMeters[x].Type = METER_TYPES[x]; // Set type } } void loop(void) { // Before specific states, perform generic tasks unsigned long now = millis(); // Timer in loop for "once in a while" events gw.process() ; // process incoming messages // If no time has been received yet, request it every 10 second from controller if ((!timeReceived && (now-lastRequest > 10*1000)) || (now-lastRequest > 3600000UL)){ // request update every hour to keep in sync Serial.println(F("requesting time")); // Request time from controller. timeReceived = false; gw.requestTime(receiveTime); lastRequest = now; } // Check if new day has started (hour == 0) and reset day usage counters of meters if (hour()==0 && !newDay){ newDay = true; for (int x = 0; x < NO_METERS; x++){ pulseMeters[x].DayUsageWh = 0 ; // reset daily counters saveMeters(x); // save meter values to EEPROM } } else if(hour() != 0 && newDay) // reset newday flag if hour != 0 { newDay = false;} // Every 10 seconds update one meter to controller to avoid traffic jams if (now-lastSyncKWH > 10000){ // printPulsemeter(updateMeter); sendPowerUpdate(updateMeter); // update the values for currentMeter updateMeter++ ; if (updateMeter >= NO_METERS){ // increment and wrap current meter updateMeter = 0 ;} lastSyncKWH = now ; } // Update sensors every 10 secs if (now-lastUpdate > 10000) { // get values to be displayed from controller lastUpdate = now; } // get readings from serial (sent every 10s) // format {"m":meter,"c":count,"r":rate, "cA":countAccum} // use JSON parser to process (could be replaced by simple split routine, but this works just fine) if(readLineJSON(Serial.read(), json, JSON_LENGHT) > 0 ){ //dummySerial(), Serial.read() // if(readLineJSON(dummySerial(), json, 80) > 0 ){ //dummySerial(), Serial.read() Serial.println(json); storeMeterJSON(json); //store the meter reading //calcMeterTotals(); // update totals } } // This is called when a new time value was received void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) { // Ok, set incoming time Serial.print(F("Time value received: ")); Serial.println(controllerTime); setTime(controllerTime); // set the clock to the time from controller timeReceived = true ; } // This is called when a message is received void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) { // Expect few types of messages from controller, V_VAR1 for messages if (message.type==V_TEXT) { // if message comes in, update the kWH reading for meter with value since last update // Write some debug info //Serial.print("Last reading for sensor: "); //Serial.print(message.sensor); //Serial.print(", Message: "); //Serial.println(message.getString()); } } // save Meter to EEPROM when needed void saveMeters(int8_t meterNo){ kWhLong.kWhLongInt = pulseMeters[meterNo].UsageWh ; // convert to separate bytes via struct for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ gw.saveState(meterNo * 4 + y, kWhLong.kWhLongByte[y]) ; // EEPROM position = meter number * 4 bytes } } void sendPowerUpdate(int meterNo) // Sends update to controller for current meter { gw.send(powerMsg.setSensor(meterNo).set((long)pulseMeters[meterNo].PowerW)); // meterNo * 100 )); gw.send(usageMsg.setSensor(meterNo).set((float)pulseMeters[meterNo].UsageWh/1000L ,3)); // send in kWh! } int storeMeterJSON(char *json) /* convert JSON to values and store in corresponding meter (if used) input: JSON string (can be wrong formatted), with length output: changed meter record number or -1 if error use JsonParser */ { StaticJsonBuffer<50> jsonBuffer; // 4 object -> 4 + 4*10 = 44 // char njson[] = "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}"; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json); if (!root.success()) { Serial.println(F("JsonParser.parse() failed")); errCount++ ; return -1; } int m = (long)root["m"]; if (m > NO_METERS){ // meter value out of range for used meters (m starts at 1) return -1 ; } else { // update meter values, Power is momentary, Usage is cumulative long newAccumWh = (long)root["cA"] ; long newWh = (long)root["c"] ; long diffAccumWh = newAccumWh - pulseMeters[m-1].UsageAccumWh; // check for missed pulses by comparing cA with last stored value if (diffAccumWh >= newWh){ // no difference or missed pulses -> correct: add difference pulseMeters[m-1].UsageWh += diffAccumWh; pulseMeters[m-1].DayUsageWh += diffAccumWh; } else { // negative diff, out of sync -> add pulses only (can be out of range or restart) pulseMeters[m-1].UsageWh += newWh; pulseMeters[m-1].DayUsageWh += newWh; } pulseMeters[m-1].UsageAccumWh = newAccumWh; // always update sync counter (only for sync and error correction(serial)) if ((long)root["r"] == 0){ // calculate power from pulse rate (ms) and truncate to whole Watts pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = 0; // if overflow assume no Usage } else if (pulseMeters[m-1].Type == meter800){ pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = long( 3600000000L / (long)root["r"]*0.8); // rate in microseconds for 800 pulse/kWh } else if (pulseMeters[m-1].Type == meter1000){ pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = long( 3600000000L / (long)root["r"]); // rate in microseconds for 1000 pulse/kWh } else if (pulseMeters[m-1].Type == meter2000){ pulseMeters[m-1].PowerW = long( 3600000000L / (long)root["r"]/2); // rate in microseconds for 2000 pulse/kWh } else { Serial.println("geht nicht"); } return m ; } } int readLineJSON(int readch, char *buffer, int len) /* checks for JSON and when started append char tot buffer and checks for line completion usage: static char buffer[80]; if (readline(Serial.read(), buffer, 80) > 0) { // line complete} returns simple JSON */ { static int pos = 0; int rpos; if (readch > 0) { switch (readch) { case '\n': // Ignore new-lines break; case '\r': // Return on CR rpos = pos; pos = 0; // Reset position index ready for next time return rpos; default: if (pos < len-1) { buffer[pos++] = readch; buffer[pos] = 0; } } } // No end of line has been found, so return -1. return -1; } /* int dummySerial() // Acts as a dummy JSON serial character generator for debugging // input: none // output: preset JSON string { static int pos = 0; char json[] = "{\"m\":1,\"c\":12,\"r\":120000,\"cA\":12345}\r{\"m\":2,\"c\":212,\"r\":2120000,\"cA\":212345}\r{\"m\":3,\"c\":212,\"r\":2120000,\"cA\":212345}\n\r"; if (pos++ >= strlen(json)){ pos = 0; } return json[pos] ; } */ /* void printPulsemeter(int meter) // prints the Pulsemeter record to serial out { Serial.print("m:"); Serial.print(meter); Serial.print("type:"); Serial.print(pulseMeters[meter].Type); Serial.print(", power: "); Serial.print(pulseMeters[meter].PowerW); Serial.print(", usage: "); Serial.print(pulseMeters[meter].UsageWh); Serial.print(", day usage: "); Serial.println(pulseMeters[meter].DayUsageWh ); // Serial.print(", Ca: "); // Serial.println(pulseMeters[meter].UsageAccumWh); } */
Good evening,
After a couple of weeks, again i'm busy with my arduino's, but now i have a rasberry with domoticz near my arduino, so i don't need to send it wireless.
Is there a possibility to connect the master or slave arduino directly to my rasberry and read out the pulse meters???
With MySensors version 1.6 (currently in development) you can connect the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi's USB port using a FTDI or CH340G. That type of connection is called a serial gateway. Before 1.6, the gateways do not support local sensors.
So with 1.6 i can install the master software and connect my arduino master directly through usb without the rf24''s? ?
I am not entirely sure what a master is, but yes, I think you can.
I meen the master sketch like written above.
I'd want to build a gateway but without the wireless RF part, just connect the master arduino directly through usb to the RasberryPi and readout the measurements.
So in general:
Kwh Meters -- cable --> Slave arduino <-- serial --> Master arduino <-- USB --> RasberryPi
@MarkV If you don't want it to be MySensors enabled and not used the display etc. it's easier to readout the slave with the raspberry. The protocol is a simple Json and if you use a nano for the slave you can connect it with usb..
Last weeks i'm trying to get it to work but without luck. Could you give a manual on how to get it working with json? What should we do? And how? On my rasberry, on the arduino and in domoticz??
I've got a question, are you planning to re-write the script for the main and slave Arduino to the new MySensors 2.0 structuur?I've also tryed to look on github if there's a page from you, but didn't find it...
@MarkV I updated the sketch for main a few months ago to development (pre-2.0). Also changed it a little for stability and removed the (complicated) JSON library The slave has no MySensors dependency.
I've updated everything and it's up and running.
But my Master arduino (UNO clone) gives this readout on the USB port:0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete. 0;255;3;0;11;AWI-12ChannelPulse 0;255;3;0;12;2.0 0;0;0;0;13;Groep 1 0;1;0;0;13;Groep 2 0;2;0;0;13;Groep 3 0;3;0;0;13;Groep 4 0;4;0;0;13;Groep 5 0;5;0;0;13;Groep 6 0;20;0;0;36;Usage meter LCD 0;20;1;0;47;- 0;255;3;0;1; 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;20;2;0;47; 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;20;2;0;47; 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;20;2;0;47; 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;2;1;0;17;0 0;2;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;3;1;0;17;0 0;3;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;4;1;0;17;0 0;4;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;5;1;0;17;0 0;5;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;0;1;0;17;0 0;0;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 0;1;1;0;17;0 0;1;1;0;18;-0.001 0;255;3;0;1; 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Is this correct?
Because Domoticz doesn't change the values.
Also this is not the format, wich is past through in the JSON code from the slave to master duino??
How is it that i get the readings like above? And after a while the sensor also stops with sending data, last connection stays on that time and date.I've uploaded your github sketch and done a serial readout of the measuring arduino and that one functions proberbly. No faulty low voltage errors etc.
@MarkV Ok, one step at a time.. the output looks like the output of your (serial) gateway. Have you tried to switch on the "Master node" debug Serial.print() statements?
It the serial output from the gateway arduino, wich i've got connected through usb.
I don't have a rotaryswitch connected and yesterday evening i connected a I2c Display just to see if something changes on that.I noticed one thin, when i check the serial output, the timer on the display is reset. Further more when i stop the serial readout, the counter also stops, like if the hole thing go's into a idle or stop.
I've uncommented the debug informatie wich i could find:
// Handle incoming messages from the MySensors Gateway void receive(const MyMessage &message) { // Expect few types of messages from controller, V_VAR1 for messages if (message.type==V_TEXT) { // if message comes in, update the kWH reading for meter with value since last update // Write some debug info Serial.print("Last reading for sensor: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString()); if (message.sensor == LCD1_CHILD ) { strcpy(lastLCD1, message.getString()); // read payload in LCD string } } }
Were could i read this debug information?
At this moment i got my arduino hooked up through usb to my rasberry to see if it keeps sending information.I also changed all the cables to the meters.
This is how one meter looks like:
All the meters are showing also strange values on the axis.
Sorry for being such a noob at this.. :-S
@MarkV Hi Mark It is a rather complicated sketch, so not easy to debug remote.
You need to connect the master arduino to your USB and check with the serial monitor.
then add some Serial.print() statements starting form where the data is read.The piece you commented out is where the node should receive information from the controller. I expect you didn't come far enough to set that up.
(as I noticed you are Dutch, we can use the chat function on the forum to get this working...please don't expect immediate answers..)
Oh better, we definitie have to de that. When does it suit you?Grtz
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