Serial terminal

  • Hi all.
    I'm testing MySensors but don't use any Controller then I wrote my self easy utility for better understand Serial communication ..


    program you can download from here :

    it's easy version serial terminal for MySensor .. not support Inclusion button .. etc ..


  • Hardware Contributor


    I assume that you have an MySensor with an radio attached.
    What sketch are you running to interface with the program?


  • Hi.
    I connect to serial port my SerialGateway.
    and use standard sketch node example - BinarySwitch , Relay Actuator .
    Today I will test more different Sketch ..for temperature etc..


  • Plugin Developer

    Very nice app!

    Is the right window automatically filled with nodes presenting themselves?

  • can you post the source? so everyone can contribute to make something more

  • Hi John ... yes .. my program automatic add new node what receive serial gateway..
    after close program , save this data to file (located in main program directory) and if run program then load this data ..there missing many function .. if want add then need more information about serial protocol ...

    Rechmat .. of course .. I put here source code .. it's wrote in Delphi 7 with one extra component for serial port communication.. give me some time .. I put it here ..

    I newer work with Arduino platform then all is problem for me .. need help with this .. and then I can do more ..


  • Hi. here is my sorce code .. ComPort is need install ..

    I wrote this fast then contain more bugs ..

  • Hi! Im make a programm like this in but i cant send serial data to the controller via USB and i cant see any incoming data. you change any in the gateway sketch?

  • @ch3b7 But this (excellent) program is the replacement for the controller (for test purpose). You will write a program that send data to the controller, so you will replace the gateway or what are you trying to achieve?

  • Hi dzairo,

    Just wondering if you still monitor this thread. If so would love to know how to install the ComPort component so I can modify and use your terminal code. For some reason I don't have any luck with adding it to the IDE.

    thanks, Andy.

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