Beehive monitoring using Ceech board

  • Hello,

    I am using Ceech board (LTC4079) with 6v pannel

    I have tried to adjust potentiometer but I am not sure to well understand the values :
    Vcc = 3.28V
    Charge current = 0.00mA
    Solar cell voltage = 5.56V
    Battery voltage = 4.03V
    CHRG = 542

    I read CHRG = 542 but Charge current = 0.00mA
    If I turn a bit the portentiometer I have :

    Vcc = 3.28V
    Charge current = 79.91mA
    Solar cell voltage = 4.95V
    Battery voltage = 4.07V
    CHRG = 0

    What I understand is that charge current come from solar cell and CHRG is amount send to battery, am I right ?
    Is it normal to nat have a positive value in both ?

    ps: for now with full wires (power and network) it looks like
    a daily timelapse and meteo/temperature sensors

  • Hardware Contributor

    Charge current is the current that flows into the battery. And the CHRG signal indicates when charging occurs. CHRG is an active low signal. It means that charging works when this signal is 0 or close to zero.
    Here is an explanation on how the trimmer works:
    The viper is on the red line. Turn it counterclockwise till it reaches the 5V mark. This is a 5V setting. The other way around is for 18V solar panel setting.

  • Hello Ceech,

    thank you for your answer,
    @ceech said:

    Charge current is the current that flows into the battery. And the CHRG signal indicates when charging occurs. CHRG is an active low signal. It means that charging works when this signal is 0 or close to zero.

    So I think I have turned the trimmer too much 🙂

    Your board is very useful, it is very nice to be able to monitor level battery and so on !

  • Hello,

    now it is charging \o/
    Vcc = 3.28V
    Charge current = 71.65mA
    Solar cell voltage = 4.71V
    Battery voltage = 3.97V
    CHRG = 0

    it was Battery voltage = 3.90V few minutes ago

  • Hello,

    we have successfully transmitted data over 233 m (apiary to labo) with RFM69.

  • Hello Ceech,

    your board is used with six ds18b20 sensors to monitor a hive:

  • Hardware Contributor

    Great work.

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