Hello everyone,
(this is my point of view, highlighting MySensor pro's)
I recently started with home automation, even though I have been tinkering with Arduino, STM32, etc for a while.
(As many have said) I am also one that do not like the unknown software running in a device connected to WiFi (MySensor Pro's). I also don't like to depend too much in companies that decide to discontinue a device (MySensor Pro's).
I considered the use of MySensor but in the end I went the Zigbee route using Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA under Home Assistant. After a while, I fully migrated to Z2M.
Currently, I am designing devices based on the ESP8266/ESP32 family, which I control (MySensor Pro's).
Why didn't I chose MySensors?
Like ZHA, it required another bridge and a separate "network". I want to reach every corner of the house, so the more devices are on the same mesh, the better.
In my perfect imaginary world, MySensors runs along ZigBee, talks to Z2M, and plays nicely with commercial options. (I know it is a lot of work).
Remember, I started last year, when there were other options. If I tried to do HA a few years before, I am pretty sure MySensors would have been my choice. I still have the nRF24 little modems around from when I was looking to the right solution.
MySensors developed a fully functional alternative to ZigBee, but Zigbee was standardized and gained traction.
Thank you for your work.