@OldSurferDude yes, just run the configure command with --my-transport=none
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RE: Gateway without a radio
RE: Long time test done with soil sensor!
Nice, @Nicklas-Starkel !
Good to ser you again btw
RE: Counting Incoming and Outgoing Messages from a Gateway
@Trand yes, use the indication handler. https://forum.mysensors.org/post/103904 should be a good start.
RE: Running out of nodeId's
@OldSurferDude I always put some delays in my presentation part. That way my nodes don't perform a ddos on the gateway after powering up. But yeah curious how that goes what 254 nodes xd
RE: Running out of nodeId's
I'm curious as well @NielBierman on the stuff you control and monitor over your network
RE: Anybody got one / a few spare minimalist rfm69hw shields for wemos d1 mini?
@OldSurferDude @kiesel Look on open hardware if there's a pcb like that. If it has Gerbers then you can order them for cheap from manufacturers like JLPcb. You will get 5 for 2 euro + some shipment costs. If you guys live close to each other one can order and send one pcb to the other.
If none are available I can see if I can make you one. Although I use NRF myself. But I bet EasyEda will have a footprint for the rfm as well. I'll post it on open hardware so you guys can get the gerber files I you like.
RE: No merge into master in the last 5 years, should we use development?
For me almost all I need is in Master. For some nice to haves I have some custom libraries, like a message and a presentation queue. The only wish I have is dual led support.
RE: Running out of nodeId's
That’s impressive @NielBierman, great work! Would you mind sharing what nodes you have, as inspiration for us who haven’t leveled up as far yet?
RE: Running out of nodeId's
You can change the channel, at least on the nrf24l01. Works for me. My test network has a different channel
RE: Gateway on my PI when i run HA
@diltech yes it should work. But it depends a bit on which installation method you used for HA.
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