Business Trip to Shanghai

  • Hi all,

    at the beginning of May i will travel to Shanghai for a business trip, and I really want to take this opportunity for buy MySensors components.

    Can You help me to make a list?

    what is essential to order from mydirtypcbs (i can collect it at Shanghai office)?
    I funded MySensors 110-230V powered:

    Components (i will made a complete e detailed lists):

    • Arduino nano and mini + Uno
    • PIR, temperature, light, humidity, etc. sensors

    Other particular things?

    Many Thanks

  • Hardware Contributor

    @bruno I'm not entirely sure of what your plan is, but I think DirtyPCBs are based in Shenzhen, not Shanghai.

  • I check on the website and shipping to Shanghai will take on 2 days.

    So 6days of preparation+2 days is good.


  • Hello Bruno,

    I took a look at your PCB, hope you did not order it already as there is a big issue.
    Please see red circle in attached picture. Distance between traces is less than 0.3mm! Absolute recommended minimum between mains and other signals is 3mm for 230V.
    As soon as there is a connection or just significant capacitance to ground on the low Voltage part of your PCB (like human being or long wires to light switch) your arduino and rest will most likely immediately be destroyed

    Also orange circle shows issues.. depending whats soldered to the left pads 1mm is not enough.. And be sure to keep enough distance between Arduino board and soldered pins of HLK-PM01.


    edit: of course also on top side of PCB traces are to close to pins of the relay...


  • @Jantle said:

    HLK-PM01 is the way it is - unless you use a different one or a new version comes out, you cannot change the distance between pins. With regards to the the left pins, there is nothing connected to those. And if you keep it that way by not connecting anything to them, I do not see how a problem can develop.

    Good point about the relay and nrf24l01+ - personally I am not using the relay on these boards and should be fine.

    Hello Bruno,

    I took a look at your PCB, hope you did not order it already as there is a big issue.
    Please see red circle in attached picture. Distance between traces is less than 0.3mm! Absolute recommended minimum between mains and other signals is 3mm for 230V.
    As soon as there is a connection or just significant capacitance to ground on the low Voltage part of your PCB (like human being or long wires to light switch) your arduino and rest will most likely immediately be destroyed

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