By using built-in PWM you are limited to 3 outputs (3, 5 and 6), as pins 9, 10 and 11 are being used to connect to nRF radio).
To read the rotaries you need at least two pins for each ( = "2-bit gray code"). Most rotaries have a 3rd microswitch, and work as a push-button as well, so a extra pin will allow you to have a on-off switch by pushing (instead turning) the rotary .
Below is my sketch with 3 dimmers (using timers). If you implement timers, you can use any pin. (and it also works with AC-Triacs --- Be careful!!!) . If you are dimming AC bulbs, you need to adjust the 'freqStep' variable according to the AC frequency of your region.
int freqStep = 84; // Microseconds of each tic = 1s / 60Hz * 100 steps
I also recommend a 16Mhz Arduino, so you have enough speed to achieve good fade effects in all 3 channels while not missing any radio message.
Dimmer 1 & 2 can be controlled by rotaries connected on (A3,A4) and (A5,A6). I also use A0 and A1 to immediate on/off by pushing each rotary. Dimmer 3 can only be increased/decreased via Incoming message (although it has a local on/off switch on pin A2).
Hope it helps!
* 3x Bulb/Led dimmer
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <MySensor.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <IRLib.h>
#define SN "theDimmer"
#define SV "1.3"
// Version history
// 1.2 4-Apr-15: Include "fade to level" logic
// 1.3 11-Apr-15: Changed A0-A6 input pins order; code cleanup
// MySensor gateway, dimmer & light messages
MySensor gw;
MyMessage msg1[3];
MyMessage msg2[3];
// Infrared Send module
IRsend irsend;
// Warning message
MyMessage var1( 0 , V_VAR1);
volatile boolean AC_found = false;
// Dim Level
int level[3] ; // Current dim level on OUTPUT pins (0 to 100)
int level_gw[3]; // Current dim level at Controller
int level_tg[3]; // Current dim level (target)
float gap;
// Output pins (to Triacs / MOSFETs)
int out_pin[3] = { 5, 6, 7 }; // Output PINS
// Input: local rotary encoders (only 2) - 2-bit gray code
int a,b,oldA[2],oldB[2];
int rotary[2][2] = { { A3 , A4 } , { A5, A6 } }; // INPUT PINS
// Input: local switches
boolean newSw, oldSw[3];
long lastSw[3];
int sw[3] = { A0, A1, A2 }; // INPUT PINS
// Infrared Emiiter Pin
#define IR_PIN 3
unsigned long raw[400]; // raw sequence of IR codes
// Clock ticker (100 tics = 1 AC wave cycle = 1s / 120Hz = 8333 milisecs
volatile int counter = 100; // Timer tick counter
int freqStep = 84; // Microseconds of each tic = 1s / 60Hz * 100 steps
volatile boolean zero_cross = false; // Zero-cross flag
int zero_cross_pin = 2; // Input PIN for zero-cross detection
volatile int int_ct = 0 ;
// Idle counter (for gw update);
boolean idle;
int idle_ct;
void setup() {
// Serial init
// Start radio Controller
gw.begin( incomingMessage );
gw.sendSketchInfo( SN, SV );
// IR output available?
pinMode( IR_PIN, INPUT );
if ( digitalRead( IR_PIN ) == LOW ) {
pinMode( IR_PIN , OUTPUT );
gw.present( 4 , S_IR );
Serial.println("IR init");
// Setup IN/OUT pins
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
// levels / step
level[i] = 0;
// Create return messages
msg1[i] = MyMessage( i , V_DIMMER ) ;
msg2[i] = MyMessage( i , V_LIGHT ) ;
// Rotary Encoders
if ( i < 2) {
pinMode( rotary[i][0] , INPUT_PULLUP );
pinMode( rotary[i][1] , INPUT_PULLUP );
oldA[i] = digitalRead( rotary[i][0] );
oldB[i] = digitalRead( rotary[i][1] );
// Input Switches/PBs
pinMode( sw[i] , INPUT_PULLUP );
oldSw[i] = digitalRead( sw[i] );
lastSw[i] = millis();
// Triac/MOSFET out
pinMode( out_pin[i], INPUT );
if ( digitalRead( out_pin[i] ) == LOW ) {
pinMode( out_pin[i] , OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( out_pin[i], LOW );
// Register Dimmable Lights with the gateway
gw.present( i, S_DIMMER );
// Fetchs previous state from controller
gw.request( i , V_DIMMER );
Serial.print("Dimmer init CH ");
Serial.println( i );
// Zero-cross detection on Pin 2
pinMode( zero_cross_pin , INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt( 0, zero_cross_detect, RISING );
// Clock ticker
Timer1.attachInterrupt( dim_check , freqStep );
// Zero-cross
void zero_cross_detect() {
zero_cross = true;
AC_found = true;
counter = 100;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) digitalWrite( out_pin[i], LOW ) ;
// Timer Ticker - check
void dim_check() {
int j = 0;
if ( zero_cross == true ) {
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
if ( counter <= level[i] ) {
digitalWrite( out_pin[i] , HIGH );
// If all 3 output fires, avoid further checks...
if ( j == 3) zero_cross = false;
// Tic-tac...
// No zero-cross circuit? As contingency, emulate it based on timer
// (Should work at least for PWM led running by MOSFET )
if ( counter == 0 ) {
zero_cross = true;
counter = 100;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) digitalWrite( out_pin[i], LOW ) ;
void loop() {
// Automation controller
// Idle flag
idle = true;
// gap step calculation
gap = 0.0;
// Smooth transition to target level
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
if ( level[i] != level_tg[i] ) {
gap = ( ( level_tg[i] - level[i] ) / 25.0 );
if ( gap > 0.0 && gap < 1.0 ) gap = 1.0 ;
if ( gap < 0.0 && gap > -1.0 ) gap = -1.0;
level[i] += gap;
// Small delay to produce the fade effect
if ( gap != 0 ) delay(27); // Aprox. .7s (=700/25) of ramp up/down
// Read the Rotary Encoders
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
// Read current state
a = digitalRead( rotary[i][0] );
b = digitalRead( rotary[i][1] );
// Any change?
if ( a != oldA[i] || b != oldB[i] ) {
idle = false;
idle_ct = 0;
if ( oldA[i] == LOW && oldB[i] == LOW ) {
a == HIGH ? level[i]-=8 : level[i]+=8 ;
if ( level_tg[i] > 100 ) level_tg[i] = 100;
if ( level_tg[i] < 0 ) level_tg[i] = 0;
// Save to use later...
oldA[i] = a;
oldB[i] = b;
// Read local Push button
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
// Check SWs
newSw = digitalRead( sw[i] );
// Any change?
if ( newSw != oldSw[i] ) {
// Not idle anymore...
idle = false;
idle_ct = 0;
// Minimum push to swap state
if ( millis() - lastSw[i] > 500 ) {
level_tg[i] > 0 ? level_tg[i] = 0 : level_tg[i] = 100;
// Save to use later...
oldSw[i] = newSw;
lastSw[i] = millis();
if (idle) {
if ( ++idle_ct > 15000 ) { // (about 1s)
// Check for not-updated levels on GW-controller
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
// Update Level in GW-controller
if ( level_gw[i] != level[i] ) {
// update GW-controller
// Send new state and request ack back
gw.send( msg1[i].set( level[i] ) );
gw.send( msg2[i].set( level[i] > 0 ? true : false ) );
level_gw[i] = level[i];
// Warning message for no zero-cross detected
if ( !AC_found ) {
gw.send( var1.set( "No AC?") ) ;
AC_found = true ;
// Reset idle counter
idle_ct = 0;
void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
// ACK
if (message.isAck()) {
// Nothing to do, just ACK from Gateway
//irsend.send(NEC, 0x1EE17887, 32); // Vol up yamaha ysp-900
// irsend.send(NEC, 0x1EE1F807, 32); // Vol down yamaha ysp-900
else {
// IR Output
if ( message.type == V_IR_SEND )
// TO DO
// Light/Dimmer messages
if ( message.type == V_LIGHT || message.type == V_DIMMER )
// Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
int requestedLevel = atoi( );
// Channel
int i = message.sensor;
// Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
requestedLevel *= ( message.type == V_LIGHT ? 100 : 1 );
// Clip incoming level to valid range of 0 to 100
requestedLevel = requestedLevel > 100 ? 100 : requestedLevel;
requestedLevel = requestedLevel < 0 ? 0 : requestedLevel;
// Set new level
level_tg[i] = requestedLevel;
level_gw[i] = requestedLevel;