I have been playing around with these Fl5150 with success. I've been using the DAC on ESP32 and an Op Amp and I can dim it up and down with an arduino sketch and also with home assistant via ESPhome. It's a work in progress at the moment but here is the Schematic https://easyeda.com/james_6977/fl5150-dimming-with-dac
I intend on improving it to a more usable and safer point. In this version only 1 dimmer will work properly(it works good though, will turn off and you have good control over the level) if you try and use both there is some interference that makes them both not work properly.
I've ordered a I2C DAC which would need a Op amp as it can sink to ground unlike the ESP32 DAC (I think??) and a I2C digital isolator so that I can try separating the 240v from the MCU and then 1 x MCU could potential control a number of dimmers, in my case 4 inside a control box I've made up.
The Dual Op amp in this board I've made up, sinks the current that the FL5150 puts out of the DIM control pin to ground and ensures that the voltage at the DIM control pin remains at what ever the ESP32 DAC is producing on GPIO 26 and feeding into the OPamp non-inverting input.