The min temperature has dropped significantly since using sleep(), but still the lowest I have seen is 22.8°C, when the other sensor in the room (The central heating thermostat that speaks OpenTherm) was showing a bigger variance.
My sensors are running on the 3.3v the Arduino puts out, so no extra regulators putting out heat (ie other than the one on the Arduino board).
I designed openings and stand-offs in the lid of the enclosure for the sensors, and the rf-nano sits at the bottom of the enclosure, but atm they share the same single chamber... Thinking of drilling a few venting holes near the rf-nano to let warm air out and cool air in...
IIRC am not oversampling, just doing timed single samples, but I'd have to check that.
It's currently sampling once every 10s because the enclosure also has a BH1750 lux sensor I want to sample more frequently, and they obviously run in the same sketch...