TIP: Remove instead of cut the track for the power LED and Regulator

  • Mod

    When you are like me you sometimes do something without looking/thinking.
    So I simply cut the track for the power LED and Regulator as described here.

    However in my case the track for vcc is connected differently and I ended up with a 'dead' board that needed a repair of the 'out' track coming from the regulator to make it work again.

    If I, instead, would have removed the LED and Regulator everything would have worked as expected. So, that is what I did and the board does its thing without any issue now 🙂

  • I logged into to ask to ask this very question. The batch of mini pros I just received are also wired differently, trashed a sensor as well. On the second one I removed the LED and it still worked, but was scared to remove the regulator, without asking first. Will give it a try tonight.

    thanks for the info

  • Mod

    Another option is to remove the current limiting resistor which is mounted in series with the led.
    Should you ever want to restore the led functionality, it's easier to recover the resistor than the led.

  • Mod

    @lininger said:

    but was scared to remove the regulator, without asking first.

    You can't do any harm with this imho.
    Unless you pull it off without heating the pads first.

    @Yveaux Nice idea as well...

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