
  • just one of the build
    sensor node with smoke detection, mess light level, humidty and temp
    en also the posibl to remotly test the smoke detector

    and spare for motion detector and trip

  • @ikjes said:

    just one of the build
    sensor node with smoke detection, mess light level, humidty and temp
    en also the posibl to remotly test the smoke detector

    and spare for motion detector and trip

    Great idea, like the way you've doubled the function of the smoke detector by utilising the space.

  • Is that a hardwired smoke detector? I am looking for a hardwired solution that utilizes/runs off the power from a hardwired connection. Not sure if I would have access to 3.3 volts to run the Pro Mini and radio.

  • not all hardwired. its a 9 volt cheap smoke detector. the chip on those have a data output that give the status of the smoke detector.
    i tested on 5 volt and it works.. there is only a low voltage detection on it, but by removing R10 (100ohms) it will get turned off
    only 4 wires goes from the smoke detector to the atmega (data and test, 5 volt and gnd)
    final only 5 volt goes to the "smoke detector" to power the atmega and the smoke detector. from 5 volt ill make a 3.3 volt by using a 78l33 for the radio

  • Great job! 😃 I work on the same project and it looks like the same detector. Can you show us a short tutorial? Or at less the code you used?

  • Can you give the name of this unit?
    WHere to buy it with what price?

  • Could you share schematics, sketches? I may be intrested in building a similare device.

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