HomeGenie, experience?

  • Does anyone have any experience with HomeGenie? Hard/easy/possible/impossible to get to work with MySensors? Support for different sensors? Anything you can tell 😃

  • Admin

  • Thank you. Don't know if it is abandoned by the admins. Been waiting 3 days to get access to the forums.

    It looks good, but with such poor support I'll have to continue my search for a good controller.

  • At the moment there is no MySensors v2.0 support in HomeGenie, but I'm working on a new Serial Gateway.

    At first there will only be limited support (Switches, Temp, Humidity and Motion) but I'm hoping to have more available within a short time.

    The first test version will be available this Friday.

  • @mvdarend

    Sounds good. Looking forward to test it. Are you a developer of HomeGenie or just making a addon?
    Would be nice if there was some kind of roadmap for HomeGenie. It looks good, but need support for the right hardware too 😃

  • No, I'm not a developer of HomeGenie, I've helped a little bit, but I'm not the greatest programmer and I think I'd hurt the project more than help 🙂

    It's basically a one man show, although Gene (the Developer) is very open to any help, and quite a few people have chipped in over the years.

    Not sure on the roadmap, what kind of devices are you looking at using?

  • I've started a new thread on the HomeGenie forum with the first test version, you can find the forum here:

    MySensor v2.0 Serial Gateway for HomeGenie

    Edit: Quick summary

    Supported Devices (tested)
    S_LIGHT / S_BINARY - Actuators also tested


  • @mvdarend

    Nice. Will have a look at it and see how it works.

    When it comes to hardware I'm currently most into MySensors things. Since it gives me the freedom to do things that is not that easy to buy from a commercial solution. My current project includes a outdoor fishtank and the ability to regulate the temperature in the tank by filling it up with new water. Need support for waterflow meter and water valve for example.

    But I'm not a complete idiot 😃 and have some old programming skills that I maybe could use to help and add support to the gateway for devices I have. But then again HomeGenie needs support for those also. Therefore I was asking about a roadmap.
    Domoticz have support for most of the devices, but on the other hand the developer have made them so specific to the thing he thinks they are used for, and makes it harder to use them for other things.
    Like the water flow gadget in Domoticz is designed for incoming water to a house or something, and not very flexible when you only need to measure the flow in any other environment.

    So if there is only full support for MySensors I would be very happy.

    But I haven't tried HomeGenie so much yet. How is it with automation? Easy/flexible to do? I need some automated way to measure water temperature and open/close water valve accordingly.

  • @raptorjr said:

    But I haven't tried HomeGenie so much yet. How is it with automation? Easy/flexible to do? I need some automated way to measure water temperature and open/close water valve accordingly.

    HomeGenie is pretty good for flexible yet powerful automation rules, even if you're not great with coding. That shouldn't be a problem at all.

  • @raptorjr said:

    My current project includes a outdoor fishtank and the ability to regulate the temperature in the tank by filling it up with new water. Need support for waterflow meter and water valve for example.

    Water valve shouldn't be a problem, it's basically on/off? Then you could just assign it as a binary switch and give it a nicer widget icon in HomeGenie.

    For the water flow meter, could you give me an example of what you have made, and how you would like to see it work within HomeGenie. (comparison to the Domoticz solution would be a good help too)

  • @mvdarend said:

    @raptorjr said:
    For the water flow meter, could you give me an example of what you have made, and how you would like to see it work within HomeGenie. (comparison to the Domoticz solution would be a good help too)

    What would you like to see here? My sketch for the water flow meter? I can find some image and try to explain how I would like to see it work, to be flexible and usable for others too.

  • @raptorjr Ah yes, I wasn't very clear there. What I meant is an example of how you are using the sensor, if I have understood correctly, you are doing the following:

    • Measure water temp, if too high (or low) then activate the water valve.
    • Keep water valve open until the desired temperature has been reached.

    But how the water flow sensor fits into this I'm not sure. Is it to make sure the water valve has been closed? Or to give an estimate of how long it will take? something else?

  • @mvdarend

    Yes. The waterflow will be used to make sure that the valve is open and more important is closed when I want it to be. Otherwise notify me. Also a little interesting to see stats on how much water is added.

  • I've made a small update, S_WATER (V_FLOW, V_VOLUME) have been added. (not tested)

    Supported Devices:
    S_POWER *
    S_IR *
    S_WATER *
    S_GAS *


    • Not tested

  • Thanks to the help of @raptorjr HomeGenie will also have support for the Ethernet Gateway. 👍

  • @hek

    It seems that there is some support for MySensors 2.0 in HomeGenie now. Would it be possible to get HomeGenie added to the list of supported controllers?

    Not that I'm that experienced in controllers, but I have tried a few and this one really got me excited. I think it is a good candidate on the list.

  • Admin

    Yes, absolutely.

    I would need some information like short background, features, logo and a few screenshots.

    Nice if someone fills out the Controller Matrix for HomeGenie so @AWI can add it to the main controller page.

  • @hek

    I just found HomeGenie a few days ago, but since I already like it I will do what I can to help. If @mvdarend has the time maybe he can take a look at the Controller Matrix. He has much more knowledge of what HomeGenie can do.

    EDIT: I see now that HomeGenie is already a part of the ControllerMatrix, but no link and information in the list. Will see what I can dig out.

  • @hek

    I just got some text and images from the HomeGenie website and put it in a Word document. Maybe it is something you can use?
    I hope the developer of HomeGenie don't mind.


  • @raptorjr said:

    EDIT: I see now that HomeGenie is already a part of the ControllerMatrix, but no link and information in the list. Will see what I can dig out.

    AWI asked me to fill out the Controller Matrix form a few days ago, I hadn;t got around to creating a document yet. The document you made looks like I would have done it I think.

  • Admin

    Added a HomeGenie page on the main site:

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