I want to convert DS18B20( [link removed by moderator]: )
temperature (4-bytes code from datasheet) to string with accuracy 0.1°C (like sprintf %.1f). AVR. C language (avr-gcc). I need for small code, so sprintf, floating-point types and round from math.h is bad idea. My following current code is bad also:
void reverse_string(char *s)
char *p, c;
for (p = s + strlen(s) - 1; s <= p; ++s, --p) {
c = *p;
*p = *s;
*s = c;
void ts_to_string(uint16_t ts, char *s)
int8_t n = (int8_t)(ts >> 4);
uint8_t neg = n & 0x80;
char *p = s;
float f;
if (neg)
n = -n-1;
do {
*p++ = n % 10 + '0';
} while ((n /= 10) > 0);
if (neg)
*p++ = '-';
*p = '\0';
*p++ = '.';
f = (float)(ts & 0xf) / 16.0;
if (neg)
f = 1.0-f;
*p++ = (char)round(f * 10.0) + '0';
*p = '\0';