Pin change interrupt not firing with MySensors

  • Hi!

    I have been working on building motion sensors with MySensors to be able to trigger events on my Vera. Earlier I was able to get a few sensors working using 3.3V 8MHz Pro Minis. Now I am trying to build one with a custom ATMega328 board that uses the internal RC oscillator. For some reason I am unable to get the board to respond to pin change interrupts when using MySensors gw.sleep() using the MotionSensor.ino. I debugged the issue with a Pro Mini that (afaicr) is also using the internal oscillator instead of the external oscillator on the board. Everything however works correctly if I do not include MySensors code in my sketch and use attachInterrupt with mode set to CHANGE:

    void setup() {
      pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), handler, CHANGE);
    void loop() {
    void handler() {

    However if I pass LOW mode to gw.sleep, the interrupt seems to work and a message seems to be sent to the controller correctly. But of course this only happens when the pin is in LOW state and not on changes.

    Has anyone got a clue on what might be causing the issue? I read through the interrupt handling code in MySensors that I believe is relevant in my case (MyHwATMega328 class), but was unable to find anything that might cause the issue.

    edit Forgot to mention, but I am using version 1.5 of MySensors /edit

  • Hardware Contributor


    for the moment you can't use pin interrupt change lib with mysensors.
    Also, note, pinchange need you handle the change state. these are not working like D2/D3 INT0/1.
    I'm using pinchange with mysensors, but i use raw registers, my own isr for interrupts, and my sleep function.

  • Thanks for the reply scalz!

    @scalz said:

    for the moment you can't use pin interrupt change lib with mysensors.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "pin interrupt change lib", but I would assume it would be possible to use the CHANGE type when calling gw.sleep as in the examples:

    Also, note, pinchange need you handle the change state. these are not working like D2/D3 INT0/1.
    I'm using pinchange with mysensors, but i use raw registers, my own isr for interrupts, and my sleep function.

    I have only connected the one motion sensor to my board and the interrupt handler just sends the current state (tripped / not tripped) to the controller. Thus I do not think I need to do anything special here.

    To clarify, I am using the MotionSensor.ino code without any modifications on my board. The execution reaches the gw.sleep call without problems, but does not resume even if the pin state changes. I am able to read the value from the pin by setting SLEEP_TIME to 1000 and this way confirm that the value of the pin does change and that can be read correctly.

  • Hardware Contributor

    you're right, i misread because of the title "pin change" lol . So you're using D3, clear 🙂
    quickly checked the lib, but i don't see anything fancy for the moment. if i find time, perhaps i'll try to reproduce but i've not heard others having this issue. Do you have this problem without doing any changes in the Motion sketch?

  • What I am currently uploading is the unmodified version of MotionSensor.ino linked above. I have previously build a motion sensor using a 3.3V pro mini with the same code. The only difference that I can think of with my current setup is that I am using the internal RC oscillator instead of the external and have changed the fuses accordingly by using the bootloader upload in Arduino IDE. I used the following board configuration: ATmega328P (ATmega boot, internal 8MHz)

  • Hi.
    Perhaps I ran into a similar issue?
    I created a new node with older 1.5.x version of my sensors-library.
    But I was not able to get a door-contact working via interrupt on pin 3 with a sketch I used more than 5 times before.
    Last change I can remember, was updating Arduino IDE for MacOS Sierra....

    How can I get back a working interrupt controlled door-switch?!

  • @idstone: Have you tried passing another mode (e.g. LOW) to gw.sleep method? The issue I am having is that with LOW the interrupt fires, but with CHANGE (which is the default in the sketches) it does not.

  • Mod

    @elysion Issues were fixed in the 2.1 beta of the MySensors library, so you'd better have a look at this code to see how to wake from interrupt.
    Furthermore, you're using the ATmega out of spec when trying to wake from CHANGE; see

  • @elysion

    Hi. It seems, that the problem is related to complete charge of my 3,3V arduino pro's.
    Reaction on interrupt while closing a door-switch on pin 3 works on an older 5V arduino.
    I've read about problems at a customer-evalutation (amazon), especially with arduino pro clones and their interrupt-function.
    Bought some more over store from mysensors on ebay... hope these will work correctly 😞

  • Mod

    @idstone said:

    I've read about problems at a customer-evalutation (amazon), especially with arduino pro clones and their interrupt-function.

    Can you quote your source please?

  • @Yveaux

    5.0 von 5 SternenWunderbar!
    Von Ludwig Enfield am 19. Juli 2015

    Bei den Arduino Remakes gibt es immer wieder kleine Abweichungen im Pinout. Also aufpassen - das betrifft hier insbeondere die Interrupt-Pins 0 und 1 bzw. die Pins A6/A7 (u.a. Analog-Ports).

  • Mod

    @idstone thanks!
    If I understand it correctly, the feedback states the pinout of arduino pro mini clones is often slightly different, especially on interrupt pins and analog.
    For analog pins this is certainly true, for interrupt pins I have not experienced this myself (yet).

  • In one sketch I am using pin change interrupt. But that is a node I built from scratch. I have the feeling the issues arise with the MyS function "sleep()" in combination with a set time. As long as I call sleep(0xff,0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0);
    pin change interrupts work. As soon as I change any of the parameters, the node will not wake up anymore.

    That was on 2.0 I have yet to convert and try it on 2.1.

    As soon as I have done that, I will post the code .

  • Mod

    @DavidZH Just a shot in the dark, but could you try @tekka workaround from and see if it still crashes ?

  • @Yveaux I will try that as soon as I'm back from my winter sports vacation (as far as you can call lush green Alpine meadows that. At least the slopes are well maintained!). I have no access to a node and gateway now.

    For me it worked for that sketch as it's main function is reading momentary switches, either on mains power or on battery. As soon as I want to add a sensor that needs to send it's info on a set interval I needed it to be on mains power.

    But like I said, I will convert the sketch to 2.1 this week, and next week I'll give the workaround a shot.
    Keep you posted!

  • @Yveaux

    Got some news... the new charge of Arduino Pros arrived, but the problem persists. So I started more trail ' n error and got something:

    I installed the Arduino-IDE and mysensors-1.5.4-library on an manjaro-based notebook. I had to do some symlinking to get a newer version of avrdude working and now the same sketch I used before works now!

    Back to my Mac, flashing the same sketch, the node doesn't work correctly?!
    So problem seems to be the version of avrdude, which is offered by the arduino-ide?!

    I finally downgraded to IDE 1.6.8 and especially AVR Boards 1.6.8.
    Now everything works as expected .... 😄

  • Mod

    So it was just a bug in the latest updates of the ide and boards? I'm having probably the same problem on a mega2560

  • @gohan

    I'm not familiar with your problem, but mine was, that the interrupt on pin3 didn't work as expected. So I was not able to use my new sensor as watchdog for my windows/doors. With downgrade of the Arduino-IDE AND especially AVR Boards 1.6.8 my problem is solved now and every change on that interrupt-pin is correctly recognised and send to gateway.

  • Mod

    @idstone if you don't mind, please take a look at last line of my code

  • @gohan

    Hi again. I can confirm, that I got similar problems... the state of the interrupt pin wasn't correctly recognized, too.
    May be You could try downgrading Arduino-IDE and (very important) avr boards (1.6.8) ?!

  • I'll see if I can find time today or tomorrow to try this. Also might be interesting to see whether it would be possible to get around the issue using

  • Mod

    I'll give it a try maybe on another computer just to be safe

  • @gohan

    any news?

  • I updated my sensors to use v2 of the MySensors library and this issue went away. Used the same board with same fuses and same Arduino IDE and boards file version. Imho this would suggest that there is an issue in MySensors.

    Before migrating to v2 I ran some tests using a button in place of the PIR sensor and it seemed that using a short timeout for the gw.sleep would work, but a longer would not. Did not dig deeper into this though, so might be that it just seemed to work better.

  • Mod


    No, I tried different ways without success and I am waiting for new arduino boards to arrive and start testing from there, probably my MEGA isn't the right platform for these tests

  • So I've returned to this thread after 2 months, as I finally found the time to test the workaround @Yveaux suggested on Januari 8th. In the mean time I had updated my library to the latest version (2.1.1).
    When I run my sketch now, it never goes to sleep. Actually it does, but wakes up immediately. I use int testInt = sleep(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0);, testInt returns -1, as in; MCU woke by timer. That is both with and without the workaround, and I am not sure that it's caused by the interrupt definitions. Up to 2.0 that worked fine (I rolled back yesterday to try).

    Now I found this other thread where @tekka stated that he corrected some stuff that as out of line with the datasheet for the 328(p).

    So what would be the correct way to make a node sleep forever without using the ExternalInterrupts (INT_0 and INT_1)? I am in no rush to get this going, because my first nodes are going to be mains powered, so they will be happily looping along without sleeping. But as this node has 4 buttons, PinChange is a route I'd like to go.

    (Now I have to go and retract my statements in another thread, because they are null and void now.)

  • Admin

    @DavidZH Can you post your sketch & full debug log?

  • Sure!

    ** Light switch v1.0 with additional relay/power supply daughter board
    ** Scraped together by D Hille. MySensors library by Henrik Ekblad et al.
    **    Button lib.:    
    **    PinChangeInterrupt lib.:
    **    FastLED lib.:   
    //                    MySensors definitions
    #define MY_DEBUG                 // Comment out after finishing sketch (saves over 6kB flash)
    //#define MY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_SIGNING // Comment out when no signing is used or when everything is OK
    #define MY_BAUD_RATE 57600       // Lower as max because of 8 MHz Arduino
    #define MY_RADIO_RFM69
    #define MY_IS_RFM69HW
    #define MY_NODE_ID 85            // Delete to use automatic ID assignment
    #define MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS 100 //Start the node even if no connection to the GW could be made
    //#define MY_TRANSPORT_MAX_TSM_FAILURES    (2u)                 //Uncomment these three when usung battery powered node
    //#define MY_TRANSPORT_TIMEOUT_EXT_FAILURE_STATE (5*60*1000ul)
    //                        Security
    //#define MY_SIGNING_SOFT
    //                    Switch definitions
    #define battUpdater 50            // Number of TX actions to count before a new battery status update is sent.
    #define LED_FUNCTION 2
    // LED functions:
    // 0.: no LED present
    // 1.: ACK                        (LED will flash briefly when ACK is received)
    // 2.: Notification               (RGB-LED wil display a function of the controller, or flash white when ACK is received)
    #define NODE_CHAN_A_FUNCTION 1
    #define NODE_CHAN_B_FUNCTION 3
    #define NODE_CHAN_C_FUNCTION 0
    #define NODE_CHAN_D_FUNCTION 0
    // Node functions:
    // 0.: channel off
    // 1.: button only - momentary   ("ON" while button pushed, "OFF" when released)
    // 2.: button only - toggle      (every button push toggles state)
    // 3.: normal                    (relay controlled via RF and local)
    // 4.: local relay               (no RF control, only button)
    //#define SAFETY_BUTTON_A          // When defined button needs to be pressed for a set time to activate the button.
    //#define SAFETY_BUTTON_B          // Comment out to deactivate.
    //#define SAFETY_BUTTON_C
    //#define SAFETY_BUTTON_D        
    #define SAFETY_PRESS_TIME 1      // time in seconds the button needs to be pressed.
    //                  Debug and interrupt definitions
    #define LOCAL_DEBUG                              // Comment out to switch all debug messages off (saves 1kb flash)
    /*#ifdef MY_DEBUG                                  // Differentiate between global debug including radio and local debug 
      #define LOCAL_DEBUG                            // for the sketch alone.
    #ifdef LOCAL_DEBUG 
      #define Sprint(a) (Serial.print(a))            // Macro as substitute for serial debug. Will be an empty macro when
      #define Sprintln(a) (Serial.println(a))        // debug is switched off
      #define Sprint(a)                                       
      #define Sprintln(a)
    #define EI_NOTEXTERNAL
    #define EI_NOTPORTB
    #define EI_NOTPORTD
    #include <Button.h>
    #include <EnableInterrupt.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <FastLED.h>
    #include <Vcc.h>
    #define BMEaddr 0x76
    #define Max44099Addr 0x4A
    #define sketchName "switchNode(Hal)"
    #define sketchVer "1.0" 
    #define buttApin  14              // Arduino Digital I/O pin numbers for connected buttons 
    #define buttBpin  15              // when connected to '`official' PCB.
    #define buttCpin  8
    #define buttDpin  9
    #define relayApin 16
    #define relayBpin 17
    #define LEDpinACK 5
    #define LEDpinWS 6
    #define WS_Power 9
    #define ChanA 0
    #define ChanB 1
    #define ChanC 2
    #define ChanD 3
    #define PULLUP true        
    #define INVERT true        
    #define bounceTime 20             // A debounce time of 20 milliseconds usually works well for tactile button switches.
    #define sleepWait 2000           // Time to wait in ms before node sleeps (to be able to receive notification messages).
    volatile int pinChanged = 255;
    int indexButton = 255;
    int currDim = 255;                // Bright value of notificator at startup.
    int newDim = 0;
    int currLED = 30;                 // Hue value of notificator at startup.
    int newLED = 0;
    bool buttonPressed = false;
    bool changeLED = false;
    bool flashLED = false;
    int flashNumber = 1;
    bool flashWait = false;
    bool dimLED = false;
    bool flashOn = false;
    bool battPower = true;
    int inputPin[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};          // State machine registers
    int actuatorPin[2] = {0, 0};
    int function[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool safetyBttn[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool reqAck[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool inState[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool longPr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool outState[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    bool longPress = false;
    unsigned long lastTimeButton;               // Timer registers
    unsigned long flashTime;
    unsigned long lightsOut;
    unsigned long buttonTime;
    unsigned long longPressTime;
    bool startUp = true;
    bool transportDown = false;
    bool metric = true; 
    int battStatCounter = 0;
    const float VccMin = 0.0;                   // Minimum expected Vcc level, in Volts.
    const float VccMax = 5.0;                   // Maximum expected Vcc level, in Volts.
    const float VccCorrection = 3.41/3.35;      // Measured Vcc by multimeter divided by reported Vcc
    //                  Library declarations
    Button BtnA(buttApin, PULLUP, INVERT, bounceTime);    
    Button BtnB(buttBpin, PULLUP, INVERT, bounceTime);
    Button BtnC(buttCpin, PULLUP, INVERT, bounceTime);
    Button BtnD(buttDpin, PULLUP, INVERT, bounceTime);
    CRGB notifier[1];                           // define notification LED
    MyMessage msgButton(0, V_TRIPPED);
    MyMessage msgToggle(0, V_STATUS);
    MyMessage msgLED(LEDpinWS, V_RGB);
    Vcc vcc(VccCorrection);
    //                  Error messages
    #if (NODE_CHAN_A_FUNCTION == 0)
    #error Channel A cannot be turned off. For single channel use turn off channel B.
    #error Channels C and D do not have relays attached, can only be used as buttons.
    void before(void)
      Sprintln("\nStarting up...");
      Sprintln("\nReading config...");
    //                  Fill state machine registers
      inputPin[ChanA] = buttApin;
      #ifdef SAFETY_BUTTON_A
        safetyBttn[ChanA] = true;
      function[ChanA] = NODE_CHAN_A_FUNCTION;
      enableInterrupt(inputPin[ChanA], ChanA_ISR, CHANGE);
      if (function[ChanA] <= 2 && LED_FUNCTION >= 1) {
        reqAck[ChanA] = true;
      else {
        actuatorPin[ChanA] = relayApin;
      if (NODE_CHAN_B_FUNCTION >= 1) {
        inputPin[ChanB] = buttBpin;
        #ifdef SAFETY_BUTTON_B
          safetyBttn[ChanB] = true;
        function[ChanB] = NODE_CHAN_B_FUNCTION;
        enableInterrupt(inputPin[ChanB], ChanB_ISR, CHANGE);
        if (function[ChanB] <= 2 && LED_FUNCTION >= 1) {
          reqAck[ChanB] = true;
        else {
          actuatorPin[ChanB] = relayBpin;
      if (NODE_CHAN_C_FUNCTION >= 1) {
        inputPin[ChanC] = buttCpin;
        #ifdef SAFETY_BUTTON_C
          safetyBttn[ChanC] = true;
        function[ChanC] = NODE_CHAN_C_FUNCTION;
        enableInterrupt(inputPin[ChanC], ChanC_ISR, CHANGE);
        if (function[ChanC] <= 2 && LED_FUNCTION >= 1) {
          reqAck[ChanC] = true;
      if (NODE_CHAN_D_FUNCTION >= 1) {
        inputPin[ChanD] = buttDpin;
        #ifdef SAFETY_BUTTON_D
          safetyBttn[ChanD] = true;
        function[ChanD] = NODE_CHAN_D_FUNCTION;
        enableInterrupt(inputPin[ChanD], ChanD_ISR, CHANGE);
        if (function[ChanD] <= 2 && LED_FUNCTION >= 1) {
          reqAck[ChanD] = true;
      longPressTime = SAFETY_PRESS_TIME * 1000;
    void presentation()  
      Sprintln("Start radio and sensors");  
      Sprintln("Send node info. \n");
      sendSketchInfo(sketchName, sketchVer);
      for (int i = ChanA; i < ChanD+1; i++) {
        Sprint("\nPresent channel "); Sprint(i); Sprint(", function: "); Sprint(function[i]); Sprint(", safety: "); Sprintln(safetyBttn[i]);
        if (function[i] == 1) {
          present(i, S_BINARY);
        else if (function[i] >= 2) { 
          present(i, S_LIGHT);
      if (LED_FUNCTION == 2) {
        Sprintln("\nPresent notifier.");   
        present(LEDpinWS, S_RGB_LIGHT);
    void setup(void)
      #ifndef BATTERY_POWERED
        battPower = false;
      pinMode(LEDpinACK, OUTPUT);
      if (LED_FUNCTION == 2) {
        pinMode(WS_Power, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(WS_Power, HIGH);    
        FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, LEDpinWS, GRB>(notifier, 1);
        notifier[0] = CHSV(currLED, 255, currDim);    // give LED initial color;
      if (function[ChanA] >= 3) {
        pinMode(actuatorPin[ChanA], OUTPUT);
      if (function[ChanB] >= 3) {
        pinMode(actuatorPin[ChanB], OUTPUT);
      Sprintln("\nDone. \nStarting program.");
      lastTimeButton = millis();
    void loop(void)
      if (indexButton <= 25) {                          // Measure time when safety feature is enabled.
        if (millis() >= buttonTime + longPressTime) {
          Sprint("\nChannel "); Sprint(indexButton); Sprintln(" long-pressed");
          flashLED = true;
          pinChanged = indexButton;
          longPr[indexButton] = true;
          indexButton = 255;
      //if (buttonPressed) {
      //  readInputs();
      switch (function[pinChanged]) {
        case 1:
          Sprint("\nChannel "); Sprint(pinChanged);       
          if (inState[pinChanged] && !buttonPressed) {
            Sprintln(" pressed.");
            if ((!safetyBttn[pinChanged]) || (longPr[pinChanged])){
              if (!transportDown) {
            else {
              indexButton = pinChanged;
              buttonTime = millis();
            pinChanged = 255;
            //buttonPressed = true;
          else if (!inState[pinChanged]) {
            lastTimeButton = millis();
            Sprintln(" released.");
            if ((!safetyBttn[pinChanged]) || (longPr[pinChanged])) {
              if (!transportDown) {
              else {
                flashLED = true;
                flashNumber = 3;
            longPr[pinChanged] = false;
            indexButton = 255;
            pinChanged = 255;
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
          lastTimeButton = millis();
          if (inState[pinChanged]) {
            if ((!safetyBttn[pinChanged]) || (longPr[pinChanged])) {
              Sprint("\nChannel "); Sprint(pinChanged); Sprint(" toggled");
              outState[pinChanged] = !outState[pinChanged]; 
              if (function[pinChanged] >= 3) {
                digitalWrite(actuatorPin[pinChanged], outState[pinChanged]);
                Sprint(", relay changed");
              if (function[pinChanged] == 2 || function[pinChanged] == 3) {
                if (!transportDown) {
                  Sprint(", sent"); 
                else {
                  flashLED = true;
                  flashNumber = 3;
              Sprint(". State: "); Sprintln(outState[pinChanged]);
              longPr[pinChanged] = false;
            else {
              buttonTime = millis();
              indexButton = pinChanged;
            pinChanged = 255;
          else {
            pinChanged = 255;
      if (battPower && (battStatCounter >= battUpdater)) {  
        battStatCounter = 0;
      if (pinChanged > 25) {  
        if ((battPower) && (millis() >= lastTimeButton + sleepWait)) {
          if (!dimLED) {
            newDim = 0;
          dimLED = true;
          if (currDim <= 0) {
            newDim = 255;
            dimLED = true;
    void ChanA_ISR()                        
       pinChanged = ChanA;
       inState[ChanA] =;
    void ChanB_ISR()
       pinChanged = ChanB;
       inState[ChanB] =;
    void ChanC_ISR()
      pinChanged = ChanC;
      inState[ChanC] =;
    void ChanD_ISR()
      pinChanged = ChanD;
      inState[ChanD] =;
    void readInputs()
      inState[ChanA] =;
      inState[ChanB] =;
      inState[ChanC] =;
      inState[ChanD] =;
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) 
      Sprintln("\nMessage received");
      if (message.isAck()) {
        flashLED = true;
      if (message.type == V_VAR1) 
        Sprint("Notifier value; ");
        if (message.sensor == LEDpinWS) {
          newLED = message.getInt();
          Sprint("received hue-value: "); Sprint(newLED); Sprintln("\n");
          changeLED = true;
      if (message.type == V_STATUS) {
        outState[message.sensor] = message.getBool();
        Sprint("Channel "); Sprint(message.sensor); Sprint(" switched to "); Sprintln(outState[message.sensor]); Sprintln("\n");
        digitalWrite(actuatorPin[message.sensor], outState[message.sensor]);
    void lightsOUT()
      digitalWrite(WS_Power, HIGH);
      pinMode(WS_Power, INPUT);
      int testInt = sleep(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0); 
      pinMode(WS_Power, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(WS_Power, HIGH);
    void updateLED()
      if ((millis() >= flashTime + 100) && flashWait)  {
        flashWait = false;
      if (flashLED) {                         // Flash the LED white (or whatever color)as confirmation.
        if (!flashOn && !flashWait) {
          flashTime = millis();               // Use millis() to prevent blocking the code with wait() or delay().
          flashOn = true;
          if (LED_FUNCTION == 1) {
            digitalWrite(LEDpinACK, HIGH);
          else if (LED_FUNCTION == 2) {
            notifier[0] = CHSV(currLED, 0, currDim);    // Set the saturation to 0 (no color, just light -> white).
        else if ((millis() >= flashTime + 50) && !flashWait) {
          if (LED_FUNCTION == 1) {
            digitalWrite(LEDpinACK, LOW);       
          else if (LED_FUNCTION == 2) {
            notifier[0] = CHSV(currLED, 255, currDim);  // Set the saturation back to original.
          flashOn = false;
          flashWait = true;
          if (flashNumber <= 0) {
            flashNumber = 1;
            flashLED = false; 
            flashWait = false;
      else if (changeLED) {                   // Morph the next color in the current for the notification LED.
        int deltaHSV = currLED - newLED;
        if (currLED != newLED) {
          if (deltaHSV < 0) {
            currLED += 1;
          else if (deltaHSV > 0) {
            currLED -= 1;
          notifier[0] = CHSV(currLED, 255, currDim);
        else {
          changeLED = false;
      else if (dimLED) {                      // Dim the notification LED to 0 when battery powered.
        if (currDim != newDim) {
          if (currDim >= newDim) {
            currDim -= 1;                     // Slowly dim the indicator before sleep time and...
          else if (currDim <= newDim) {
            currDim += 5;                     // ...bring it back up in a hurry.
          notifier[0] = CHSV(currLED, 255, currDim);
        else {
          dimLED = false;
    void checkTransportStatus()
      /*if (isTransportSearchingParent()) {
        if (!transportDown); {
          transportDown = true;
      else if (transportDown) {
        transportDown = false;
    void synchronizeChannels()
      for (int i = ChanA; i < ChanD+1; i++) {             // Syncing switch states to controller.
        if ((function[i] == 2) || (function[i] == 3)) {
          Sprint("\nChannel "); Sprint(i); Sprintln(" sync.");
    void indication(const indication_t)
    void batteryStats()
      if (battPower) {
        float battPct = vcc.Read_Perc();
        float battVolt = vcc.Read_Volts();
        Sprint("Battery level: "); Sprintln(battVolt); Sprintln("V.\n");
    Starting up...
    Reading config...
    10 TSM:INIT
    16 TSF:WUR:MS=100
    28 TSF:SID:OK,ID=85
    32 TSM:FPAR
    165 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-255-255,s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:
    178 MCO:BGN:STP
    Starting program.
    985 TSF:MSG:READ,0-0-85,s=255,c=3,t=8,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
    993 TSF:MSG:FPAR OK,ID=0,D=1
    2179 TSM:FPAR:OK
    2181 TSM:ID
    2185 TSM:ID:OK
    2187 TSM:UPL
    2197 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=24,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:1
    2246 TSF:MSG:READ,0-0-85,s=255,c=3,t=25,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:1
    2263 TSM:UPL:OK
    2265 TSM:READY:ID=85,PAR=0,DIS=1
    2277 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=15,pt=6,l=2,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:0100
    2326 TSF:MSG:READ,0-0-85,s=255,c=3,t=15,pt=6,l=2,sg=0:0100
    2344 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:2.1.1
    2367 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:0
    2422 TSF:MSG:READ,0-0-85,s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:M
    Start radio and sensors
    Send node info. 
    2443 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=15,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:switchNode(Hal)
    2465 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:1.0
    Present channel 0, function: 1, safety: 0
    2488 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=0,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:
    Present channel 1, function: 3, safety: 0
    2508 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=1,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:
    Present channel 2, function: 0, safety: 0
    Present channel 3, function: 0, safety: 0
    Present notifier.
    2535 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=6,c=0,t=26,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:
    Channel 1 sync.
    2557 MCO:REG:REQ
    2568 TSF:MSG:SEND,85-85-0-0,s=255,c=3,t=26,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=OK:2
    2617 TSF:MSG:READ,0-0-85,s=255,c=3,t=27,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:1
    2627 MCO:PIM:NODE REG=1
    3268 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    3276 MCO:SLP:TPD
    3278 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    4112 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    4120 MCO:SLP:TPD
    4122 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    4956 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    4964 MCO:SLP:TPD
    4966 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    5799 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    5808 MCO:SLP:TPD
    5810 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    6643 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    6651 MCO:SLP:TPD
    6653 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    7487 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    7495 MCO:SLP:TPD
    7497 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1
    8331 MCO:SLP:MS=0,SMS=0,I1=255,M1=0,I2=255,M2=0
    8339 MCO:SLP:TPD
    8341 MCO:SLP:WUP=-1

    And so on...

    The only funny thing I see is at 2549 !MCO:SND:NODE NOT REG.

    ( I actually just noticed that the setupis run before the presentation. I thought that had been changed)

    edit: I forgot to mention my hardware!
    328p-AU on a custom board on the 8MHz internal clock. The interrupt pins are connected via a RC network (debounce) to the pins with the internal pullups. I used the button.h library because I'm lazy 🙂 it also keeps the code a bit neater to look at.

  • Admin

    @DavidZH IRQ triggers only on LOW level when sleeping (see at328 datasheet) - what happens if you substitute all enableInterrupt(xyz, CHANGE) to enableInterrupt(xyz, LOW)?

    The only funny thing I see is at 2549 !MCO:SND:NODE NOT REG

    this is because you set a 100ms timeout here:

    #define MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS 100 //Start the node even if no connection to the GW could be made

    set it to 0 or increase to e.g. 10000...

  • @tekka said in Pin change interrupt not firing with MySensors:

    @DavidZH IRQ triggers only on LOW level when sleeping (see at328 datasheet) - what happens if you substitute all enableInterrupt(xyz, CHANGE) to enableInterrupt(xyz, LOW)?

    That is not true! Chapter 13, page 70, second part, first line: The External Interrupts can be triggered by a falling or rising edge or a low level. For completeness I tried, but the outcome is the same; node wakes up immediately.

    The only funny thing I see is at 2549 !MCO:SND:NODE NOT REG

    this is because you set a 100ms timeout here:

    #define MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS 100 //Start the node even if no connection to the GW could be made

    set it to 0 or increase to e.g. 10000...

    You're right! My bad. I'll change that to 2700, that's the approximate time the node needs to start up.

  • Admin


    That is not true! Chapter 13, page 70, second part, first line: The External Interrupts can be triggered by a falling or rising edge or a low level.

    For sleeping MCUs, you may have missed this here:

    Chapter 10.1 Sleep Modes (pg 39) => read note 3

    If the node still wakes up, it could be triggered by the radio - this is something we need to investigate further. If you disable all IRQs (on ChanA-D) - does it still wake up?

  • I respectfully disagree: That states only INT_0 and INT_1, I am using PCI. Different mechanism and vectors.

    About the radio waking it up: you mean interference? Or the interrupt? I think those are not the case, as he wake reason states -1, by timer. And if I flash the exact same sketch using the 2.0 library, the node stays asleep properly and wakes with the press of a button.
    The thing I ran into when developing this node was that I could use PCI when using deep sleep, but when I wanted to add a timer to send a sensor value periodically as well, the node would only wake up with the timer, and only then register the interrupt events.

  • Admin

    @DavidZH Now I see, indeed, missed the PCI part - my bad 🙂 Maybe @Yveaux can chip in here?

  • No worries man! We're all learning as we're moving along with this project. And there's so much info in most of the posts that some parts will be missed. Inevitably.

  • Mod

    @DavidZH before I dive into this could you please strip your sketch to the bare minimum that demonstrates the problem (mySensors 2.0.0 vs 2.1.1), preferably without using any hardware connections? Thanks!

  • Hi @Yveaux,

    I have stripped it to one button on a RC-net and one led to see what I am doing, without changing the basic flow of the sketch. Also the node has been stripped bare. I have used a DIP version with the same bootloader (8MHz internal, 1V8 BOD by GertSanders, 3V3 power source) and the outcome is exactly the same:

    • directly waking with 2.1.1, sleeping with 2.0.0.
    • In both tests, all button presses are registered without problems.
    • button library has nothing to do with it. When I use a simple digitalRead(), all remains the same.
    • when I comment out the library call for the Interrupt (line 48), nothing changes.
    //                    MySensors definitions
    #define MY_DEBUG    
    #define MY_CORE_ONLY      
    #define MY_BAUD_RATE 57600       // Lower as max because of 8 MHz Arduino
    #define EI_NOTEXTERNAL               // Options for the EnableInterrupt library
    #define EI_NOTPORTB                  // to save flash space
    #define EI_NOTPORTD
    #include <Button.h>
    #include <EnableInterrupt.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #define buttonPin 14            //A0
    #define ledPin 8
    #define PULLUP true        
    #define INVERT true        
    #define bounceTime 20            // A debounce time of 20 milliseconds usually works well for tactile button switches.
    #define sleepWait 1000           // Time to wait in ms before node sleeps (to be able to receive notification messages).
    volatile uint8_t interruptCount = 0;
    volatile bool buttonChanged;
    volatile bool buttonState;
    long lastButton;
    Button BtnA(buttonPin, PULLUP, INVERT, bounceTime); 
    void presentation(void)
    void setup(void)
      Serial.println("\nStarting test");
      enableInterrupt(buttonPin, interrupted, CHANGE);
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      //pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);             //uncomment when testing without Button library
      lastButton = millis();
    void loop(void)
      if (buttonChanged) {
        if (buttonState) {
          Serial.print("\nButton has changed "); Serial.print(interruptCount); Serial.println(" times.");
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        else {
          Serial.println("\nButton is released.");
        lastButton = millis();
        buttonChanged = false;
      if (!buttonChanged) {
        if (millis() > (lastButton + sleepWait)) {
    void interrupted()
      buttonChanged = true;
      //buttonState = !digitalRead(buttonPin);
      buttonState =;                                      
    void sleepNode()
      sleep(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0);

    Two other things caught my attention:

    • In MY_CORE_ONLY there's no serial.begin(), makes one wait awfully long for debug output...
    • When the node is in PWR_DOWN, my (Chinesium) USB-serial converter is unable to wake the node to upload new code. I have to keep the node awake with the button, and if that fails, shoot the bootloader again. I know the DTS-pin is functional, as the node resets when I start a serial window.

  • Mod

    @DavidZH The issue is caused because the way you use the sleep() function.
    You 'abuse' the sleep() implementation that takes 2 interrupts (this prototype) to be able to sleep 'forever' (timeout 0).
    However, by passing two invalid interrupt numbers, the MySensors stack translates this into a regular sleep() (this prototype) for which a timeout value of 0 means to return immediately.

    In the core, calling either sleep(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0) or sleep(0) will lead to the same call to the hwSleep() implementation, which will return immediately.

    As a quick test, could you try replacing the code starting here:

    if (interrupt1 != INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED && interrupt2 != INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED) {
        // both IRQs
        result = hwSleep(interrupt1, mode1, interrupt2, mode2, sleepingTimeMS);
    } else if (interrupt1 != INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED && interrupt2 == INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED) {
        // one IRQ
        result = hwSleep(interrupt1, mode1, sleepingTimeMS);
    } else if (interrupt1 == INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED && interrupt2 == INTERRUPT_NOT_DEFINED) {
        // no IRQ
        result = hwSleep(sleepingTimeMS);


    result = hwSleep(interrupt1, mode1, interrupt2, mode2, sleepingTimeMS);

    and see if that solves your issue?

  • @Yveaux

    It did! Thanks a bunch! I had a feeling it was to be found in that part of the code.

    Strange thing is: it still returns -1 as wake up reason. And that brings me back to my original problem.

    • When I want to add a timed sensor by setting a time as last argument, the node will not wake up when an interrupt takes place. It does register the interrupt, as the counter increases with every press. But it will only wake when the timer expires and only then display the updated counter.

    I do see use cases for this: like an alarm-base station. With multiple inputs for the various detector loops. When the power fails (either by accident or intentionally) the base should go in low power mode to save the battery. And send a periodical heartbeat.
    Or a scene controller in an inaccessible spot with a sensor attached.

    edit: I've been browsing around MyHwAVR.cpp for a while, but my coding is not at that high of a level at this moment, that I can provide any useful input.

  • Mod

    @DavidZH said in Pin change interrupt not firing with MySensors:

    It did! Thanks a bunch! I had a feeling it was to be found in that part of the code.


    Strange thing is: it still returns -1 as wake up reason. And that brings me back to my original problem.

    Well, that function is setup to either return the interrupt number, or -1 if it didn't wake from interrupt.
    You woke it differently, hence the return code of -1, see here.

    • When I want to add a timed sensor by setting a time as last argument, the node will not wake up when an interrupt takes place. It does register the interrupt, as the counter increases with every press. But it will only wake when the timer expires and only then display the updated counter.

    The actual sleep method differs whether a timeout is passed or not, see here.
    I would have to consult the datasheet and dive into the different sleeping methods, but that probably is the reason of not waking up.

    Again, you are using the library in an undocumented/untested way, so, unless you're able to read/modify the code yourself, I advise you to stick to the suggested use cases.

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