ESP8266 WiFi gateway issue

  • Hi,
    I have one battery powered node build on Arduino Mini Pro 3.3V with combined 2 sensors DHT11 and BH1750. The node is working OK and give me correct values from sensors on Arduino serial console.

    The output from this node connected to Serial gateway is also OK.

    And this is the output from the same node connected to ESP8266 gateway. As You can see, only the first output of LIGHT_LEVEL is correct.

    Could anyone check this?

  • Mod

    @snow Could be a 8 (ATMega32) vs. 32 bit (ESP8266) issue.

    1032       = 0x0000 0408
    1107297279 = 0x4200 03FF

    The lower 16 bits are more or less equal.
    Could you post the serial output of the ESP8266 gateway for such a set of LIGHT_LEVELs and a screenshot of MYSController as you did before ?

  • Why does MsgID#32 provide Heater_sw as the subtype? Something strange going on with the data flowing through the esp...

  • Mod

    @Dwalt said:

    Why does MsgID#32 provide Heater_sw as the subtype? Something strange going on with the data flowing through the esp...

    MsgID#32 is from the serial gateway, as I understand it...

  • @Yveaux I have made another test on two gateways at the same time. Here is the results.
    Serial gateway (Arduino NANO)

    ESP8266 gateway (ESP-07)

    Console output from ESP gateway

    ESP8266 MySensors Gateway
    Connecting to 00000000
    0;0;3;0;9;gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0
    Client 0 connected
    0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.5
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
    Client 0: 1;255;3;0;6;M
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-1-1 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:M
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=22,sg=0:Lux/Temp/Humidity
    1;255;3;0;11;Lux/Temp/Humidity +Bat
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=0,t=16,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=1,c=0,t=7,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:101
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:46
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=2,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,sg=0:23.0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,sg=0:33.0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296452
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296619
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296632
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296315
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:92
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:92
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296724
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=2,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:92
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296536
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=22,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296631
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=0,c=1,t=23,pt=3,l=2,sg=0:1107296622

    I suspect a problem with the length or definition of variables, but I'm not a good programmer. πŸ˜‰

    1107296631 - 383 = 0x4200000
    1107296622 - 366 = 0x4200000

  • Msg54 again shows subtype 22, which is for V_HVAC_SPEED. It occurred on both the serial gateway example (top of thread) and the ESP. It seems to mess up the message at the node level. Perhaps not a problem with the gateway.

  • Mod

    @snow said:

    I suspect a problem with the length or definition of variables,

    Agree. Possibly a variable somewhere that has a different size on ESP.
    Hopefully tonight I can have a better look.

  • Mod

    @Yveaux said:

    Possibly a variable somewhere that has a different size on ESP

    Pretty sure I found the cause: the messages exchanged between sensor and gateway contain int types.
    These have a size of 2 bytes on Arduino and 4 bytes on ESP.
    An int sent from the Arduino is sent as 2 bytes, but the ESP expects 4. The upper 2 will be filled with garbage.

    Still a hypothesis which has to be verified & fixed.
    To be continued!

  • Mod

    @snow Please try the code in the development branch , where hek did an excellent job to standardize on datatypes being exchanged between nodes.
    This will probably solve your issue.

  • The development version is working OK πŸ˜†
    Thanks guys for your hard work.

  • Mod

    @snow great to hear!
    Glad I could help (and my hunch was correct πŸ™‚ )

  • @snow

    Did you use the Development version of the ESP8266 Wifi gatewavy or for the sensor

  • Admin

    You should probably use it on both sides to be sure to get the same size on the data types.

  • All the sensors that i have include before i upgrade the ESP8266 Wifi GW is now working

    But its not working to include more, Nothing happens in Veran when i press start
    but the gateway say this

    0;0;3;0;9Client 0: 0;0;3;0;5;1t version

    every time i press start

  • @Hoffan said:

    Did you use the Development version of the ESP8266 Wifi gatewavy or for the sensor

    At the moment I only changed the gateway. It's already solved my problem with incorrect values.

  • @snow

    But is your include button working now?
    Or maybe you don't use Vera as a controller

  • Admin


    The print looks a bit weird. I'll have to do some tests.

  • @Hoffan No. I'm using DomoticZ

  • @hek

    That sounds good, Just ask if you want me to test something..

  • @hek

    Any News here ?

  • Having another problem with a ESP8266 running as the gateway. Sensor build on Arduino Mini Pro loaded with example sketch DimmableLightWithRotaryEncoderButton.ino. Sensor and gateway firmware compiled from latest development branch v1.6 library.
    The controller is a domoticz.

    This is a output on the gateway console when I turn rotary encoder on the sensor.

    0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.

    This is the output from gateway console when I move dimmer slider on the Domoticz

    3;1;1;1;3;87t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;80t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;53t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;47t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;33t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;20t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;13t Version
    3;1;1;1;3;73t Version

    The problem is that the ESP8266 gateway append unnecessary characters t Version at the end of each line.
    Also when dimmer slider is on the position 6%, gateway output is 3;1;1;1;3;73t Version Correct value should be 7 not 73

  • Admin


    Could you perhaps enable "#define MY_DEBUG" in the gateway sketch?

    Would alos be interesting to see the result when you add



  • Here is the output from the gateway console when I rotate knob on the encoder.

    connected with 00000000, channel 6
    0;0;3;0;9;gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:24
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:24
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:26
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:26
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:28
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:28
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:30
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:30
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:32
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:32
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:34
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:34
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:36
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:36
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:38
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:38
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:40
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:40
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:42
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:42

    Here is output from the gateway console, when I slide down dimmer on the Domoticz

    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:03M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:0
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;87M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;87M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:87M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:87M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;2;03M Version
    3;1;1;1;2;03M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:03M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:03M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:0
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;2;13M Version
    3;1;1;1;2;13M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:13M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:13M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:93
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:93M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=10,sg=0:1.6.0-beta
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;255;3;0;6;M Version
    3;255;3;0;6;M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=21,sg=0:DimmableLED /w bu
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.2
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:93
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;80M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;80M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:80M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:80M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;73M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;73M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:73M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:73M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;67M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;67M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:67M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:67M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;60M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;60M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:60M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:60M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;53M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;53M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:53M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:53M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;47M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;47M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:47M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:47M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 3;1;1;1;3;40M Version
    3;1;1;1;3;40M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-3-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:40M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 3-3-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:40M Version

    The output from sensor console

    send: 3-3-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=10,sg=0,st=ok:1.6.0-beta
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    read: 0-0-3 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=21,sg=0,st=ok:DimmableLED /w button
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.2
    sensor started, id=3, parent=0, distance=1
    Sending in last known light level to controller: 93
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:93
    Ready to receive messages...
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:93
    New light level received: 93
    Fading level: 1
    Fading level: 2
    Fading level: 3
    Fading level: 4
    Fading level: 5
    Fading level: 6
    Fading level: 7
    Fading level: 8
    Fading level: 9
    Fading level: 10
    Fading level: 11
    Fading level: 12
    Fading level: 13
    Fading level: 14
    Fading level: 15
    Fading level: 16
    Fading level: 17
    Fading level: 18
    Fading level: 19
    Fading level: 20
    Fading level: 21
    Fading level: 22
    Fading level: 23
    Fading level: 24
    Fading level: 25
    Fading level: 26
    Fading level: 27
    Fading level: 28
    Fading level: 29
    Fading level: 30
    Fading level: 31
    Fading level: 32
    Fading level: 33
    Fading level: 34
    Fading level: 35
    Fading level: 36
    Fading level: 37
    Fading level: 38
    Fading level: 39
    Fading level: 40
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    Fading level: 42
    Fading level: 43
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    Fading level: 50
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    Fading level: 60
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    Fading level: 67
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    Fading level: 74
    Fading level: 75
    Fading level: 76
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    Fading level: 78
    Fading level: 79
    Fading level: 80
    Fading level: 81
    Fading level: 82
    Fading level: 83
    Fading level: 84
    Fading level: 85
    Fading level: 86
    Fading level: 87
    Fading level: 88
    Fading level: 89
    Fading level: 90
    Fading level: 91
    Fading level: 92
    Fading level: 93
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:80M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:80M Version
    New light level received: 80
    Fading level: 92
    Fading level: 91
    Fading level: 90
    Fading level: 89
    Fading level: 88
    Fading level: 87
    Fading level: 86
    Fading level: 85
    Fading level: 84
    Fading level: 83
    Fading level: 82
    Fading level: 81
    Fading level: 80
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:73M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:73M Version
    New light level received: 73
    Fading level: 79
    Fading level: 78
    Fading level: 77
    Fading level: 76
    Fading level: 75
    Fading level: 74
    Fading level: 73
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:67M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:67M Version
    New light level received: 67
    Fading level: 72
    Fading level: 71
    Fading level: 70
    Fading level: 69
    Fading level: 68
    Fading level: 67
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:60M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:60M Version
    New light level received: 60
    Fading level: 66
    Fading level: 65
    Fading level: 64
    Fading level: 63
    Fading level: 62
    Fading level: 61
    Fading level: 60
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:53M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:53M Version
    New light level received: 53
    Fading level: 59
    Fading level: 58
    Fading level: 57
    Fading level: 56
    Fading level: 55
    Fading level: 54
    Fading level: 53
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:47M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:47M Version
    New light level received: 47
    Fading level: 52
    Fading level: 51
    Fading level: 50
    Fading level: 49
    Fading level: 48
    Fading level: 47
    read: 0-0-3 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0:40M Version
    send: 3-3-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,st=ok:40M Version
    New light level received: 40
    Fading level: 46
    Fading level: 45
    Fading level: 44
    Fading level: 43
    Fading level: 42
    Fading level: 41
    Fading level: 40

    I hope it will be helpful

  • Admin

    It almost looks like Domoticz sends the "Version" stuff. Is it possible to see what Domoticz sends? Anot logs over there?

  • Output from RPi console. pi@domoticz ~/domoticz $ sudo ./domoticz -verbose 1

    2015-11-08 15:06:57.916  MySensors: connected to:
    2015-11-08 15:06:57.916  MySensors: Gateway Ready...
    2015-11-08 15:06:58.917  MySensors: Gateway Version: 1.6.0-beta
    2015-11-08 15:07:12.928  MySensors: Node: 3, Sketch Name: DimmableLED /w button
    2015-11-08 15:07:13.932  MySensors: Node: 3, Sketch Version: 1.2
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 0
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = On
    2015-11-08 15:07:13.936  (MySensors) Lighting 2 (LED Dimmer)
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 0
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = Set Level: 12
    2015-11-08 15:07:32.010  (MySensors) Lighting 2 (LED Dimmer)
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 1
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = Set Level: 11
    2015-11-08 15:07:33.981  (MySensors) Lighting 2 (LED Dimmer)
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 2
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = Set Level: 10
    2015-11-08 15:07:35.984  (MySensors) Lighting 2 (LED Dimmer)
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 3
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = Set Level: 9
    2015-11-08 15:07:38.055  (MySensors) Lighting 2 (LED Dimmer)
    subtype       = AC
    Sequence nbr  = 4
    ID            = 0000003
    Unit          = 1
    Command       = Set Level: 8

    I'll try to build Serial Gateway and do the same test

  • There is a small problem with domoticz regarding the light level (fixed in beta #3563)
    When the slider was set to 100%, around 93% was send to the node

    BUT, what domoticz sends, is OK, there is NO version stuff added (really strange your seeing this!)

    I made a test sketch, and this is the output:

    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=10,sg=0,st=ok:1.6.0-beta
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    read: 0-0-254 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:M
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=21,sg=0,st=ok:DimmableLED /w button
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.2
    sensor started, id=254, parent=0, distance=1
    Ready to receive messages...
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:0
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    V_LIGHT received: 0
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:1
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:1
    V_LIGHT received: 1
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:43
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:43
    V_DIMMER received: 43
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:86
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:86
    V_DIMMER received: 86
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:100
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:100
    V_DIMMER received: 100

    All perfect

    // Enable debug prints
    #define MY_DEBUG

    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69

    #define MY_NODE_ID 254

    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensor.h>

    #define SN "DimmableLED /w button"
    #define SV "1.2"

    #define CHILD_ID_LIGHT 1

    MyMessage dimmerMsg(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, V_DIMMER);

    void setup()
    Serial.println("Ready to receive messages...");

    void presentation() {
    // Send the Sketch Version Information to the Gateway
    present(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, S_DIMMER);
    sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);

    void loop()

    void receive(const MyMessage &message)
    if (message.type == V_LIGHT) {
    Serial.print("V_LIGHT received: ");
    } else if (message.type == V_DIMMER) {
    Serial.print("V_DIMMER received: ");
    else {
    Serial.print("Unhandled message received: ");

  • Admin

    How do you terminate the strings in Domoticz? Only \n or both \n and \r?

    Does the controller have exactly the same behaviour when communicating with an ethernet gateway as serial gateway?

  • @GizMoCuz
    I have tested Your sketch and the same stuff is added at the end

    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=10,sg=0,st=ok:1.6.0-beta
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    read: 0-0-254 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=7,sg=0:Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=21,sg=0,st=ok:DimmableLED /w button
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.2
    sensor started, id=254, parent=0, distance=1
    Ready to receive messages...
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:0
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    V_LIGHT received: 0
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:1
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:1
    V_LIGHT received: 1
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:93Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:93Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 93Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:86Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:86Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 86Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:79Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:79Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 79Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:71Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:71Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 71Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:64Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:64Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 64Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:57Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:57Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 57Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:50Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:50Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 50Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:43Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:43Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 43Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:36Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:36Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 36Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:29Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:29Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 29Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:21Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:21Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 21Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:14Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:14Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 14Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:74Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:74Mersion
    V_DIMMER received: 74Mersion
    read: 0-0-254 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=9,sg=0:04Mersion
    send: 254-254-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=9,sg=0,st=ok:04Mersion
    V_LIGHT received: 04Mersion

    Is it possible as some crap is sitting in my ESP8266 EEPROM memory?

  • @hek, with \n
    MySensors is implemented in domoticz for a long time now... there should be nothing wrong with it.....

    Also in my sketches all is received perfectly

    Could there be a difference between the ESP8266 and nRF ?
    I only use the nRF currently (and probably will for ever as i have 20 more chips and a lot more arduino's g)

    Also i do not send anything with the word version in it, it looks this is a left over from sending the sketch information ?

    I dont know how you guys get that nice colors in the log (brown/white/green), but the green number is OK, that white behind it is not

  • @hek, as demonstrated with the new V_CUSTOM, there is send a lot of information from domoticz -> node, and all prints well, so maybe thats a confirm that this part is working OK (at least on the nRF024)

  • I also find it strange that at the beginning V_LIGHT correctly displays 0 or 1, and at the end 04 ? (0 = OK)

  • I made a Serial Gateway and updated Domoticz to latest beta, and this is the output from the same sensor.

    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:7
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:7
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:14
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:14
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:21
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:21
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:29
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:29
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:36
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:36
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:43
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:43
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:50
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:50
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:57
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:57
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:64
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:64
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:71
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:71
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:79
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:79
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:86
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:86
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:100
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:100

    All OK

  • Admin


    Could you try replacing this in MySensors/core/MyGatewayTransportEthernet.cpp

    bool _readFromClient(uint8_t i) {
    	while (clients[i].connected() && clients[i].available()) {
    		char inChar = clients[i].read();
    		if (inputString[i].idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) {
    			// if newline then command is complete
    			if (inChar == '\n') {
    				// a command was issued by the client
    				// we will now try to send it to the actuator
    				// echo the string to the serial port
    				debug(PSTR("Client %d: %s\n"), i, inputString[i].string);
    				// add string terminator and clear the string:
    				inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx] = 0;
    				inputString[i].idx = 0;
    				bool ret = protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[i].string);
    				if (ret) {
    					return ret;
    			} else {
    				// add it to the inputString:
    				inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx++] = inChar;
    		} else {
    			// Incoming message too long. Throw away
    			debug(PSTR("Client %d: Message too long\n"), i);
    			inputString[i].idx = 0;
    			// Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read.
    	return false;

    And let me know how it behaves.

  • I think that will solve the issue... @snow, waiting patiently for your reply πŸ˜‰

  • It's much better now. I can control dimmer from the domoticz. πŸ™‚

    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0 connected
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 0;0;3;0;2;Get Version
    0;0;3;0;2;Get Version
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=10,sg=0:1.6.0-beta
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;255;3;0;6;M Version
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:M
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=21,sg=0:DimmableLED /w bu
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.2
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:100
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:100
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;93M
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:93
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:93
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;86
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:86
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:86
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;79
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:79
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:79
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;71
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:71
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:71
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;64
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:64
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:64
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;57
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:57
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:57
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;50
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:50
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:50
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;43
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:43
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:43
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;36
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:36
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:36
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;36
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:36
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:36
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;29
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:29
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:29
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;21
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:21
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:21
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;14
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:14
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=2,sg=0:14
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;3;74
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:7
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:7
    0;0;3;0;9;Client 0: 2;1;1;1;2;0
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:0
    0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-2-2 s=1,c=1,t=3,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:0

  • Admin

    Great, I'll push this fix ASAP.

  • @Hoffan said:
    anyone that knows if include button working now? With vera as controller

  • I can answer that question by my self.. Its still not working

  • Admin

    @Hoffan, I verified the inclusion button functionality in the dev branch during the weekend (at least on AtMega but it should work fine on ESP as well).

    Just make sure to enable the feature and set a valid ESP-pin. All is documented in sketch.

  • @hek

    Okey So i must enable it in the sketch even if i only use the start button in the GUI in Vera

  • Admin

    Not the "button" feature (unless you use it), but the "inclusion mode" feature must be enabled.

  • I don't know if i understan you right here, @Hek

    if i like to use the start button in vera should it look like this

    // Enable inclusion mode
    // Enable Inclusion mode button on gateway
    // Set inclusion mode duration (in seconds)
    // Digital pin used for inclusion mode button

  • Admin

    You only need these two:


  • Yes That i understand, But Nothing is still happening in the GUI men i press start

  • Admin

    Anything in the gateway log?

  • 2015-11-10_22-17-23.png

  • Admin

    Hmm. ok so message reaches gateway. Good start. It should reply back to Vera. with a

    Unfortunately there is no debug log for this in the code. So I can't see if the message is sent to your controller. So either you'll have to look in the Vera log or add a



    To see that the message is actually sent back to vera.

  • You mean that i should change that line #170 Γ₯r just put in the serial string

  • Admin

    Add the string debug print.

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