@epierre : after received the PPD42NS, compared to the DSM501A, which one is the best do you think?
Other things, I planned to purchase soon the sensors that I need for my air station.
You made a list on the #1 post, and it's very useful thanks, but now I have to choose between them for each gas targeted (maybe some sensors are still missing on the list below)
Which one appears for you, the better for each gas, with a reasonable price?
O3 MQ131 MICS-2610 Mics-2614
NO2 MiCS-2710 MiCS-2714
NO ?
PM10 PM2.5 PPD42NS SamYoung DSM501
Benzene MQ135
CO MQ307A MQ309A AQ-7 MiCS-5525 TGS2442
So2 MQ136
COV MQ135 TGS2602
CO2 MQ135