@Yveaux I have 34 of 80k RAM used for this sketch, so 128 bytes looks like "a bit more".
You can not use progmem with ESP and mysensors now because PSTR redefined as PSTR(x) (x) so all strings are really in RAM
You can put 100uf on each even 200uf would not be able to handle only one tx, so..
but you need them at least for coin cells.
you would need more capa to handle tx..but the more capa the more time they take for recharging, and the recharging if big, increase internal res of the coin cell and that's not so good too; to prevent this that would need a current resistor limiter..etc a whole balance!
On mine for instance, I have 100uF for coincell, 100uF for PIR and 86uf on radio. Fresh varta coincell 3.02V, after multiple presentation tx 2.85V if I remember, not so bad. but that's an homemade pcb.
Another notes, it's better to use ceramic capacitor (because of leakage, if you want to optimize), and better smd, but that's not your case I think.