Eastrom SDM120 with RS485
I have an Eastrom SDM120 (power meter) connected to a Raspberry PI via a RS485 module.
I can see all of the power units with a single script:pi@nettemp:~ $ sdm120c -a 1 -P N -S 2 -j 20 -z 1 /dev/ttyUSB0 Voltage: 231.80 V Current: 0.93 A Power: -148.00 W Active Apparent Power: 218.27 VA Reactive Apparent Power: -160.30 VAR Power Factor: -0.68 Phase Angle: 0.00 Degree Frequency: 50.04 Hz Import Active Energy: 7625036 Wh Export Active Energy: 144644 Wh Total Active Energy: 7769680 Wh Import Reactive Energy: 242763 VARh Export Reactive Energy: 1121995 VARh Total Reactive Energy: 1364758 VARh OK pi@nettemp:~ $
(Yes, my power consumption at this moment is negative because my solar panels are producing more than what my house is consuming).
Anyway, I wonder if it would be possible to create a mysensors node which each unit (voltage, current, etc) would be a child. I'm thinking about two possibilities:
- Making the Raspberry PI a mysensors node (adding it a radio and make it behaving like a node)
- Making a mysensors node (arduino based) with RS485 module code and "standard" mysensors code
I have seen other posts regarding this SDM120, but I'd like to log specific units such as Import/Export active energy, and not limiting myself to the pulses.
Anyone tried it? Any suggestion or comment?
Maybe you could compile the raspberry without the transport enabled, for arduino is working I'm not sure about the raspberry
@joaoabs If you want to go the "arduino-based" route:
There seem to exist already a lot of projects reading this type of meter with a microcontroller e.g. an ESP8266.
The code itself seems to be rather simple (assuming, the code provided eg here: https://github.com/reaper7/SDM_Energy_Meter/blob/master/examples/sdm_simple/sdm_simple.ino really works, but there seem to be some more working projects out there).So you may either combine this with normal mysensors-code and just use send commands instead of serial prints (at lower frequency). Could be you'll need a more powerfull mcu than the ATMega32, but most likely a STM32F103 will have enough resources to fullfill this task.