MyNodes.NET 2.0

  • Contest Winner

    MyNodes.NET 2.0 has been released!

    Node Editor


    Key features:

    Multiplatform. MyNodes.NET works on Windows or Linux. You can also run it on the Raspberry Pi.

    Automatic recognition of devices. As soon as you power on your hardware, it appears in the program, and you can control it.

    Dashboard. Create the control panels of your devices from UI elements such as buttons, sliders, input fields, etc. You will always have access to your control panels from the Internet using any device which has a browser.

    Node Editor. Configure your system in the visual Node Editor. Add various functional elements (nodes) in the scene and connect them together with "wires" as if you work with real devices.

    Wide functionality. Currently there are more than a hundred of different nodes in the editor.

    Scheduling. You can add a timer to the control panel that will control your device to do something on a schedule.

    Graphs and logs. UI elements have graphs and logs. You can visualize the current state of your device in real time and all the changes that have been in the past.

    Text-to-speech and sound. You can connect the voice synthesizer to your device that will notify about important events. Or, just use an audio player to add sounds from mp3.

    System-level tasks. Nodes can control your computer by performing various actions at the operating system level. For example, to run a program, play videos in your player, turn off the computer...

    Export/Import scene. Export the scene of your nodes (panel) into a file and share it with the world. Download and import panels created by other users.

    Synchronization in real-time. All your actions in the editor and control panels are synchronized with the server and other users who have opened the same interface in the browser.

    Users and permissions. Add user profiles and assign permissions. You can specify in the users rights to which components of your system they will have access (what components the user can change, and what can only to observe).

    Transfer data between multiple systems. You can combine multiple MyNodes.NET systems running on different computers into one system.

    Connecting to external programs. As an example, a small utility is included, that you can use to make Ambilight from your computer and RGB-backlight.

    Customization. Node Editor has many different visual styles. Customize it according to your preferences.

    Easy to set up. The entire system is one single application. The software runs a web server, working with databases, communicates with the gateway, and uses no external resources (not requires Internet access). It is a fully autonomous system.

    Open source, simple API. If you have minimal knowledge of programming in C#, you can easily create your own nodes for the editor. The entire process of creating a node described in the documentation on the website.

    Read more on the official website.

    Some video:

    First Run Wizard
    Basic functionality
    Control the device (Ethernet Gateway)
    Control the device (Serial Gateway)
    Ambilight Demo (Star Wars)
    Ambilight Demo (VJ Loops)
    Install in Ubuntu

    Download from

  • Very impressive!

    That was some thinking out the box, congrats.

    The signals processing idea is just genius.


  • Contest Winner

    @barduino Thank you!

  • Looks awesome - videos are cool - I'll be checking this out this weekend!

  • @derwish, I'm getting an illegal instruction error.

    It seems to come from the dnx, actually when I try dnx --version I get the Illegal instruction.

    the dnvm list seems fine

    pi@rpic:~ $ dnvm list
    Active Version              Runtime Architecture OperatingSystem Alias
    ------ -------              ------- ------------ --------------- -----
           1.0.0-rc1-update1    coreclr x64          linux           
      *    1.0.0-rc1-update1    mono                 linux/osx       default

    not sure where it went wrong and I have no clue where to look.

    This is Raspien latest version after plenty of apt-get update and upgrade


    Re installed from start, dnx is working fine and I can even start the web server.

    However now I cant get passed the serial device selection

    I have the arduino gateway on usb with the gateway beta 2.0 installed, and I get this:


    Any tips?


  • Looking good, I setup my ethernet gateway quite quickly. I'm running on windows and I did have to "unblock" the zip before extracting or it threw an error on start up regarding CAS policy.

    I've noticed though as I'm running Openhab and MyNodes.NET side by side on the ethernet gateway I see the openhab log flooded with the return for a gateway version request from a controller. I see nothing in the logs to suggest MyNodes.NET is sending this but closing it stops the messages etc so I suspect it is. Seems every second it's requesting the version..

    See example from OpenHab log.

    22:43:22.740 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 1;0;1;0;0;36.0
    22:43:25.739 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5
    22:43:35.746 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5
    22:43:45.762 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5
    22:43:55.031 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 1;0;1;0;0;36.0
    22:43:55.764 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5
    22:44:05.462 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 9;0;1;0;1;28.6

  • Contest Winner

    @barduino At the moment there are some problems working with the serial port under Linux in ASP.NET5. I wrote about this in Troubleshooting. I made a request to Microsoft, but they answered that probably this is a problem in mono. I'm waiting for the update mono and ASP.NET5 RC2. But now there is only the possibility to use Ethernet-gateway.

  • Contest Winner

    @Qu3Uk Thanks for the hint to unlock the zip archive. I got this problem while testing on some computers with Windows 7, and could not understand how to fix it. In Windows 10 this problem is not present. I'll write about it on the website.

    About the request version. The controller queries the version of the gateway every 10 seconds, to make sure that the gateway is still connected. If the gateway does not respond, the controller will try to reconnect to it. This is a mechanism to protect against disconnects. Log console filters those messages by default, but you can see them if you enable Gateway Messages on config page.

  • @derwish Ah that makes sense if your using it to check connection, should have twigged that.

    So whats your plans for MyNodes.NET?

  • Any support for MQTT gateway?

  • Contest Winner

    @Qu3Uk If it will be in demand, I will add the functionality that is being asked.

  • Contest Winner

    @derwish I haven't experimented with it yet.

  • Contest Winner

    Updated Troubleshooting section on the website.

  • Wow, this is really smart thinking and I've just installed with one gateway and one sensor.
    Well done, thank you.

  • Newbie here , could some one please show me how to do a timer for a relay ? my gateway and my relay are already connected to Mynodes but so far i haven't been able to make it switch on or off
    thanks for any help

  • Contest Winner

    @oscarc To start, just plug UI/Toggle. It will send "1" / "0" in your device. You got it in the firmware of the Arduino. When this will work, try different timers. For example, UI/Timer. You'll see its interface in dashboard. Schedule it to send "1" at the right time. If you have any problems, write me ( and I'll help you via Skype.

  • Contest Winner

    @Greg-McFadyen Thank you.

    Guys, if you make an interesting panels, share file/screenshot here.
    I want to make panels for various kinds of RGB-LED fades for the party. I would be grateful if you help.

  • @derwish Thank you ,I'll give it a try .

  • This is soooooooo great. I been trying to program something like this for month but as a total N00B it has been harder then I thought. Got a hold bunch off ideas to expand this. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Email Node - Send mail message
    2. Send message to Azure IoT hub
    3. Resive message from Azure
    4. Send Message to Azure mobile hub for Push notifications
    5. Read From External Database
    6. Write To External Database

    Couple of questians
    Is it possible to run this as a service in windows and not as a console app?
    Is it possible to make it work on Windows IoT ?

    And again super nice gateway alot of thx.


  • Contest Winner

    @keldandorin Hi. I've added your ideas to my task list. Thank you. If you can program in C#, you can try to do it yourself. Read documentation for developers.
    I haven't experimented with Windows IOT yet, but it certainly works under Linux on the raspberry.
    On about the service, I'll look for options, how to do it. It is a necessary thing for me too.

  • @derwish Cool. I have working code for sending and resiveing messages from azure. Read the dev documents and will try to make a node as soon as I can.

  • Hi,

    I'm really interested in this software, but I'm also a .NET beginer. I got an issue when executing web.cmd ==> "dnx.win32.dll could not be loaded. Last error : 87"...

    Is there someone who could tell me what is going wrong ?

  • Contest Winner

    @lordsidney This error occurs on Windows 7, if you have not installed the system update.

  • Any plans to support the MQTT gateway.. I'm finding I want to use multiple controllers but I find the Ethernet gateway supports only so many connections so I want to move towards using MQTT.

  • Contest Winner

    @Qu3Uk I haven't built MQTT gateway yet. There is a sense to experiment with it?

  • This looks very interesting!

    A couple of questions

    • does it require a special mySensor version? I have setup an esp8266 with the most recent github in the stable branch, but the gateways doesn't seem to want to respond to myNodes. The gateway works just fine with veralite
    • any way to pull other veralite zwave devices through the gateway? It would complement the vets really well!

  • Contest Winner

    @sle118 I haven't checked esp8266 gateway. I'll try to build it soon and check it out. The controller should work with any version.
    I will add support for zwave devices, as soon as I get one. So far, I have not.

  • Hi

    I saw someone was trying to create a Docker container for it. Yet I do not seems to get it going.
    Did anyone succeed ?
    I would love to run it on my Synology to replace Home Assistant.


  • Hero Member

    Finally had some time to get this beauty (& contest winner) working... my first experiences:


    • I got completely lost in the Raspberry installation. So many installs, waiting, not knowing what I'm doing and failure messages... so I decided to move to an old notebook on windows 10. Worked in a few minutes ๐Ÿ™‚

    Set up my just designed Wind sensor. Connected a serial gateway and there it was, including graphing etc.
    The Wind sensor is a multiple sensor node: i.e.:

    • S_BARO with V_BARO
    • S_TEMP with V_TEMP

    All S_types were created in the node but with only one V_TYPE and only one output for S_WIND showing a last sent value (either gust -or- direction -or- wind (speed). So something going wrong here.

    Other: working smooth, intuitive, many (yet undiscovered) features.

    I will keep posting my findings..

  • Contest Winner

    @AWI Hi.

    You're right. The installation process on Linux is a bit confusing. There is a video on my YouTube channel where I showed all the steps. This will help. Microsoft will soon release ASP.NET5 RC2. It should simplify installation on Linux. Then I will release 2.1 using the new framework and add new functionality.

    Currently, the controller works according to this scheme: one sensor - one type of data. I tried to make it so that one sensor gave different data, but it caused a lot of problems, so I decided to leave it as is for now.
    The main problem is that when any of the nodes registered in the network, it does not transmit what data types it operates. But the controller need to know what types of data can be sent to the node to draw a pin for each type. I can make these manual settings. But I don't know how to make it work automatically. If someone will write how it is implemented in other controllers, I will do the same.

  • Hero Member

    @derwish What i know from other controllers are 2 variations..

    1. When an S_ type is created, all related V_ types are part of it (i.e. S_MULTIMETER with V_VOLTAGE, V_CURRENT, V_IMPEDANCE)
    2. A received V_type initiates the creation of the respective value depending on the S_types received before (Domoticz)

    Personally I think the first is the most comprehensive and complete.

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