Automatic LED light - high WAF inside :)

  • Hi guys

    A new project came on top of the others : ceiling light

    The wife kinda likes the idea behind MySensors and openHab, as home automation and security system
    But i had to hit hard to get it fully accepted. So here comes the "cat shaped ceiling light" !!!

    (Ok I know, ceiling is not finished yet... it has to be spotless as this kind of light reveals everything...)
    LED strip is glued on the edge of the board, powered via a 12V power supply which is controlled via an OMRON SSR relay

    Some AutoCad and CNC later... :



    This is highly inspired by Aproxx's work

    What I want it to do :

    • switch on the light when motion (PIR sensor)
    • switch itself off with delay (PIR kind enough to do that as well)
    • measure room light level so as to switch light on only when needed
    • have 3 modes controlled via openHab : fully automatic, always ON, always OFF

    So far i have managed to create a 3-state selector in openhab with this:

    • ".items" file: String HouseMode "House Mode [%s]"
    • ".sitemap" file: Switch item=LightMode mappings=[ON=1, AUTO=2, OFF=1]


    Now I am having some trouble with the sketch...
    I guess I should be using S_CUSTOM and V_CUSTOM (instead of S_BINARY and V_STATUS) as the "LightMode" variable can take up to 3 states...
    How do i then retreive that value?

    void receive(const MyMessage &message)
    int lightMode = message.getInt();

    Thanks for your input and comments 🙂

  • Mod

    Maybe you could add a second binary switch to toggle AUTO mode and leave light as binary, otherwise you probably need to use something like S_LEVEL or similar

  • @gohan

    Thank you for your suggestion

    It does work the way you suggested, with 2 binary switches

    But that is not what i would like to achieve 😉

  • Guys

    Based on

    • ".items file:" String lightMode "lightMode [%s]
    • ".sitemap" file: Switch item=lightMode mappings=[ON=1, AUTO=2, OFF=1]

    I would like to retreive the value of "lightMode" at the node side

    This is what I am doing at the moment :

    void receive(const MyMessage &message)
      if (message.type == V_VAR1) {    
        char lightMode[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
        strncpy(lightMode,, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH);

    Compiles and uploads fine

    But state of lightMode doesn't change in node serial monitor...
    Nothing is returned (empty field) when doing a Serial.println(lightMode)"

    Could you please point me towards my mistake ? Am I (one more time) mixing data types (int and char and so on) ?

    Thanks a lot for your time 🙂

  • Sorted 🙂

    It is probably a bad idea to send data to node while sleeping...

    Complete sketch for the record

    // Enable debug prints
    #define MY_DEBUG
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_PARENT_ID 0
    #define MY_NODE_ID 19
    #include <MySensors.h>
    // (Only input 2 and 3 generates interrupt!)
    #define PIN_MOTION 2      // Motion sensor input
    #define PIN_RELAY 5       // Omron relay output
    #define MOTION_ID 1       // Id of the motion sensor child
    #define RELAY_ID 2        // Id of the relay child
    int lightMode = 2;         // 0=OFF - 1=ON - 2=auto
    bool prevTripped = 0;          // previous state of motion sensor
    MyMessage msgMotion(MOTION_ID, V_TRIPPED);    // Initialize motion message
    void setup()
      pinMode(PIN_MOTION, INPUT);
      delay(3000);  // wait for motion sensor voltage to stabilize
      pinMode(PIN_RELAY, OUTPUT);     // Then set relay pins in output mode
      digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);  // Make sure relays are off when starting up
    void presentation()
      sendSketchInfo("Toilet Light", "27.10.2017");
      present(MOTION_ID, S_MOTION);
      present(RELAY_ID, S_CUSTOM);
    void loop()
      bool tripped = digitalRead(PIN_MOTION) == HIGH;
      if ( tripped =! prevTripped ) { //only send data when there is a change
        send(msgMotion.set(tripped ? "1" : "0")); // Send tripped value to gw
        prevTripped = tripped;
      if ( lightMode == 0 ) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);
      if ( lightMode == 1 ) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, HIGH);
      if ( (tripped == 1) && ( lightMode == 2 ) )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, HIGH);
      if ( (tripped == 0) && ( lightMode == 2 ) )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);
    void receive(const MyMessage &message)
      if (message.type == V_VAR1) {
        lightMode = atoi(;

    Thanks for reading ! Next project !!!

  • Hi guys

    Could you please comment on this :

    bool tripped = digitalRead(PIN_MOTION) == HIGH;
    if ( tripped =! prevTripped ) {     //only send data when there is a change
      send(msgMotion.set(tripped ? "1" : "0")); // Send tripped value to gw
      prevTripped = tripped;

    Goal is to send update to gateway when state of PIR sensor changes
    Trouble is that node sends state of sensor every cycle and floods karaf console...
    Any clue ?
    Also can anyone explain this

    bool tripped = digitalRead(PIN_MOTION) == HIGH;

    I dont quite understand.... read, store, and compare... all at once?

    Thanks a lot for your help


  • @ben999,
    As for your last question, this line is simply converting the pin state (either HIGH or LOW) to a boolean. The right side expression evaluates to a boolean that is true when the pin is HIGH. This is assigned to the boolean variable "tripped". This makes it logically easy to use in the following IF statement.

    First question: I'm not sure why it would send every cycle. The logic of the IF statement seems correct, and since prevTripped is global, its state will be preserved between loops.

  • @ben999 Nice CNC work on the PCB.

  • @ben999 I would rewrite some of the logic in your code to shorten it up a bit. I would change this:

      if ( lightMode == 0 ) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);
      if ( lightMode == 1 ) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, HIGH);
      if ( (tripped == 1) && ( lightMode == 2 ) )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, HIGH);
      if ( (tripped == 0) && ( lightMode == 2 ) )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);

    To this:

      if ( ( (tripped == 1) && ( lightMode == 2 ) ) ||   lightMode == 1  )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, HIGH);
      if ( ( (tripped == 0) && ( lightMode == 2 ) ) ||   lightMode == 0  )  {
        digitalWrite(PIN_RELAY, LOW);

  • @dbemowsk thanks a lot 🙂 i like that!

    Do you rekon that would "speed" things up? Not that i need more speed to switch that light on but would this simplify and shorten the sketch processing time?

  • @billgoolsby thanks a lot for your comments that make more sense now 🙂

    Trouble is that if sketch remains as above it doesn't get into the if ( tripped =! prevTripped ) loop (i have put Serial.print here and there and i never get to it)
    On top of that tripped stays locked on HIGH but light is off...

    Any clue? Sketch seems fine to you?

    Thanks for your time 🙂

  • @dbemowsk said in Automatic LED light - high WAF inside 🙂:

    @ben999 Nice CNC work on the PCB.

    I have some neat little tools in my workshop:

    3x1.5m working area

    500x300mm working area

  • @ben999 OK, NO FAIR. Is the bottom one a laser cutter/engraver??

  • @dbemowsk 😄 i know i'm lucky to have all those toys handy

    This is a 2.2kW spindle... other one is 13kW in case i need more 😄

  • @ben999 .oO{ JEALOUS }Oo.

  • @ben999 just for the record... =! is wrong. Should have been !=
    Makes quite a difference 😞

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