Hi everyone,
I'm now in the situation that I want to go life with my little MCU board. But I want to sell these shiny little pieces as I spent almost a year of my spare time on it. And yes, it is still a hobby for me... but who knows where it will go
So, my question is... is here someone who has experiences in producing and selling small batches?
I encounter these challenges so far:
- time, as I will become father
- USB ID for the bootloader (5000$)
- the manufacturing
- selling to many different countries
- legal aspects (like EMF, etc.)
I think the last point is the biggest one which is also the most ignored one !? Even if you don't sell the board with the RF module soldered on, you will not get an exception from the FCC for instance because of the MCU on it...
And as I see, there are some ways to go..
- manually manufacturing (but this is quiet hard for about more than 5 or 10 pieces)
- self made pick and place (still a lot of work and mony - but would be funny)
- manufacturing in China (I think Europe is too expensive - or does someone know a good service?)
- manufacturing and selling in China (like the Seeed propagation)
I'm also quiet interested in the openhardware.io ... but it does not solve the legal situation. Why do you choose PCBWay?
And where and how do I have to get certifications regarding EMF? How much work would that be and how much would it cost? Which countries do I have to bear in mind?
Who has experiences with manufacturing in China? Which one has the best service? (I need all standard pcb colors and 6mil traces/clearance) What does OEM, ODM mean at Seeed propagation? Who is responsible for the sold product? What do you get for a sold piece? I do have non standard components.. do they buy them for me or would this be too expensive?
Many many questions, maybe someone could answer some of them.. or where I can find them. But I have the feeling that I'm not the only one here
And to tell the truth, it is a SAML MCU Most of my time went into the Arduino compatibility...