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    @Clone-Tv can you break it down into separate issues? What are you trying to achieve (share your code, what platform etc)?
    Using 64bit integers on e.g. microcontrollers is non-trivial, but you don't even mention what platform you're targeting...
    Also, please change the subject of your post, 'test' doesn't seem to cover it...

  • Sorry, that was the test 🙂 the text is irrelevant to the topic.
    But, since we are talking about 64-bit numbers on Arduino-like platforms, I'm ready to translate the code that solves this situation.


    #if !defined(INT64STRING_H)
    # define INT64STRING_H 1
    # if (defined(ARDUINO) && (ARDUINO >= 100))
    #  include "Arduino.h"
    # else
    #  include "WString.h"
    # endif
    String Int64ToString(uint64_t, uint8_t = DEC, bool = false, bool = false);
    String Int64ToString(int64_t, uint8_t = DEC, bool = false);
    uint64_t StringToInt64(String);
    uint64_t StringToInt64(const char*, uint16_t);


    #include "Int64String.h"
    #define base16char(A) ("0123456789ABCDEF"[A])
    String Int64ToString(uint64_t value, uint8_t base, bool prefix, bool sign) {
      if (base < 2)
        base = 2;
      else if (base > 16)
        base = 16;
      uint8_t i = 64;
      char buffer[66] = {0};
      if (value == 0)
        buffer[i--] = '0';
      else {
        uint8_t base_multiplied = 3;
        uint16_t multiplier = base * base * base;
        if (base < 16) {
          multiplier *= base;
        if (base < 8) {
          multiplier *= base;
        while (value > multiplier) {
          uint64_t q = value / multiplier;
          uint16_t r = value - q * multiplier;
          for (uint8_t j = 0; j < base_multiplied; j++) {
            uint16_t rq = r / base;
            buffer[i--] = base16char(r - rq * base);
            r = rq;
          value = q;
        uint16_t remaining = value;
        while (remaining > 0) {
          uint16_t q = remaining / base;
          buffer[i--] = base16char(remaining - q * base);
          remaining = q;
      if (base == DEC && sign)
        buffer[i--] = '-';
      else if (prefix) {
        if (base == HEX) {
          buffer[i--] = 'x';
          buffer[i--] = '0';
        else if (base == OCT)
          buffer[i--] = '0';
        else if (base == BIN)
          buffer[i--] = 'B';
      return String(&buffer[i + 1]);
    String Int64ToString(int64_t value, uint8_t base, bool prefix) {
      bool sign = base == DEC && value < 0;
      uint64_t uvalue = sign ? -value : value;
      return Int64ToString(uvalue, base, prefix, sign);
    uint64_t StringToInt64(String str) {
      return StringToInt64(str.c_str(), str.length());
    uint64_t StringToInt64(const char *s, uint16_t sz = 0U) {
      uint64_t val = 0ULL;
      if (s == nullptr)
        return val;
      if (sz <= 0)
        sz = strlen(s);
      if (sz <= 2)
        return val;
      uint16_t i = (((s[0] == '0') && ((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X'))) ? 2U : 0U);
      for (; i < sz; i++) {
        const char c = s[i];
        if (!isxdigit(c))
          return -1ULL;
        val *= 16;
        val += (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? c - '0' : c - 'A' + 10;
      return val;

    I gave the sources as an apology for the created topic 🙂

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