problem with manual node_id

  • i wanted to assign manual node id to every sensor in order to have a list that will track nodes location and task along my project.
    so for my repeater i changed to:
    gw.begin(NULL, 1, true)
    1 is for example of course.
    and for a binary-senosr sketch i changed
    gw.begin(NULL, 3);

    now, the repeater node works fine, even with a great distance from the controller - through 1 or 2 repeaters on the way.
    but the binars-switch connects only when it is close to the controller but not through repeaters. another strange thing is that the nrf (+pa +lna +sma antennna) gets warm after some time.

    is there someting wrong with the code? thats the only thing ive changed.

    setup: rpi2 with domoticz and serial gateway.
    boards - sparkfun redboard

  • ok i think its solved. well sort of...
    i tried clearing the eeprom of the board and uploading again ( with (NULL , 3) modification) but still i didnt get any siganl on domoticz and again the radio started getting hot.
    so switched to another board (chinese NANO) with original sketch with gw.begin() and it worked.
    i dont know if its the board replacment or the sketch replacement that did the trick but for now its working.

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