PiGatewayMQTT v2.0 switching relay.

  • I have the PiGatwayMQTT and mosquitto running on my raspberry.
    My double relay controler is connecting to it.
    As it can be seen on my EventGhost MQTT client below:
    MQTT./mySensors/1/255/I_REQUEST_SIGNING u""
    MQTT./mySensors/1/255/S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE u"2.0.0-beta"
    MQTT./mySensors/1/255/I_CONFIG u"0"
    MQTT./mySensors/1/255/I_SKETCH_NAME u"Relay"
    MQTT./mySensors/1/255/I_SKETCH_VERSION u"1.0"
    MQTT./mySensors/1/1/S_LIGHT u""
    MQTT./mySensors/1/2/S_LIGHT u""
    The question is what should I send to MQTT broker in order to switch the relay.
    I tried a lot of possible combinations with no success.

  • Plugin Developer



    I think something along the lines of:

    MQTT./mySensors/1/1/V_LIGHT u"1"

    to switch on child 1.

    MQTT./mySensors/1/1/V_LIGHT u"0"

    to switch off child 1.

    MQTT./mySensors/1/2/V_LIGHT u"1"

    to switch on child 2.

  • That what I tested first. I getting no response from PiGatewayMQTT. It seems that it is not subscribing to this subject.
    My broker sends the message. I can see it on my other eventghost as:

    12:51:10 MQTT./mySensors/1/1/V_LIGHT u"1"

  • I did some debugging of my mqtt broker. It seems that PiGatewayMQTT is not subscribing to receive notifications from broker.
    Is the PiGatewayMQTT able to receive messages from broker and sending them back to nodes?

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