@Sparkman ok i think its starting to sink in thanks for your help..
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RE: I'm new so please forgive my ignorance. HELP
RE: I'm new so please forgive my ignorance. HELP
@Sparkman ok i have another arduino what sketch do you recommend i use on it?
RE: I'm new so please forgive my ignorance. HELP
@Sparkman I think i was supposed to use the reply. Sorry. so for this to work i wound need to purchase some sort of controller like a "middle man"
RE: I'm new so please forgive my ignorance. HELP
OK thank you for replying. so for this to work i wound need to purchase some sort of controller like a "middle man"
I'm new so please forgive my ignorance. HELP
I have 2 arduinos with nrf24l01+ radios attached to each arduino. I uploaded the "relay with button" sketches onto each arduino. on arduino1 I have wired a momentary on button to pin 3 through switch to ground. on arduino2 I have a relay attached to pin 4. I have made no changes to code and everything is wired correctly. whenever i push the button on arduino1 the state of arduino2 pin 4 never changes. Am i missing something here? Thank you in advance.