Simple network not working.

  • Hi all.
    I have tried for a few days to get a simple sensor setup to work but I'm about to give up. I must have misunderstood something and I just can't figure it out.

    This is what I want to do.
    No Controller. Just 2 nodes.

    • One sensor with a DHT-11. I think I got this working. Uses a static id.
    • One node with a LCD display showing the values from the first node.
      -- This one is giving me trouble. I have tried basing it on both the Sensor and the Relay class but I don't get it how the code should look like. I have looked at the site but I must be missing something. This node will never report something just use the gw.messageAvailable() and gw.getMessage() to get the values from the first node. I have based this node on the code from the RelayActuator.ino but I cant get it to work. The node just halts when I start calling the gw.begin(id); and there is nothing i the serial monitor more than :Started relay. Open ping reading pipõ. Don't know why the strange char at the end.

    I get this from the sensor but I guess it doesnt matter as long as there isn't a relay/gateway to reach.
    Tx: fr=1,to=255,la=1,ne=255,ci=255,mt=4,ty=9,cr=6:
    No relay nodes was found. Trying again in 10 seconds.

    Do I need a gateway or is it enough to use 2 sensor classes to get the network going?

    What am I missing? Any ides, suggestion, "hurrarrop och höga knäuppdragingar" is welcome.


  • Admin

    Hurra, hurra!

    The sensors form a star-network. All sensor-nodes except gateway need a relay (parent). So if you just add a gateway node all will work nicely.

  • Added a Gateway, checked connections to radio and connected them right this time, fixed a mistake in the code and now I have the temperature and humidity from the DHT-11 on the Nokia lcd. Thank you! Don't know why I thought I didn't need a gateway.

    This was just a first test to get a feel for the system. Now the fun part begin adding sensor here and there in the house. It will be awesome! Thank you for making this!

  • Admin


    Hope you'll have lots of fun!

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