Hi @tbowmo
Thanks for bringing this great project to the community.
I'm trying to understand the sensebender's power profile, especially the sleep current.
I have previously done some measurements with the atmega328p (pro mini) + NRF. In addition to that I have also looked at the datasheets for the other components on the sensebender.
It seems the theoretical low sleep current consumption is something like this:
* nrf24l01+ 900nA
* atmega328p 5uA (with WD)
* si7021 60nA
* atsha204 30nA
* at23df512c 300nA
= Total 6.3uA
The SBMicro seems to draw ~50uA in sleep mode with the default configuration.
I managed to put the flash memory into "ultra deep sleep"(*), causing the total consumption to drop to ~27uA. So there is still around 20uA that is not accounted for.
I've also tried putting the atsha204 into sleep, but that did not make any difference (also confirmed by the specs).
Are there some other settings/sleep modes that have not been enabled yet? What about the atmega itself?
Do any of you have the a sensebender prototype with separate components, and can test sleep current by removing components one
by one? (Before I start cutting traces on my own sensebenders in order to zero in on the target component).
Is there something I'm missing?
Si7021 A20
(*) in setup(): flash.initialize(); flash.ultra_deep_sleep() <- From datasheet