Re-presenting a node during run time

  • I was wondering if it was possible to have a running node re-present itself to another gateway on a different RF channel, during run time dependant on some condition being met and then later present back to it's original gateway also based on an external event. I am guessing not as it would probably make a mess of the routing table, but wondered if there is a way around that (like having 2 routing tables in eeprom and calling the one required).

  • Hi @skywatch, from my view this would be possible, but it needs some modifications to the MySensors library.

    One needs to add a field for the RF24 channel to the EEPROM fields, see:

    This field value should then be used when initialising the transport layer for the RF24 channel.

    For the initialisation to take place, the simplest way would be to call hwReboot(). This can also be done remotely via an I_REBOOT message.

    But that is a lot of modification. The mysbootloader that I love to use for my AVR nodes would also need an update, as it also relies on the EEPROM address layout.

  • @virtualmkr Thank you for your time on this, I guess it is not something readily attainable for me with limited time and knowledge. So another option would be to have gateways sending messages to each other.

    What I wan to achieve is multi-use sensors. I have PIR sensors that control lights in a room and normally they send state to the controller and can also be controlled my controller via gateway A - But I also have gateway B which is dedicated to security sensors and it would make sense for the light control PIR to double up as security motion sensors too. The RF channel for gateway B is free of clutter from other sensors and so should reduce any messages being missed.

    DO you have any thoughts on how to implement this type of dual use?

  • Contest Winner

    @skywatch It would by much easier to share sensors on different controllers between controllers.

    Controller A is the master, controller B receives updates. Domoticz supports this. Don't know about the others

  • @TheoL I use MyController and a new version is being released in the near future so maybe I will wait until then and see what possibilities are. It's going to look ugly having 2 pir sensors next to each other for different functions.

  • Contest Winner

    @skywatch my 50 cents is that you might want to achieve to much. Having 2 different networks is not a problem. But one device in 2 networks, not sure if it will solve your problem.

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