I have been working on a project that will integrate a wide range of sensors into a nice surface mount package for the ATMega328p-au (Arduino chip). I am currently waiting on these boards from OSH Park so they are untested at the moment. I will post an update once it has been tested.
Board layout:
3-Pin Headers: Each of the 3 pin headers are attached to VCC and Ground with I/O pin in the middle. RELAY = D6, FLOW = D5, A_TEMP = D4, W_TEMP = D3, PRESSURE = A0
4-Pin Headers: Most of the 4 pin headers are for I2C devices and go VCC - SCL - SDA - GND. The exception is TTL which is VCC - RX - TX - GND.
Programer header: Top to bottom >> GND - NC - VCC - TX - RX - DTR
L1-L3 are WS2812B addressable RGB LED's.
The board was designed in eagleCAD if anyone was interested in the sch or brd files.
Link to OSH Park: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/IVovQwgz
![Alt text][1]
[1]: https://644db4de3505c40a0444-327723bce298e3ff5813fb42baeefbaa.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/uploads/project/top_image/IVovQwgz/i.png "SMD Sensor Board"