Driving an moving coil meter whit a PWM output

  • Hello MySensor-ers,

    I recently started MySensors in combination with Domoticz.

    For a while I have had the idea to use some old panel meters (moving coil meters) to visualize for example (room) temperature or current consumption of electricity.

    When looking around I came out on the Dimmer sketch, is this the only way to control a PWM output or are there other ways to control a PWM output which is more towards a display or meter?

    second question; Does anyone have a tip to set up a script in domoticz where, for example, the measured room temperature can be sent between 0 and (max) 25 degrees to a PWM output?

    thanks in advance

  • @dzjr I have several meters for quick indications.

    Normally i utilize a message type of V_VAR1 to 5 as these are available for all sensor types, If it just being an information sensor then I use the S_INFO device.

    I send the information to be displayed as direct units
    For example for temperature I would send V_VAR1 = 26.1 as 26.1°C or -5.5
    and then let the node set the display range.

    if you want only a linear display the following code will work,

    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #define SKETCH_NAME "MySensors Meter"
    #define SKETCH_VERSION "v1.0"
    // Meter Vars
    #define METER_PIN     5
    #define METER_ID      20    // whater childId your using
    #define METER_MIN      0    // meter Minimum value
    #define METER_MAX     30    
    MyMessage msg_S_INFO_VAR1(ID_S_INFO,V_VAR1);
    float info_Var1 = 00.0;
    void before()
    void setup() {
      // put your setup code here, to run once:
    void loop() {
      // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    void receive(const MyMessage &message)
      if (message.type == V.VAR1) {
        Serial.print("Incoming value for ID_S_INFO:");
        Serial.print(", V_VAR1: ");
        Serial.print(", New status: ");
    void updateMeter0(float meterInput=0){
    // Meter 0   this uses the input value and simple maping
    // Note The map() function uses integer math so will not generate fractions, so can be helpful to multiply input values
    // ie using input temperature value 0 to 30°C  So multiply by 10 to get 0-to 300
    int16_t max_Output=   255;   // maximum PWM Value, 255 for Arduino Uno,  1023 for ESP8266
    meterInput = meterInput *10;
    analogWrite(meter_pin, map(meterInput,meter_MIN, meter_MAX, 0, max_Output )) ;  // map to Max PWM Level        

    However i like to have arbitrary scales so normally use a look-up array for the pwm values. as used in the meters shown.


  • @hard-shovel

    Thank you for your reply.

    It is indeed what I mean and wants to make.
    I have several old meters with various scales, but not all scales are usable, but that does not have to be a problem.

    If you like it, I will use your sketch as an example.
    I myself had not even thought of arranging the minimum / maximum value in the arduino.

    I'm going to set up a test soon.

    Incidentally beautifully composed box with the meters and lights!

    When I have finished I will post a photo!

    thanks again for your push in the right direction !!


  • @dzjr I also have various old meters, Some have a sealed movement so unable to change the scales.

    Below is my meter showing time since last coffee.

  • @hard-shovel That would be the cold coffee with cream with a certain Guinness ais quoi? 😉

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