I'm building a sensor for monitoring the pellet consumtion in the burner that heats my house.
I put a TCRT5000 IR detector on the burner to count the teeth on the drive sprocket for the primary screw. It feeds pulses directly into an arduino nano that also monitors a few DS18B20 and my electricity meter. The arduino acts as the gateway of my sensor network and is connected via USB to a PC with domoticz running.
Is there a simple way to make domoticz recognize my pellet burner pulses and present them in a way similar to the energy meter or gas meter panels that are available.
Doesn't seem like a lot of people do this kind of thing for some reason.. Or at least they don't discuss it online..
(Yes, as soon as some packages with more arduinos and radios arrive from china I will make it a wireless network, but for now a wired one will have to do.