Ok, 2 questions:
What's the matter with this Contributor License Agreement? Why is it needed at all? Then in plain words, what the heck do you want from people with it? Because my plain words are: section 2.1a explicitly says that copyright for the contributed code remains with the contributor - and it's usually the copyright assignment is why CLA are put forth at all. Yet section 2.1b says that contributor gives you a license and right to sublicense the code - without naming the license concretely. That sounds as if you ask to give you right to put the code under any license, besides the one under which it is released by contributor. But that's madness. If someone releases code under GPL, and you accept it, you're bound by that GPL.
What's the matter with including non Open Source code into the project? Because is CC-NC (non-commercial) is not an Open Source license, because no Open Source license puts limitation on the use of the software (like "only for non-commercial use"). If you include non Open Source code in your project, then your entire project is not Open Source.
So, would be nice to get answers to these licensing questions. Thanks.