ago control and serial gateway not communicating.

  • im trying to set this up using a serial gateway, ago controller and i am using 2 unos to test and experiment.

    i have it all wired, the nrf24 ping/pong test seems to work both ways so i dont think its a wiring issue and i do have some caps added.. but the controller is not issueing node ids (ive tried with freedomotic as well.)

    i looked in the logs for ago and i found this error
    "Oct 19 16:20:15 agocontroler agoMySensors[24706]: Requesting gateway version...Unknown gateway protocol version. Exit. (received "0;0;4;11;Arduino startup complete." from gateway)" (this is with version 1.3)
    ive tried with both v1.3 and 1.4 of the mysensors librarys.

    so looks like the gw is not responding to input.

    i tried the command that should give version using a serial console, and nothing happens.

    the arduino uno i have is r3, ive tryed the gateway with both an oem arduino uno r3, and nock off dccduino.
    same error.

    am i missing something? its unmodifyed serial gateway code.
    and the test sensor is unmodifyed humidity sensor code for dht on an uno r3..

    if there is any specific info i left out please ask and ill reply asap with those details.

    Very Best,


  • Admin

    Haven't seen @hari on the MySensors forum for a while. You might wanna contact him over at

  • @hek it shouldnt be ago control, i cant even input via a serial consol to get the expected result, feels like a code issue with the serial gateway as it does not respond to any serial input via a console (used both putty and aduino ide console).

  • Admin

    @kaziya said:


    Just checking that you know that \n represent a newline character?

  • @hek yes i know, doesnt seem to make a diffrence with or with out new like char, thats the line ago control sends the serial gateway when looking for version number(pulled it out of the source), matches up with what the mysensors serial api says, but the gateway doesnt seem to respond to that input.
    just shows gateway started, and recives 255 messages from the sensor and thats it.

    it looks like the other posts of hey you forgot to setup a controller, thats why you have no node id being set.

    im at a loss at this point, there is nothing in tx rx to affect serial communication.
    and i can write programs to the arduino so serail should be working properly.

    i cant see why it wouldnt work....

  • Admin


    You must be something wrong. Just tested in the serial monitor and it answers correctly. Check that your settings are the same and try again.

    Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 22.50.38.png

  • @hek not sure what was causing it, but i flushed the arduino ide library folder, added mysensors 1.4 again, and recompiled
    i get version when i put it in that string, so ill give this another try and see what happens.
    might have been having issues with my exisiting libs building buggy code (i had existing old dht, and rf24 libs that it over wrote).

    its one of those, everything is right, and triple checked, and triple redone why doesnt it work....

    thank you for the help.

  • im going to need to dig futher,
    its working as i would expect via serial in windows now, looks like a linux issue, it can read the serial port, but cant seem to write to it..

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