Hi2All! Surprising is here. After about 24hours I refresh HA and suddenly my motion sensor was integrated. There is also second entity > battery : 0 , have to look deeper into that for understanding. Need to change little in the sketch, because don't want every short time 'no movement' so only when there is motion and maybe once a hour indication sensor is alive. Meantime I found 3 other good threats: https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/11200/finally-progress-evidence-based-radio-testing-method-and-capacitors https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/1664/which-are-the-best-nrf24l01-modules/27 https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/9550/build-a-reliable-power-supply-chain Very usefull for me also finally progress because of lacking time in the past. Great jobs are done here! Thanks for this all of you guys or girls!