I'm planning to use the BME280 in my sensor projects. Going through the information I see that I have to present the node to the controller as a specific device. I see options for each individual sensor category that this unit falls into, but I'm unsure of how to present it as all three (barometer, hygrometer and temperature). Should I just use the generic S_CUSTOM in the present or should I give it one of the sensors like S_TEMP and just message the extra data anyway? Is it possible to present a node as more than one thing? Maybe I'm over thinking it. Thoughts?
Posts made by naviathan
BME280 Sensor Presentation
RE: Issues with setting up my Arduino Nano SerialGateway
This isn't working at all. First, yes you have fake chips, I have the same ones, but they work with the RF24 library just fine so far. Second, the payload should be either the current microseconds or a steadily incrementing number. The payload you're getting is the result of either bad power or incorrect pin out to your controller, usually the CE and CSN are wrong.
Attiny85 + NRF24L01+ using 3 pins
I searched the forums, but the number of non-relevant results were a bit much to wade through. I'm looking to setup a sensor network for my home HVAC using ATTiny85s and NRF24L01+ radios. MySensors library seems like a logical choice just from a high level view, but I don't know if this library supports the 3 pin configuration for the NRF24L01+ as seen here: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/arjun/nrf24l01-with-attiny85-3-pins-74a1f2
Any information is greatly appreciated.