RPI2 Pimatic MySensors getting started

  • Hi Guys,

    I am just getting started with MySensors.
    I just bought myself some equipement but am reading myself in while the stuff is being shipped.

    As I understood correctly the setup I need to have is the following:

    Pi Schema.png

    I need a sensor connected to a gateway which connects wireless to a RPI?
    The RPI also has a wireless connector which it uses to receive those signals?

    Thanks in advance,
    Nicolas Mertens

  • PRI - Controller to manage sensors, store data... - need to install some software
    Arduino with gateway sketch (GW) - best to use nano - has uUSB
    NRF - conected to arduino
    Arduino (based on purpose - mini, uno, mega) with senor sketch
    NRF conected to arduino

  • If you read https://github.com/DheerajKhajuria/pimatic-mysensors then you can see the NRF24L01+ needs to be connected directly to the PI. If you read https://github.com/mysensors/Raspberry then you can see the NRF24 is being installed as /dev/ttyMySensorsGateway...

    By the way on this website you can also see the picture in another form ...

  • Hero Member

    The original MySensors architecture used a stand-alone Home Automation contoller, the Vera. This was not going to directly handle the nRF24L01+ radio transceivers and the OTA (Over the Air) MySensors protocol, so the second component was a Gateway which connected to the controller via USB serial, and directly to the nRF (an Arduino Nano filled this role well, with both USB, and a 3.3v power supply for the nRF). Then the nodes have an Arduion (Nano can work, or Arduino Pro Mini, or many others) with a nRF and sensors/actuators.

    Later it became possible to use ethernet (rather than USB) between the controller and the gateway. And other transciever types may be substituted for the nRF as the radio link, but the architecture looks about the same.

    This architecture with a gateway arduino in the middle can potentially work for other standalone Home Automation controllers, or for PC based (Windows, Linux, Mac) controller software.

    But then the Raspberry Pi comes along. It's powerful enough to run some Home Automation software AND it can interface directly to a nRF24L01+. So it's possible to run both the controller and the gateway functions on a Raspberry Pi, without needing an external gateway.

  • Thanks a lot!

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