Creating a wireless fingerprints sensor !

  • Hi everyone !
    I'm new here but I already think I'm at the right place to solve this problem πŸ™‚

    I'm building a home security system (Jeedom on RPI3, RFXCom module, stick z-wave and a few door sensors to start with) but I would like to implement a solution to deactivate the surveillance when we are at home so the system doesn't notify us every time a door is opened.

    My idea was to use the adafruit fingerprint sensor for arduino, so a quick finger scan disables the system when we get home and reactivates it when we leave.
    Actually I'm just missing a way to make the arduino communicate wirelessly the fingerprint sensor's data to the RPI which runs Jeedom as home automation software:

    • Is it feasible to add an RF module on the arduino to communicate using 433 MHz or a z-uno module to use z-wave for more security and stability?
    • Is one of these solutions going to make the sensor/arduino behave like any 433MHz / z-wave sensor from the RPI point of view?

    Thanks in advance for your help! πŸ˜„

  • Hardware Contributor


    and Welcome to Mysensors πŸ™‚

    Of course you can do all of this with Mysensors and Jeedom as controller.
    But Mysensors is not zwave, sort of if you want but it's not πŸ˜‰

    So you will need a Mysensors gateway, and a fingerprint node for instance.

    If you want more infos on how to build a Mysensors network you can take a look here:

    There are lot of useful infos on the site. Really a good thing to try reading everything.

    For security, i would also suggest to use signing feature too. But better start learning Mysensors with basic features, and then try signing. It's a bit more advanced feature.

    Have fun.

  • Thanks for your quick answer ! Yes I know Mysensors is DIY-orientated and I love that, but as one of the main purpose is to build our own sensors I thought I could gather some precious info here even by using a proprietary protocole like z-wave πŸ˜‰

    In my case it's more about building the communication part between the sensor and my controller, so if you tell me that a z-uno module soldered to an arduino nano can work to transform the arduino/fingerprints combo into a z-wave sensor I'll try!
    Actually I read several times that RF signals are quite sensitive to noise are interferences, this is why I wanted to use z-wave as this sensor is a main part of my system, but maybe you can advise me if you're more specialised on this subject ^^

  • Hardware Contributor

    Well sure this is about DIY, but this is Mysensors protocol oriented..

    Like i said, your project is doable with Mysensors and rfm69 433mhz if you prefer. And i'm sure you'll get help here.
    But you can use your zuno module! then i'm not sure you'll get the help you need..

    Why do you want to solder a z-uno to a nano?? because from what i've read, it's an RF based chip board, with embedded zwave stack + GPIO, that you can already use in Arduino IDE.

    So i think you should start by trying the zuno Getting started for Arduino.
    Then, when you'll be able to get your zwave comm working between your node and your controller, that will be easier to add more features like the fingerprint.

    Regarding noise and interference, zwave is RF so it has the same issues. And can be jammed too.
    It mostly depends of the frequency, then of your build.
    With Mysensors, you can use:

    • nrf24. Interference could come from wifi for instance, but it's possible to change channels.
    • RFM69. No interference with wifi because of its freq. 433, 868Mhz, 915Mhz (like Zwave!) so it's insensible to wifi. Plus i think zuno may have less range than rfm69 πŸ˜‰

  • Hi Ziip,

    • Fingerprint sensors are not secure. The German chaos computer club has demonstrated several times that copies can be produced that will trigger a false positive. I personally would go for a PIN based solution or use a RFID-dongle.
    • You probably can go with z-wave, but you will pay much more.
    • You can mix protocols. I.e. use mysensors for your FPR+arduino+arduino GW and z-wave for the rest. MySensors offers signing of messages and therefore has built-in security. To be honest, MySensors is probably more secure since it is open source. But I also hate security by obscurity, so...
    • If you want pure z-wave, just couple any z-wave sensor with your FPR, for example with the mentioned z-uno module.


  • Ok thanks for the info πŸ™‚

    I read most of the doc here, one question remaining : if I go for a keypad with an arduino nano and a RFM69 module, will this sensor be able to communicate directly with my Pi controller via its RFXCom antenna?
    Or do I need an arduino gateway anyway (and why)?


  • Hardware Contributor

    if RFXCom can decode full Mysensors protocol, but i don't think this is the case..especially regarding signing feature.
    Better add a Mysensors gateway to your controller.

  • I see. So there is no other possibility than using a gateway between the sensor and the controller? It's impossible for the controller to communicate directly with a sensor?

  • Mod

    You can compile the gateway on the RPI: I did it with nrf24 modules and it is working.

  • That's great to know πŸ˜„ (especially because my family must be able to manipulate the installation without me - and they are not very DIY / technophile etc...)
    And there is no problem running the gateway on the Pi with RFM69 modules in parallel with Domoticz or Jeedom software?

  • Mod

    No problem, I am running the nrf24 mqtt gateway on the rpi and it is working with no problem with domoticz. I choose the mqtt client gateway because I wanted to tinker around MQTT, but you could go for the ethernet gateway that is easier to manage.

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