Anyone help with 4 relays please?

  • I have a pro mini set with nrf24l01+ and a 4 relay board. GW and controller both see the set up but it is unreliable (does not always respond to state changes sent from the controller) Seems pretty random as to if it will change or not...

    I tried 2 different methods, here they are......

    1. Take the latest code from dev branch (examples/actuator/relay) and change that to make a 4 relay board work. - It does switch 'sometimes' but is not reliable enough to use...
       The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
       between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
       The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
       repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
       network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
       Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
       Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
       Full contributor list:
       Support Forum:
       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
       version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
       Version 1.0 - Henrik Ekblad
       Example sketch showing how to control physical relays.
       This example will remember relay state after power failure.
    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //#define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM95
    #define MY_NODE_ID 140
    // Enable repeater functionality for this node
    #include <MySensors.h>
    MyMessage relay_msg;
    //#define RELAY_PIN 4  // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for first relay (second on pin+1 etc)
    const int RELAY_PIN[]  {4, 5, 6, 7}; // Array for relay pins.
    #define NUMBER_OF_RELAYS 4 // Total number of attached relays
    #define RELAY_ON 0  // GPIO value to write to turn on attached relay
    #define RELAY_OFF 1 // GPIO value to write to turn off attached relay
    void before()
      for (int sensor = 1, pin = RELAY_PIN[sensor - 1]; sensor <= NUMBER_OF_RELAYS; sensor++, pin++) {
        // Then set relay pins in output mode
        pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
        // Set relay to last known state (using eeprom storage)
        //digitalWrite(pin, loadState(sensor)?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
        digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
    void setup()
    void presentation()
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo("4Relay", "1.0a");
      for (int sensor = 1, pin = RELAY_PIN[sensor - 1]; sensor <= NUMBER_OF_RELAYS; sensor++, pin++) {
        // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
        present(sensor, S_BINARY);
    void loop()
    void receive(const MyMessage & message)
      // Handle incoming relay commands
      if (message.type == V_STATUS) {
        // Change relay state
        if (RELAY_PIN[message.sensor - 1]) {
          digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN[message.sensor - 1], message.getBool() ? RELAY_ON : RELAY_OFF);
          // Store state in eeprom
          saveState(message.sensor - 1, message.getBool());
          // Write some debug info
          Serial.print("Incoming change for sensor:");
          Serial.print(", New status: ");
    void relay_msg_constructor(int sensor, uint8_t type)

    Second attempt was to look in the forums and try an update an old thread with mys 1.x code to work with 2.2.0-rc.1 - Here is that code with alarming similar results..... 😉

           The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
           between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
           The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
           repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
           network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
           Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
           Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
           Full contributor list:
           Support Forum:
           This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
           modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
           version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
           Version 1.0 - Henrik Ekblad
           Version 1.1 - HenryWhite
           Example sketch showing how to control physical relays.
           This example will remember relay state after power failure.
           Optional attachment of motion sensor to control the relays is possible.
              -- The Child-IDs of the attached relays range from 1 up to (1-(NUMBER_OF_RELAYS))
              -- Make sure to adjust the potentiometer for triggertime on your motion sensor as leftmost as possible,
                 because the countdown will not start until the motion sensor reports back a "0" (no movement)
    #include <Bounce2.h>
    //----------------------- Library Configuration ---------------------
    //#define MY_DEBUG                          // uncomment to enable debug prints to serial monitor
    //#define MY_REPEATER_FEATURE               // uncomment to enable repeater functionality for this node
    #define MY_NODE_ID 140                   // uncomment to define static node ID
    // Enable and uncomment attached radio type
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //----------------------- Relay and Motion Sensor Configuration -----------------------
    #define NUMBER_OF_RELAYS  4                                       // Total number of attached relays. Must be equal to total number of elements in array below!
    #define NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES 4                                      //Total of local manual override switches.
    const int sw[]                      =     {14, 15, 16, 17};        //switches connected to a0-a3.
    const int RELAYS[]   {4, 5, 6, 7};             // digital pins of attached relays
    int value = -1;  
    #define RELAY_ON          1                                       // GPIO value to write to turn on attached relay
    #define RELAY_OFF         0                                       // GPIO value to write to turn off attached relay
    bool ack = 1;                                                     // set this to 1 if you want destination node to send ack back to this node
    int oldValue = 0;
    bool state;
    //----------------------- DO NOT CHANGE -----------------------------
    #include <MySensors.h>
    MyMessage relay_msg;                                // Initialize relay message
    void before()
      for (int i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_RELAYS; i++)
        // set relay pins to output mode
        pinMode(RELAYS[i-1], OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(RELAYS[i-1], LOW);
        // Restore relay to last known state (using eeprom storage)
        //  digitalWrite(RELAYS[i], loadState(sensor) ? RELAY_ON : RELAY_OFF);
      for (int i = 14; i <= (NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES + 13); i++)
        pinMode(sw[i], INPUT_PULLUP);
    void setup()
    void presentation()
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo("Relay/Motion", "1.0");
      // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
      for (int i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_RELAYS; i++) {
        present(i, S_BINARY, "Relay");
    void loop()
      if (value == 0) {
        for (int i = 14; i < (NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES + 14); i++) {
          send(relay_msg.set(state ? false : true)); // Send new state and request ack back
        oldValue = value;
    void receive(const MyMessage & message)
      // Handle incoming relay commands
      if (message.type == V_STATUS) {
        // Change relay state
        if (RELAYS[message.sensor - 1]) {
          digitalWrite(RELAYS[message.sensor - 1], message.getBool() ? RELAY_ON : RELAY_OFF);
          // Store state in eeprom
          saveState(message.sensor - 1, message.getBool());
          // Write some debug info
          Serial.print("Incoming change for sensor:");
          Serial.print(", New status: ");
    void relay_msg_constructor(int sensor, uint8_t type)

    I have reached the limit of my current understanding of this and could really do with some help to get this working before I even try and add buttons for local emergency override 😉

  • Mod

    You need to monitor the logs, check if you get any NACKs on gateway and check if the node is really receiving the message. As a test I'd try to put a wait(500) at the end of loop just to see if you get any changes.

  • @gohan,

    Thanks for the idea and moral support!

    With due respect to all involved I found this thread from last year.....

    The code didn't compile at first due to a typo and then when loaded it didn't work due to deprecated sensor-type and variable-type. I updated it for compatibility with 2.2.0-rc.1 and it nearly all works.

    It compiles and loads.
    The gw and controller see it and buttons made in the controller switch the relays fine.
    The local physical buttons also toggle the relays just fine.
    But when the physical buttons are used to toggle the relays, the controller does not update the status on the screen so any changes made locally are not known by the controller.

    Here is the updated code, if anyone can see an issue in the void loop() then might be causeing this I would love to hear about it!

    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL   RF24_PA_LOW
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #define MY_NODE_ID 140
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Bounce2.h>
    #define RELAY_ON 0                      // switch around for relay HIGH/LOW state
    #define RELAY_OFF 1
    #define noRelays 4                     //2-4
    const int relayPin[] = {4,5,6,7};          //  switch around pins to your desire
    const int buttonPin[] = {A0,A1,A2,A3};      //  switch around pins to your desire
    class Relay             // relay class, store all relevant data (equivalent to struct)
      int buttonPin;                   // physical pin number of button
      int relayPin;             // physical pin number of relay
      byte oldValue;                    // last Values for key (debounce)
      boolean relayState;               // relay status (also stored in EEPROM)
    Relay Relays[noRelays]; 
    Bounce debouncer[noRelays];
    MyMessage msg[noRelays];
    void setup(){
        // Initialize Relays with corresponding buttons
        for (int i = 0; i < noRelays; i++){
        Relays[i].buttonPin = buttonPin[i];              // assign physical pins
        Relays[i].relayPin = relayPin[i];
        msg[i].sensor = i;                                   // initialize messages
        msg[i].type = V_STATUS;
        debouncer[i] = Bounce();                        // initialize debouncer
        pinMode(Relays[i].buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
        //digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, RELAY_OFF);
        pinMode(Relays[i].relayPin, OUTPUT);
        Relays[i].relayState = loadState(i);                               // retrieve last values from EEPROM
        digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, Relays[i].relayState? RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);   // and set relays accordingly
        send(msg[i].set(Relays[i].relayState? true : false));                  // make controller aware of last status  
    void presentation()  {
          sendSketchInfo("MYS-4-Relay", "0.1");
          for (int i = 0; i < noRelays; i++)
          present(i, S_BINARY);                               // present sensor to gateway
    void loop()
        for (byte i = 0; i < noRelays; i++){
        byte value = debouncer[i].read();
        if (value != Relays[i].oldValue && value==0){
        Relays[i].relayState = !Relays[i].relayState;
        digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, Relays[i].relayState?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
        send(msg[i].set(Relays[i].relayState? true : false));
        saveState( i, Relays[i].relayState );}                 // save sensor state in EEPROM (location == sensor number)
            Relays[i].oldValue = value;      
    // process incoming message 
    void receive(const MyMessage &message){        
       if (message.type == V_STATUS){ 
       if (message.sensor <noRelays){            // check if message is valid for relays..... previous line  [[[ if (message.sensor <=noRelays){ ]]]
       Relays[message.sensor].relayState = message.getBool(); 
       digitalWrite(Relays[message.sensor].relayPin, Relays[message.sensor].relayState? RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // and set relays accordingly
       saveState( message.sensor, Relays[message.sensor].relayState ); // save sensor state in EEPROM (location == sensor number)

  • If anyone is interested this now works perfectly with mycontroller, local buttons and remote buttons too.....

  • @skywatch Hi, I was trying to follow your findings as I have exactly the same issue, but unfortunately, although I basically used the same setup as you did, it still misbehaves. Sometimes is reacts immediately, 5 times in a row, and sometimes it simply does not work for 10 attempts. My 8 relay sketch is so simple that it can not be simpler. Also using the capacitor - still no effect. Other relay sketch - same code, same everything - works as expected 😞 Really no idea.

  • @skywatch said in Anyone help with 4 relays please?:

    If anyone is interested this now works perfectly with mycontroller, local buttons and remote buttons too.....

    Any modification to the above code? This could be very handy for me!

    EDIT: does each button pin correspond to a relay? So in your example A0 relates to 4?

    Or can I use the rules in MC to dynamically assign buttons to operations?

  • @petr nosek

    You can only compare the one that works with the one that doesn't and see if you can figure out what is different and causing the problems.


    Yes pins A0-A3 are button inputs for relay 1-4.
    Yes, works from mycontroller and buttons - I am re-learning all this again now as my controller sd card died and I lost a lot of settings - still it will be worth it.

  • @skywatch thanks for the answer. I did compare all and they all share teh same code. Pretty much. Some work for year or two without being touched and they are even further away from the gateway. I do think, that there is either HW problem with the arduino or the radio module. Before I touch it - which of those two determine what ID is the sensor? Is it the Radio module or arduino? I ask because when I change the one which delivers the ID, all the relays on the controller will be lost and I will have to rewrite all related dependencies etc.

    Regarding your further not on the lost configuration. I found somewhere a piece of code - a script, which does upload daily the current full database and configuration to dropbox - so in case I loose the raspberry Pi or SD card, I can restore it in a minute with the history. If you ned I can find it and send it.

  • Mod

    Node id is stored in Arduino eeprom

  • My currnet setup is running fine although there are occasional dropouts and that needs investigation.

    I added a heartbeat for the controller as the node often has no communications for hours at a time.

    I also tried to get 'ack' working with the node and gw/controller and this gave me some issues that I didn't have any time to really look into (World Cup etc....) 😉

    Hopefully I get some more time soon to look into this again.

  • Hi skywatch,
    would you be so kind and share your ack and heart beat code snippets? I tried to use the code from examples, but it seems teh heartbeat never worked as expected. Regarding the ack - I am getting constantly a message: Error: MySensors: Repeating previous command (2/2) - seems to me to be related to ack as it simply does not get acknowledgement from the node and repeats the command again. But in 99% cases the command seems to be executed fine.

  • @skywatch P.S. I have one more theory I need to prove. Based on another discussion where my sauna control display fails to display properly after several relay switch on and off which according to many users is caused by the use of common power source for arduino/LCD and the relays which create short but noticeable power peaks. So I will try to power my 8 node relay board from a independent power source from the power used for arduino... A little chance, but worth testing.

  • @petr-nosek

    See below for the current code I run for my 4 relay test node.....

    #define MY_DEBUG
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL   RF24_PA_HIGH
    #define MY_NODE_ID 140
    #define MY_RF24_CHANNEL (97)
    #define MY_PARENT_NODE_ID 0
    //#define MY_SIGNING_ATSHA204
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Bounce2.h>
    #define RELAY_ON 1                      // switch around for relay HIGH/LOW state
    #define RELAY_OFF 0
    unsigned long HEARTBEAT_TIME = 60000*10; //every 10 mins.
    unsigned long last_heartbeat_time = 0;
    #define noRelays 4                     //2-4
    const int relayPin[] = {4,5,6,7};          //  switch around pins to your desire
    const int buttonPin[] = {A0,A1,A2,A3};      //  switch around pins to your desire
    class Relay             // relay class, store all relevant data (equivalent to struct)
      int buttonPin;                   // physical pin number of button
      int relayPin;             // physical pin number of relay
      byte oldValue;                    // last Values for key (debounce)
      boolean relayState;               // relay status (also stored in EEPROM)
    Relay Relays[noRelays]; 
    Bounce debouncer[noRelays];
    MyMessage msg[noRelays];
    void setup(){
        // Initialize Relays with corresponding buttons
        for (int i = 0; i < noRelays; i++){
        Relays[i].buttonPin = buttonPin[i];              // assign physical pins
        Relays[i].relayPin = relayPin[i];
        msg[i].sensor = i;                                   // initialize messages
        msg[i].type = V_STATUS;
        debouncer[i] = Bounce();                        // initialize debouncer
        pinMode(Relays[i].buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
        digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, RELAY_OFF);
        pinMode(Relays[i].relayPin, OUTPUT);
        Relays[i].relayState = loadState(i);                               // retrieve last values from EEPROM
        digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, Relays[i].relayState? RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);   // and set relays accordingly
        send(msg[i].set(Relays[i].relayState? true : false),true);                  // make controller aware of last status  
    void presentation()  {
          sendSketchInfo("MYS-4-Relay", "0.2");
          present(0, S_BINARY,"Relay 1"); 
          present(1, S_BINARY,"Relay 2");    
          present(2, S_BINARY,"Relay 3");    
          present(3, S_BINARY,"Relay 4");    
    void loop()
        // Send heartbeat 
        if ((millis() - last_heartbeat_time) > HEARTBEAT_TIME) {
        last_heartbeat_time = millis();
      #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        Serial.println("Sent heartbeat");
        for (byte i = 0; i < noRelays; i++){
        byte value = debouncer[i].read();
        if (value != Relays[i].oldValue && value==0){
        Relays[i].relayState = !Relays[i].relayState;
        digitalWrite(Relays[i].relayPin, Relays[i].relayState?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
        send(msg[i].set(Relays[i].relayState? true : false),true);
        saveState( i, Relays[i].relayState );}                 // save sensor state in EEPROM (location == sensor number)
        Relays[i].oldValue = value;
    // process incoming message 
    void receive(const MyMessage &message){        
       if (message.type == V_STATUS){ 
       if (message.sensor < noRelays){            // check if message is valid for relays..... previous line  [[[ if (message.sensor <=noRelays){ ]]]
       Relays[message.sensor].relayState = message.getBool(); 
       digitalWrite(Relays[message.sensor].relayPin, Relays[message.sensor].relayState? RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // and set relays accordingly
       saveState( message.sensor, Relays[message.sensor].relayState ); // save sensor state in EEPROM (location == sensor number)

    This includes my latest attempt at heartbeat and ack. Heartbeat works fine, but ack is still a problem with mycontroller.
    I can't risk using it until ack and signing are implemented and fully reliable as it will be controlling mains devices and that needs to be done securely.

    As for your sauna problem don't forget to connect the grounds between power supplies. You could try adding a 0.1uF capacitor across the 5v supply along with a nice big 220uF 6.3V or higher electrolytic. That might help with spikes or momentary sags in the voltage caused by current rush.

  • Mod

    If you want complete isolation between relays and arduino you don't need to share common ground if your relays have optocouplers.

  • @gohan, Good point! 🙂

  • Good day everyone,
    in case someone faces the same issues I did:

    • controlling multiple relays from one arduino and sharing the same power (powering relay board from Arduino
    • controlling relay which switches high loads circuit causing connected LCD to show garbage and again powering the relay from Arduino...

    ...the solution proposed above is the only one which helps - provide separated power supply for the relay boards. Once this is done with an extra little bucket power source for 5V (3W) all the issues with relays not working, domoticz not switching relays, LCD going crazy - all solved. I should have done this long before.

    Thanks everyone!

    P.S. For those, who still do not follow, the relay boards for Arduino contain extra jumper connecting VCC and JD-VCC (plus sometimes extra GND pin). So remove the jumper and connect the standalone, not common sharing 5V power source to this extra JD-VCC and GND (or GND near the IN1 pin) and disconnect the GND from Arduino and then you have a full optosiolation and then there are no interferences and other garbage breaking the Arduino functionality by switching relays coils. (also explained here:

  • If this really solves the problem...would have saved me a lot of headaches. Got rid of all my relay nodes in the meantime.

  • @parachutesj I do say it does. I have about 50 nodes in my house, 15 relays or so, temperature sensors and some others. All the relays i power now with standalone little china made 5V, 3W adapters and as I sit now in my house I do switch on and off lights, turn on gate, control pumps in greenhouse, all works on the first tap. I am finally happy with my mysensors equipped domoticz, first after 2 years. It took my so long to just give it a try.

  • @petr-nosek my problem was maily unrealiability. They worked for minutes or weeks and then stopped (or anything in between).
    All other nodes work flawless.
    Maybe give it a try at next project

  • Mod

    have you been using watchdogs on your sketches?

  • @gohan I have tried all kinds of things. I believe that the fact that I used watchdogs which checked the MySensors nodes every 8 seconds (or less) helped me to recover from relay failures so the nodes appeared to be functional, but only randomly. In real life it looked good when I started them. did several turn on and off and it worked. In 2-3 minutes I did try again, it worked for 2 out of 4 attempts and then it stopped responding. In another 20-30 seconds I did try again and then again it appeared to work - I believe it was thanks to the watchdogs recovering the frozen node after the relay peak caused them to stop working. But only a theory, I have no deeper knowledge to prove this.

  • Mod

    if node restarts you should see it in the logs of the gateway or the controller

  • @gohan Hmm, then I dare to say I have never seen such entry. I could see in the past (before I added second power supply for relay boards) many information about repeating last command and lately issues with sending gmail notifications (caused by securing gmail account) but I do not recall seeing an information about node restart and by that I mean even manual restarts I did by unplugging the node. But I guess you refer to watchdog driven from the controller - Domoticz Gateway. I was perhaps answering on another "watchdog" - a internal Arduino node code which monitors the Arduino internally and checks whether it is running and if not, then it restarts itself. I cant imagine a remote restart of a node which is not responding to commands, how could it react on a remote restart? I suppose it can work just in case the arduino works, only the node itself is somehow not reporting data or so, right?

  • Mod

    I was referring to the internal Arduino watchdog

  • @gohan OK, then this one I never saw in logs doing anything, or it perhaps actually never worked for me 🙂

  • I Know this is quite an old topic now but mine is working quite stable (for at least one day)
    I noticed the sketch has
    #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_HIGH
    If you are too close to the gateway or using a capacitor across the 3v rail on the NRF24L01 and switching quickly you really have no chance of it being stable. (or any of one these 3 things)
    I have mine set to:-
    #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL (RF24_PA_MIN)
    and using a 5v to 3v NRF plugin module, search ebay for 'NRF24L01 Wireless RF Transceiver Socket Adapter Board 3.3v'

  • come back in a year and let us know 🙂

    Well, I have only two single relay nodes left in my setup (lamps). They work good without issues, but need to mention that those are solid state.

  • Ah ok, good to know. I also spoke too soon....
    Today they were unstable, I noticed that some of the on /off commands were not being recieved (small LED flash on the arduino) looked at the logs on domoricz they were fine, however the serial monitor on the arduino node confirmed they weren't always being seen.
    Have changed the mysensors libraries on the node to be the same as the usb gateway and its all stable again.
    next action will be to monitor the logs on the gateway, node and domoticz at the same time

    I have one of those blue 4 relay units from ebay, the jumper has been removed so only the LED lights when i activate the channel.

  • I tried so much and never reproduced it. had a test setup with a 4 and 8–way relay switching every couple of seconds something. Guess what: after 10 days I gave up because it worked flawless. But then again under load it failed.
    But everything except relays work very reliable.

  • I tell you guys, I have about 10 nodes at home with relays, some switching lights, some doors, some 12 motors. All I had to do was to provide separate source to the relay from the source to the arduino. Since then, last 2 years I get 98% reliability.

  • With relays involved that usually means switching of higher current devices so I suggest that whether or not you use separate power supplies that you add capacitors everywhere.
    Capacitors on the pro-mini or whatever device, the 5V/3.3V power supply and across the power input to the relay board.

    You will need to add more than one capacitor at each point. I suggest a good ceramic or electrolytic of 100uF or more for a little reserve and 10n or 100n (better both) to remove 'glitches' from the power lines. (All capacitors should be in parallel across the +/- DC terminals).

    If you have access to an oscilliscope then it will be a great help in tracking this down. But switching of high powered loads or inductive loads can send emf pulses that get picked up by the wiring in your project, hence the need to add caps on all boards.

    As soon as (or if) my gateway/controller combo becomes stable enough I will proceed with this sort of work and will share any findings with you all. But the above should help and is good practice to follow as the boards from China will only have the bare minimum components they need to work.

  • @skywatch, thanks for the reply. I read about using capacitaators, but never in such a complex and straightforward way. I can surely try it as well and switch back to one power supply and see "the difference".
    I look forward your tests and findings, if you can post them here. Is there any "formula" to calculate the capacitor values - when you say 100 uF or more - what can you propose as more and what is already too much?
    Also when you say "good ceramic or electrolytic" - what do you refer to as "good"?
    Basically if I read you well, it is the same as having the capacitors on NRF24 radio on + and GND to avoid issues with signal glitches?
    Thanks again to take time to reply here. Really appreciate this kind of feedback!

  • @petr-nosek said in Anyone help with 4 relays please?:

    Is there any "formula" to calculate the capacitor values - when you say 100 uF or more - what can you propose as more and what is already too much?

    This can be trial and error as there is no critical value to calculate. Just make sure that you use the next available voltage above what you are using for power (i.e. 6.3V capacitor for 5V power supply ).... I think that once you get above 1000uF it will be dimishing returns and increasing cost/size as well.

    Also when you say "good ceramic or electrolytic" - what do you refer to as "good"?

    From a reputable electronics supplier like digikey, mouser, rs components, element14 etc - but preferably NOT from ebay, aliexpress etc.

    Basically if I read you well, it is the same as having the capacitors on NRF24 radio on + and GND to avoid issues with signal glitches?
    Thanks again to take time to reply here. Really appreciate this kind of feedback!

    Yes. The smaller capacitors will reduce any spike or impluse noise in the cables and the larger capacitor will act like a resevoir to give a little boost when needed as well as smoothing out any ripple from the DC power supply.

    And speaking of which, get a really good power supply (again from a reputable seller). It may cost 2-3 times of the online junk, but you will have a good quality certified power supply that is safe to use.

  • @petr-nosek
    sure with the 2nd power supply it looks different. However mine were all in-wall and there is just not enough space for this.

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