Running Armbian desktop image, followed Ubuntu easy way to install ZM, really don't recall any gotcha's.
Runs without problem, never had to do a ZM restart because of ZM stopping unlike the TinkerOS
Running Armbian desktop image, followed Ubuntu easy way to install ZM, really don't recall any gotcha's.
Runs without problem, never had to do a ZM restart because of ZM stopping unlike the TinkerOS
Tinkerboard primarily running Zoneminder server and Vino vnc server, (no monitor attached) 4 - 5 watts on my Kill A Watt meter
I have been playing with Zoneminder for about 3 week on the Tinker Board
First I set it up with Debian TinkerOS but Zoneminder would stop running after a few hours.
Switched to Armbian (desktop) replaced XFCE with LXQT
First off, I didn't have the monitor resolution problems that seems a lot of people have including myself have with TinkerOS during and after boot
Armbian has been running well and have not had to restart Zoneminder , as far as performance I have one WIFI camera working at 7.5fps. play back does skip frames but that could be my configuration of ZM. but really have nothing to compare it too.