Ethernet Gateway on Arduino nano

  • Hi

    i try to compile the ethernet gateway sketch for an adruino nano with a ENC28J60 module. I get the error:
    Sketch uses 33,370 bytes (108%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30,720 bytes.
    Global variables use 1,672 bytes (81%) of dynamic memory, leaving 376 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.
    Sketch too big

    I have comment out the lines as described in the begin of the sketch:

    //#include <DigitalIO.h>     // This include can be removed when using UIPEthernet module  
    // Use this if you have attached a Ethernet ENC28J60 shields  
    #include <UIPEthernet.h>  
    // Use this for WizNET W5100 module and Arduino Ethernet Shield 
    // #include <Ethernet.h>  

    and also comment out the DEBUG in the MyConfig.h file:

    // #define DEBUG

    I use the arduino 1.6.5 on Windows 7.

    Thanks for your support.


  • Hi,

    i am new to mysensors, and i have an another Problem, but i have an Arduino Nano and when i compile the Sketch it shows that this use 95%. So it dows work for me.
    I hope its usefull for you.
    Maybe you have some libriaries which will be comiled in to arduino. Try to load only MySensors libs in Arduino Programm.
    Greets Eddie

  • Mod

    @MrTomtom said:


    Code footprint for ENC28J60 is significantly larger than for W5100.
    Any chance you can use a W5100 for the gateway?

  • @meddie: did you use also an ENC28J60 for lan-connection? or an W5100?

    @Yveaux: yes, the chance is real. I can order a lan-shield with W5100. But i could not believer that it's not possible to compile the gateway with an ENC28J60... And the ENC28J60 looks nicer with the arduino, so i get a small package with lan-shield, arduino and rf-shield. 🙂

    Anyone had compile successfull the lan-gateway wtih ENC28J60?

  • Hi yes i have an enc and I can compile. 95% used.

  • Strange.... on which platform do you compile? Windows, Linux? and which version do you use of arduino ide?

  • Hi,
    on Windows 7 arduino IDE 1.6.6.
    I have to use win 7 because i use a Clone of arduino nano and this have a prolific 2303 Chip wich Has only drivers for win 7.

  • Mod

    @MrTomtom @meddie Which MySensors library are you using?

  • the newest 1.5.1

  • Remark out as many serial statements as you can.
    With any luck you can scrape a few bytes back and it will compile and run.

    Even if you have some form of debug define set for serial output the serial statements are still viable memory hogs.

  • Mod

    MySensors 1.6 (still in development) is quite a lot smaller than 1.5. You cound try it and see if it is enough.

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