Opensource Wireless Sensor Network with ESP8266 using ESP-NOW protocol

  • Hello everybody.
    I present to you my new opensource project called Green Detect.
    It is a wireless sensor network platform.
    ![0_1656856776912_comm diagram.jpg](Uploading 100%)

    The network can include from 1 to 60 sensors that communicate with each other in a chain using the ESP-NOW protocol.

    The esp8266 controller in about 1 second reads the data from the sensor, receives the package from the previous sensor and transmits to the next sensor, after which it goes into deep sleep for 30 seconds.

    ![0_1656857193105_dettagli modulo 1.jpg](Uploading 100%)

    Thanks to the fast configuration times of ESP-NOW, I was able to experiment with the power supply through supercapacitor, loaded by a solar panel, with good results.

    ![0_1656857244072_project_picture_2.jpeg](Uploading 100%)

    The system is ready and open to accept various types of sensors (digital, analog, I2c, Onewire).

    ![0_1656857502696_sensor types examples.png](Uploading 100%)

    At present, the project includes 4 types of sensors, but with the evolution and with the contribution (I hope) of others, it can manage up to 99 types of sensors.

    Green Detect also includes an open source application for Windows, through which it is possible to view the data coming from the sensors, record them in .csv file, view the status of the sensors on a geographical map and manage threshold exceeding alarms.

    ![0_1656857686932_page_map.png](Uploading 100%)

    The project is described in detail here: Green Detect
    E qui c'è un video di Youtube di presentazione: Green Detect presentation

  • In my previous post the photos are not shown and I can't edit.
    I show them here:
    comm diagram.jpg

    dettagli modulo 1.jpg


    sensor types examples.png


  • Hero Member

    Thanks for posting! Sounds at least a little similar to the system recently described by Andreas Spiess, which also uses espnow as well as repeaters to backhaul packets to a central processing station:
    430 ESPnow and LoRa Network (incl. Repeaters and Gateways). A TTN replacement? – 11:02
    — Andreas Spiess

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