Yea from my calculations i would need to change batteries about once a month.
And with the amount of sun here in sweden i don't think solar charger would help much sadly.
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RE: Parking Sensor
RE: Parking Sensor
Even if it's only active for about 3-4minutes per day?
The problem is i got no way of getting power to where i want to place it.
And also if i did it would have to be something like 230V to usb adapter.
And plugging one of those in outside seems like a fire hazzard (even indoors they are known to start fires).What if i hook it up to a small solar panel to charge the batteries?
Otherwise i guess i'll just have to stick with the old tennisball on a string method
RE: Parking Sensor
This is looking great!
But i'm not seeing any "sleeping" is there anyway to have this using the external interrupts on the arduino so it can be running on battery?
( sorry if i'm mistaken, i'm new to arduino)
Own controller
i am building my own HomeAutomation system with nodejs where i will controll zwave(using razberry api) 433mhz with tellstick connected to the pi.
and now i'm also looking to implement mySensors.. so i am woundering how / if i can use mysensors with my node projekt ether directly or over mqtt ( running mosquitto broker on the raspberry ).Basicly... is a controller like vera for example needed or?
If anyone got any tips or ideas id love to hear them!